MCDOT to Hold Public Hearings for Two Proposed Sidewalk Projects on April 14
MCDOT’s Division of Transportation Engineering (DTE) will hold a public meeting to obtain resident input on two proposed sidewalks. Residents may present oral and/or written comments concerning construction of sidewalks. The sidewalks will provide persons with disabilities, pedestrians and bicyclists safer access to schools and nearby destinations. Read more.

Purple Line-Related Utility Work to Begin in April in Downtown Bethesda; Washington Gas Must Replace a Gas Line Before Construction of the Bethesda Metro Station South Entrance
The Maryland Transit Administration (MTA) will begin a project on April 11 on behalf of Montgomery County to relocate utilities in preparation for construction of a new, ADA accessible Bethesda Metrorail Station South Entrance located at the intersection of Elm Street and Wisconsin Avenue. Read more.

Commuter Services to Host FREE Webinar on Transit Benefits
MCDOT's Commuter Services will host a webinar on setting up a transit benefits program on April 7 at 10 a.m. Transit benefits can help companies attract and retain their best employees and save both employers and employees money. Based on recent legislation, employers can now offer up to $255 a month in benefits. Read more.
Get Your Bike Ready for Bike to Work Day
With winter waning, pedal-powered mobility options are kicking into high gear. Bike to Work Day 2016 will be held Friday, May 20. It’s not too early to register online for this fun, annual event online. Read more.
Montgomery County Named 2015 Tree City USA for 20th Consecutive Year
In recognition of its commitment to effective urban forest management, Montgomery County has been named a 2015 Tree City USA by the Arbor Day Foundation. Read more.
Final Design Selected for CCT-to-Little Falls Trail Connector
Update on Maryland Route 195 Bridge Construction
SHA is rehabilitating the Maryland Route 195 bridge over Sligo Creek and Sligo Creek Parkway. From March 28 through April 8, Sligo Creek Parkway, from Maple Avenue to Jackson Street will be closed from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. daily. All traffic will be detoured. Parkway users are encouraged to seek alternate routes. Read more about the project.
Montgomery County Celebrates the 10-Year Anniversary of the Watershed Trash Treaty at the Transforming Communities Summit
In March, County Executive Ike Leggett participated as a keynote lunch speaker at the Transforming Communities: Trash-Free Solutions for Healthy Lives, Clean Land, Safe Water Summit sponsored by the Alice Ferguson Foundation. This summit marked the 10th anniversary of the signing of the Potomac River Watershed Trash Treaty, an agreement between regional leaders, businesses and governments who are committed to working towards a cleaner community. Read more.