Monday, October 8, 2012

Police and MCDOT Work Together to Calm Traffic and Reduce Collisions

Speeding and unsafe driving practices on residential streets continue to concern County residents and  the government agencies charged with ensuring traffic safety. Excessive speeds jeopardize both the safety and “liveability” of neighborhoods. The Montgomery County Department of Transportation (MCDOT) and the Department of Police have cooperated to implemented a comprehensive residential speed control program that enlists the help of community residents to solve speeding problems and improve the residential environment. The program includes the three components necessary to successfully reduce speeding: education, engineering and enforcement.

MCDOT has completed construction on several road projects that contain traffic calming elements, including:
  • Franklin Avenue between Colesville Road and Flower Avenue in Silver Spring.  This project, coordinated with the scheduled resurfacing of Franklin Avenue, includes pedestrian refuge islands, bump-outs, new pavement markings and new crosswalks.   
  • The Wisteria Drive / Waring Station Road project consisted of a series of bump-outs, pedestrian refuge islands, crosswalks and bus stop improvements. 
  • Jones Bridge Road pedestrian improvements extending from the North Chevy Chase Elementary School to Jones Mill Road.  
  • Cedar Lane/Summit Avenue, between Beach Drive and Knowles Avenue, included pedestrian refuge islands, bump-outs and new crosswalks.
  • Spartan Road, between Georgia Avenue and MD 108, included pedestrian refuge islands, bump-outs and new crosswalks.
For information on MCDOT traffic calming measures, visit the Division of Traffic Engineering and Operations’ website.  For information on safe walking, visit MCDOT’s pedestrian safety website.