MCDOT Responds to “Snowzilla” January 2016
The snowstorm of January 22 was record-setting, dumping between 22 and 38 inches of snow on Montgomery County. According to the National Weather Service, Potomac received the third highest snowfall on the East Coast with 38.5 inches recorded. See what MCDOT did to keep you moving.

Leggett Announces Six-Year Capital Construction Budget; Focus on Education, Job & Business Creation, Affordable Housing, Transit, Road Maintenance
Montgomery County Executive Ike Leggett released his recommended $4.4 billion FY17 Capital Budget and six-year FY17-22 Capital Improvements Program (CIP) on January 15. The plan includes $192 million in funding for Purple Line-related projects – including a maximum $40 million County contribution to the State for the Purple Line, and $181 million for road maintenance. Read more.
Become an Exhibitor at the April 30 Montgomery County Greenfest
The 2nd annual Montgomery County GreenFest will be held from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. on April 30 at the Takoma Park Community Center. GreenFest is looking for exhibitors to provide food or display information about their company or organization. For-profit and nonprofit environmentally-focused organizations and vendors are encouraged to participate. Space is limited and will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. Registration is expected to open the second week in February. Read more.
County Council Asks Governor and MDOT to Construct Full I-270 Interchange at Watkins Mill Road
The Montgomery County Council sent a letter to Maryland Governor Larry Hogan and Peter Rahn, the secretary of the Maryland Department of Transportation, asking that the state proceed with the original design of the long-planned interchange at I-270 and Watkins Mill Road in Gaithersburg. It was recently learned that the State planned to significantly scale back the project. Read more.

New Bikeshare Station Planned for Medical Center Metro Station
A new Montgomery County Bikeshare station will soon be added at the Medical Center Metro Station – weather permitting. The station will be located between the Metro station and the Kiss and Ride parking lot. This will be the 53rd Bikeshare station in the County. Read more.
Employers: Commuter Connections Awards Deadline Extended to February 5
The application deadline for the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments' Commuter Connections program has been extended to February 5. The awards recognize regional employers who adopt alternative commuting methods such as transit, teleworking, carpooling/vanpooling and bicycling. These methods help to mitigate traffic congestion and provide for cleaner air through reduced auto emissions. Read more.

Transportation for America Study Finds Positive Economic Development Benefits Associated with Bus Rapid Transit Projects
Transportation for America unveiled the findings of a new peer-reviewed study that examined existing bus rapid transit (BRT) lines and found strong evidence that BRT systems in the U.S. can generate economic development, attract jobs, retail and affordable housing — at a cost that’s well within reach for many mid-size American cities. Read more.
