Roshdieh and Representatives from other Regional Jurisdictions Accept Award for Capital Bikeshare Program from National Building Museum
Capital Bikeshare was recognized by the National Building Museum as a game changer for its commitment to the ongoing vitality and adaptation of cities. Representatives from the regional jurisdictions with Bikeshare systems, including Montgomery County Department of Transportation Acting Director Al Roshdieh (third from left) received the award at a ceremony held on May 27, 2015. Read more.
Roshdieh and Biggins Attend Bike to Work Day Rockville Pit Stop

Donnybrook Residents Celebrated Stream Restoration Resulting from Collaboration Between DEP and MCDOT
Residents of the Donnybrook neighborhood of Chevy Chase joined the Montgomery County Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) on Saturday, May 30 to celebrate the restoration of the Donnybrook stream. Community members learned more about the project that involved the use of natural channel design principles, stream forest buffers, stormwater management facilities and the planting of more than 560 native trees and shrubs. The project required coordination with local residents and collaboration with MCDOT to replace a pedestrian bridge widely used by the community. Read more.
County Executive Announces Reconvening of Transit Task Force
Montgomery County Executive Ike Leggett announced today that he has reconvened the County’s Transit Task Force. In a letter to Task Force Chair Mark Winston, Leggett asked the Task Force to make recommendations relating to how to “… establish a plan for the implementation of as much of the [high quality bus rapid transit] network as is financially and organizationally feasible.” Read more.

Raising Public Awareness about Avoiding Pedestrian Collisions in Parking Lots
In a continuing effort to reduce pedestrian collisions in Montgomery County parking lots, teams of staff and volunteers will be at parking lots across the County this summer to educate people about ways to improve safety. This is part of a broader education campaign to educate drivers and pedestrians about reducing pedestrian collisions in parking lots. About one in four pedestrian collisions in Montgomery County occurs in parking lots and can result in debilitating injuries. Read more.
SHA to Resume Resurfacing Work and Other Improvements on Maryland Routes 28 and 355 in Rockville
The Maryland Department of Transportation’s State Highway Administration (SHA) is resuming work in Rockville on a $ 2.1 million safety and resurfacing project on MD 28 (East Jefferson Street/Veirs Mill Road) between Monroe Street and MD 911 (First Street) and on MD 355 (Rockville Pike) between MD 28 and MD 911. Weather permitting; the project should be completed by the end of the year. Read More.