Donate Food and Get Free Ride on Ride On April 24 to 30
Ride On is sponsoring its 30th annual Give and Ride food drive that benefits both passengers and needy families. When a Ride On customer donates a canned or nonperishable food item, they’ll receive a free bus ride. Read more.

Al Roshdieh Joins Regional Leaders at Launch of Spring Street Smart Campaign
MCDOT Director Al Roshdieh and other transportation officials from the District of Columbia, Maryland, and Virginia in Silver Spring urged drivers, pedestrians, and bicyclists to exercise caution, watch out for each other, and follow traffic safety laws at the launch of the spring Street Smart public awareness and enforcement campaign. Readmore.

SAVE THE DATE: Montgomery County GreenFest is April 30
Montgomery County Department of Transportation (MCDOT) will be an active participant in this year’s GreenFest, which will be held outside of the Takoma Park Community Center on Saturday, April 30 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.. We hope to see you there! Come visit our exhibit to learn more about what MCDOT is doing to enhance the environment and promote sustainability. Read More.
MDOT and MCDOT to Hold MD355 Bus Rapid Transit Corridor Planning Study Open Houses
The Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT), in partnership with the Montgomery County Department of Transportation (MCDOT), invites the public to attend two open houses on plans to develop Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) along a portion of the MD 355 corridor from Bethesda to Clarksburg. At the open houses, residents will have the opportunity to meet the project team, get more information and provide input. Read More.
MCDOT Announces Adopt A Road Winners
This Earth Month, consider becoming an Adopt A Road participant. MCDOT recruits and manages volunteers who have adopted more than 400 road segments. Residents, businesses and organizations sponsor clean ups to keep their adopted road segment litter free – and keep trash from washing into storm drains and polluting our County waterways. Read more.

Spring Means More Walking and Biking: Follow These Tips to Stay Safe
The flowers are blooming and the weather is getting warmer. Whether walking, biking, or driving — more people want to be outside. Stay safe when spending time outdoors. To view the Street Smart safety tips click here.
Council President Floreen Announces Winners of Golden Shovel Awards
On April 19, Montgomery County Council President Nancy Floreen will present the 2016 Golden Shovel awards to recognize Montgomery residents who helped neighbors shovel out after this winter’s harsh snowfalls. Read more.
SHA to Hold Public Meeting about Proposed Project Along US 29 to Improve Safety and Accessibility
The Maryland Department of Transportation's State Highway Administration (SHA) will hold a public meeting to provide more information about a project being designed to improve safety and accessibility along 0.3 miles of US 29 (Columbia Pike) from Lockwood Drive to Burnt Mills Avenue. The meeting will be held on Thursday, April 21, at Burnt Mills Elementary School, 11211 Childs Street, Silver Spring from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.. Read more.

28th Annual Potomac River Watershed Cleanup, April 16
The Alice Ferguson Foundation sponsored its Annual Potomac River Cleanup on April 16, from 9 a.m. to noon. Last year, more than 20,000 volunteers in four states and the District of Columbia participated in this event, removing 1.2 million pounds of trash from watersheds. Read more.

Residents Invited to Participate in Live Online Discussion with County Executive Ike Leggett
Montgomery County Executive Ike Leggett will hold a “virtual” town hall meeting on Wednesday, April 20 from 2 to 3 p.m. County residents may submit questions to the County Executive before and during the chat at Live Discussion with Ike Leggett. Questions and answers will be posted both during and after the chat. For more information, call the Office of Public Information at 240-777-6507.

Developer Work Begins on East West Highway in Silver Spring
Clark Construction has begun lane closures on MD 410 (East West Highway) between Blair Mill Road and US 29 (Colesville Road) in downtown Silver Spring for utility-related construction activity that should be completed by Memorial Day, weather permitting. The closures will take place Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Read more.

Pew Research Center Report Looks at Who in the U.S. Relies on Transit
A Pew Research survey conducted in late 2015 found that one- in-ten Americans (11 percent) say they take public transportation on a daily or weekly basis. Who is taking public transit varies substantially by region, nativity, and race and ethnicity. Read more.