Leggett Announces Plans to Have BRT Operating in County Within Four Years
On March 2, Montgomery County Executive Ike Leggett outlined his plan to significantly improve transit options in the County and launch BRT service on US 29 within the next four years. Read more.
Jewish Council for the Aging to Present Awards to MCDOT’s Sam Oji and Jeff Dunckel
On March 11, Montgomery County Department of Transportation (MCDOT) staff Sam Oji and Jeff Dunckel will be recognized by the Jewish Council on Aging (JCA) for their work in improving transportation options in Montgomery County for seniors and persons with disabilities. Read more.
Montgomery County Executive Ike Leggett to be Keynote Speaker at the Transforming Communities Trash-Free Summit
On March 22, Montgomery County Executive Ike Leggett will be a keynote lunch speaker at the Transforming Communities Trash-Free Solutions for Healthy Lives, Clean Land, Safe Water Summit sponsored by the Alice Ferguson Foundation. The summit will be held from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the University of Maryland College Park’s Riggs Alumni Center. Read more.

Ride On Holds Customer Appreciation Day at the Medical Center Metrorail Station
Staff from the Montgomery County Department of Transportation’s (MCDOT) Commuter Services section distributed transit maps and reusable bags to customers in appreciation of their commitment to alternative transportation options.

MCDOT’s Division of Transportation Engineering Expects to Finish Installing Sidewalk along Needwood Road this Summer
The Montgomery County Department of Transportation's (MCDOT) Division of Transportation Engineering is installing pervious concrete sidewalk along Needwood Road. The project to enhance pedestrian and bicycle safety in Rockville should be completed this summer. Read more.

Nominations Sought for 2016 Golden Shovel Awards
County Council President Nancy Floreen is calling for nominations for this year's SAFE (Sidewalks Are For Everyone) Golden Shovel awards to recognize residents who went above and beyond in helping clear ice and snow from sidewalks. Nominees must be County residents and recommended by another person. The awards will be presented at a County Council session in Rockville on Tuesday, April 19. Read more.

The Division of Highway Services Hosts Delegation from Cheongju City, South Korea
The Division of Highway Services hosted a delegation of their counterparts from Cheongju City, South Korea to discuss snow removal tactics and emergency operations. International groups from all across the globe have visited MCDOT’s world class facilities to learn more about the County's transportation system.
Community Workshops Planned in March on Plans for Areas Near the MARC Rail Train Stations in Boyds and Germantown
The Montgomery County Planning Department will be holding workshops to obtain community input on future plans for the areas around the Boyds and Germantown MARC train stations. Read more.

Ride On Routes 34 and 70 are Detoured Due to Construction on Woodmont Avenue
A construction project along Woodmont Avenue has required Ride On to change the location of two bus stops – one northbound and one southbound -- serving Ride On routes 34 and 70. The southbound bus stop near the intersection near Woodmont Avenue and Battery Lane was moved to Battery Lane. The northbound stop on Woodmont Avenue near Battery Lane was also moved to Battery Lane. These changes will be in effect until September 2017.