Monday, October 5, 2015

MCDOT’s Safe Routes to School Coordinator Participates in International Panel; Wins Two Grants

MCDOT's Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Coordinator Nadji Kirby was part of an international panel on Bike Safety at the Safe Kids Worldwide Conference held at National Harbor this summer.  Her presentation focused on Montgomery County’s Safe Routes to School bike safety education program and how various partnerships have been instrumental to its success. 

As SRTS Coordinator, Kirby collaborates with other County departments, Montgomery County Public Schools, PTA’s, student groups, and non-profits to develop, promote, and implement pedestrian and bicycle safety education and encouragement programs. She also serves as Co-Coordinator for Safe Kids Montgomery County. 

The County’s SRTS program also won two grants through Safe Kids to support this year’s Walk to School Day and Halloween Safety activities. 

Safe Kids Worldwide is a global organization dedicated to preventing injuries in children. Read more about Safe Kids Worldwide