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Go Montgomery is distributed by Montgomery County Government Department of Transportation.
News and information about transportation, including roads, transit, hiker-biker trails and pedestrian safety.
Monday, April 18, 2016
Go Montgomery - April 18, 2016
Sunday, April 17, 2016
Council President Floreen Announces Winners of Golden Shovel Awards
On April 19, Montgomery County Council President Nancy Floreen will present the 2016 Golden Shovel awards to recognize Montgomery residents who helped neighbors shovel out after this winter’s harsh snowfalls. Read more.
Maryland Board Approves $5.6-billion Purple Line Contract; Light Rail Will Have Longest Railcars in Country
An article in Greater Greater
Washington about the Purple Line states that it will have America’s longest
railcars. Read more.
Residential Street Sweeping Begins April 18
Starting April 18, Montgomery County’s residential roadways will get a spring cleaning with the launch of the annual street sweeping program on about 4,000 of the County’s more than 5,000 curb miles of roads. The Montgomery County Department of Transportation (MCDOT) removes abrasives and other debris left behind after the winter snow season and improves the appearance and safety of County streets. MCDOT focuses first on roads in sensitive watersheds as identified by the County’s Department of Environmental Protection and, if needed, these streets will receive additional sweepings.
“MCDOT is committed to serving
the public in a sustainable way that enhances the County’s environmental
quality, and our annual street sweeping program plays a major role in reducing pollutants flowing to the Chesapeake Bay,” said MCDOT Director Al Roshdieh.
“Street sweeping not only improves the appearance of our neighborhoods, it also
protects the environment by annually keeping about 1,000 tons of salt and other
debris out of our storm drains, our stormwater management facilities and our
Brightly colored signs are posted
in neighborhoods a few days before street sweeping begins. To improve the
quality of service and the effectiveness of the sweeping program, residents are
urged to find alternative parking while their streets are cleaned.
Daily updates detailing which
areas are scheduled for street sweeping are available online on the County’s website.
MCDOT Installs Electric Vehicle Charging Stations in Four More Garages
The Montgomery County Department of Transportation (MCDOT) Division of Parking Management has installed electric vehicle (EV) charging stations in four more County-owned parking garages. The four locations will each have one station providing service to two parking spaces.
All the stations are connected to the nationwide ChargePoint Network of searchable charging stations, are Chargepoint Level 2, and accept payment using a ChargePoint Network card or RFID enabled credit card.
Donate Food and Get a Free Ride on Ride On April 24 to 30
Ride On is sponsoring its 30th annual Give and Ride food drive from April 24 to
30 that benefits both passengers and needy families. When a Ride On customer
donates a canned or nonperishable food item, they’ll receive a free bus ride.
All donations go to the non-profit Manna Food Center, which distributes food to
the County’s neediest residents. Healthy, single serve, kid-friendly food items
in plastic containers are especially in demand, as are baby food, formula,
toddler food, juice and diapers.
"The Give and Ride program is a wonderful opportunity for bus riders to conveniently help those who are going hungry, and for the County to recognize the donors’ generosity,” said Montgomery County Department of Transportation Director Al Roshdieh. “It’s another great way to show our community spirit by giving and sharing.”
Food collection bags will be placed near the fare box on all of Ride On’s buses. Ride On also urges riders using free services to participate in the food drive and bring their donations to the buses, as well.
All food donations, whether one or more cans, will be valued at the regular fare rate of $1.75. An additional donation is required when transferring to other buses. Residents who do not ride the bus but wish to donate food can participate by giving their donations to a bus operator at any Ride On bus stop. Checks made out to Manna Food Center will also be accepted. Writing in “Ride On” on the “For” or “Memo” line in the lower left corner of a check will make it easier to track the success of the program.
For more information, visit Ride On’s website or call 311 within the County or 240-777-0311 outside the County between the hours of 7 a.m. and 7 p.m., Monday through Friday. Or, visit MC311 online.
"The Give and Ride program is a wonderful opportunity for bus riders to conveniently help those who are going hungry, and for the County to recognize the donors’ generosity,” said Montgomery County Department of Transportation Director Al Roshdieh. “It’s another great way to show our community spirit by giving and sharing.”
Food collection bags will be placed near the fare box on all of Ride On’s buses. Ride On also urges riders using free services to participate in the food drive and bring their donations to the buses, as well.
All food donations, whether one or more cans, will be valued at the regular fare rate of $1.75. An additional donation is required when transferring to other buses. Residents who do not ride the bus but wish to donate food can participate by giving their donations to a bus operator at any Ride On bus stop. Checks made out to Manna Food Center will also be accepted. Writing in “Ride On” on the “For” or “Memo” line in the lower left corner of a check will make it easier to track the success of the program.
For more information, visit Ride On’s website or call 311 within the County or 240-777-0311 outside the County between the hours of 7 a.m. and 7 p.m., Monday through Friday. Or, visit MC311 online.
Al Roshdieh Joins Regional Leaders at Launch of Spring Street Smart Campaign
The event marks the launch of the spring Street Smart public awareness and enforcement campaign. To drive home the call for safety, police departments throughout the D.C. area will support the campaign with increased enforcement of traffic laws that protect people walking and biking.
From April 11 to May 8, regional law enforcement will step up their efforts to identify and ticket drivers, pedestrians, and bicyclists who break traffic safety laws. Violations such as failing to stop for pedestrians in crosswalks, running red lights, or jaywalking can result in fines up to $500. In addition, drivers may receive points on their driver record.
“It only takes one moment of inattention to have devastating consequences,"said MCDOT Director Al Roshdieh, "and that is why everyone -- drivers, pedestrians and bicyclists -- all who use our roads need to look out for each other. The County is committed to improving multimodal connections, making walking and biking safer, improving access for bus riders and reexamining road design with a view towards developing better options for all users. Our efforts are succeeding. Over the last five years, the average number of pedestrian fatalities in Montgomery County declined by 38 percent."
The Street Smart campaign kickoff took place at the Paul S. Sarbanes Silver Spring Transit Center, a multi-modal transit hub, serving pedestrians, bicyclists, bus riders, and train passengers. The Silver Spring Metrorail Station serves about 13,000 rail customers each weekday, and 24 bus routes serve the Transit Center, providing transportation service to more than 70,000 riders per day in Maryland and the District.
The Street Smart campaign offers safety tips for all travelers (see below). In an effort to prevent pedestrian and bicyclist deaths and injuries, the campaign partners media with enforcement to encourage all drivers, bicyclists, and pedestrians to be alert, follow traffic safety laws, and stay safe.
To learn more about Street Smart, visit BeStreetSmart.net and follow us on twitter.com/COGStreetSmart.
MCDOT Ramps Up Road Resurfacing and Repair Projects in April
Montgomery County Department of Transportation (MCDOT) extends the life of roads
by making full depth permanent patching, excavating deteriorated areas and repairing the road base with hot mix asphalt. The following projects will be
completed in two phases. Phase I will begin in April and includes excavations
and repairs. Phase II will occur in the fall when MCDOT completes the
resurfacing by applying the final layer of hot mix asphalt.

The projects are:
- Tuckerman Lane in North Bethesda, east of MD 355
- Nebel Street in North Bethesda, between Randolph Road and Nicholson Lane,
- Scottsbury Drive in Germantown
- Epsilon Drive in Rockville
- Richter Farm Road in Germantown, between Maryland Route 118 and Maryland Route 117
SAVE THE DATE: Montgomery County GreenFest is April 30
Montgomery County Department of Transportation (MCDOT) will be an active participant in this year’s GreenFest, which will be held outside of the Takoma Park Community Center on Saturday, April 30 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. We hope to see you there! Visit MCDOT’s exhibit to learn more about what we do and pick up some great giveaways. There’ll be a fun activity for kids.
Here’s some ways to find out more about what MCDOT is doing to enhance the environment and promote sustainability:
Here’s some ways to find out more about what MCDOT is doing to enhance the environment and promote sustainability:
- Come hear MCDOT Director Al Roshdieh, who will be a featured speaker at a talk about sustainable transportation sponsored by four local community green groups – Poolesville Green, Green Wheaton, Bethesda Green and Silver Spring Green. The panel will be held in the Takoma Park Community Center from 3 to 4 p.m. Other speakers include Casey Anderson, Montgomery County Planning Board chair; Jessica Zdeb, Toole Design Group; and Pete Tomao, Coalition for Smarter Growth.
- Look for one of Ride On’s hybrid electric buses at the electric car show. Never been on a bus? Take a tour and learn more about Ride On service near you.
- Attend the annual Landscape Beautification and Photography contests awards ceremony at 1:30 p.m. in the Piney Branch Elementary School. Find out what people have been doing to beautify our County and see if you might qualify next year.
- Participate in a fun scavenger hunt to learn more about our environment and win some great prizes. MCDOT is a sponsor.
MDOT and MCDOT to Hold MD355 Bus Rapid Transit Corridor Planning Study Open Houses
The Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT), in partnership with the Montgomery County Department of Transportation (MCDOT), invites the public to attend two open houses to learn
more about and provide input on plans to develop Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) along a portion of the MD 355 corridor from Bethesda to Clarksburg. At the open
houses, residents will have the opportunity to meet the project team and get
more information about:
- How BRT works, what it looks like and other details about operations;
- The study process and schedule;
- Existing conditions in the study area; and
- A draft preliminary purpose and need statement for the project.
The first Open House is scheduled
for Thursday, April 28, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. in the Bethesda–Chevy Chase High School Cafeteria, 4301 East-West Highway, Bethesda.
The second Open House will be held Tuesday, May 3, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. in the Gaithersburg High School Cafeteria, 101 Education Boulevard, Gaithersburg.
The same information will be presented at each meeting and attendees are encouraged to stop by anytime during the open houses.
Project information is also available online or by phone by calling the Maryland Transit Administration (MTA) Office of Customer and Community Relations at 410-767-3999, toll-free at 866-743-3682 or TTY 410-539-3497.
MTA encourages residents to submit questions or comments by email or by mail to Maryland Transit Administration, 6 St. Paul Street, Suite 902, Baltimore, MD 21202.
Ride On Adds Text Alert Option to Keep Customers Informed
Riders can now sign up to receive
text alerts from Ride On. To sign up, text
MONTGOMERY RIDEON (in all caps) to 468311 or visit
www.montgomerycountymd.gov/govdelivery, select "SMS/Text Message" as subscription type
and then check the "Ride On Services" box.
There are lots of other options
for staying current with the latest Ride On news:
- Visit us online at www.RideOnBus.com
- Like us on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/RideOnMCT
- Follow us on Twitter at www.Twitter.com/RideOnMCT
- Watch us on YouTube at www.YouTube.com/c/RideOnMCT
Saturday, April 16, 2016
MCDOT Announces Adopt A Road Winners
This Earth Month, consider
becoming an Adopt A Road participant. MCDOT recruits and manages volunteers who
have adopted more than 450 road segments. Residents, businesses and
organizations sponsor clean ups to keep their adopted road segment litter free
– and keep trash from washing into storm drains and polluting our County
Each month, the group collecting
the most trash is recognized for their efforts. The winners for October,
November and December 2015 were the Izaak Walton League Wildlife Achievement
Chapter, Rockland Farms in Poolesville and Smokey Glen Farm in Germantown.
Those interested in adopting a
road can obtain more information on MCDOT’s website, or contact us at 240-777-7155 or mailto:mcdot.outreach@montgomerycountymd.gov.
Spring Means More Walking and Biking: Follow These Tips to Stay Safe
The flowers are blooming and the
weather is getting warmer. Whether walking, biking, or driving — more people
want to be outside. Stay safe when
spending time outdoors. The Street Smart campaign offers the following safety tips.
If you’re
driving . . .
twice for people in crosswalks and yield to pedestrians and bicyclists.
careful when passing stopped vehicles.
to pedestrians and cyclists at intersections when you're turning.
three feet when passing bicyclists.
for cyclists and cars before you open your door.
down and obey the speed limit.
using your cell phone while driving.
If you’re
walking . . .
Cross the street at the corner and use
marked crosswalks when they’re available.
Wait for the “Walk” signal to cross the
Before crossing look left, right, and
left again.
Be seen! If you’re walking after dark or
in bad weather, make it easier for drivers to see you by wearing light clothing
or something reflective.
Don’t text while you’re crossing the
If you’re on an off-street trail, obey
all posted signage and approach intersections with caution.
If you’re biking
. . .
Obey all traffic signs and traffic
Ride in the direction of traffic, at
least a car-door-width away from parked cars.
Use hand signals so drivers, cyclists,
and pedestrians know what you’re going to do.
Always wear a helmet.
Use lights if you’re riding in the dark.
If you’re on an off-street trail, obey
all posted signage and approach intersections with caution.
SHA to Hold Public Meeting about Proposed Project Along US 29 to Improve Safety and Accessibility
The Maryland Department of Transportation's State Highway Administration (SHA) will hold a public
meeting to provide information about a project being designed to improve safety
and accessibility along 0.3 miles of US 29 (Columbia Pike) from Lockwood Drive
to Burnt Mills Avenue. The meeting will be held on Thursday, April 21, at Burnt
Mills Elementary School, 11211 Childs Street, Silver Spring from 6:30 to 8:30
The project is expected to improve pedestrian connectivity by:
The informational meeting will acquaint the public with project conceptual designs. SHA staff will make a brief presentation at 7 p.m. The public is then encouraged to walk at their own pace through a display area that will feature maps and other project information. SHA representatives will be available to answer questions.
The project is expected to improve pedestrian connectivity by:
- Constructing a new sidewalk adjacent to southbound US 29 from Lockwood Drive to Burnt Mills Avenue and adjacent to eastbound Burnt Mills Avenue from US 29 to Wheeler Drive;
- Constructing a retaining wall behind the new sidewalk along southbound US 29;
- Upgrading roadway signs;
- Realigning the crosswalk across US 29, on the north leg of the Burnt Mills Avenue intersection;
- Reconstructing traffic signals to provide pedestrian accessible signals; and
- Upgrading intersection lighting
28th Annual Potomac River Watershed Cleanup, April 16
The Alice Ferguson Foundation is
sponsored its Annual Potomac River Cleanup on April 16, from 9 a.m. to noon.
Last year, more than 20,000 volunteers in four states and the District of
Columbia participated in this event, removing 1.2 million pounds of trash from
watersheds. Volunteers can participate in numerous
other cleanups throughout Earth Month, as well. Find an event here or visit potomaccleanup.org for more details.
Participants can enter their photos or videos in an annual Cleanup Photo Contest. Send images or files to PotomacCleanup@fergusonfoundation.org and put "Photo Contest" in the subject line. View last year's winners.
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