Montgomery County Executive Elrich Releases Draft Vision Zero 2030 Action Plan and Announces Listening Sessions and Survey to Gather Community InputHelp our county eliminate serious and fatal traffic crashes in the coming decade by sharing your input at one of five virtual listening sessions. Learn about the draft Vision Zero 2030 Plan and offer feedback by attending a 90-minute Zoom session open to all Montgomery County residents. To gather feedback, the County is sponsoring a survey and listening sessions. The survey is available directly at research.net/r/vz2030plan. The session will be held on Wednesday, May 5 at 7 p.m. The conversation will be focused on the Silver Spring region, but anyone can attend. Registration is required. Learn more at montgomerycountymd.gov/visionzero.  Ride On Buses Continue Free Service Through at Least June 30Montgomery County Executive Marc Elrich has directed MCDOT to continue free service on all Ride On, Ride On extRa and Flash buses through the end of June. Riders can now board at the front of the bus. Pandemic safety measures remain in effect. All passengers are required to wear a face covering to board and must continue wearing the covering while on a bus. Learn more. |
 MCDOT Ride On Bus Schedule Changes To Begin Sunday, May 9; Will Increase Service and Improve EfficiencyRide On bus service will adjust schedules to increase overall service and improve efficiency. The changes reflect the continuing shift of resources toward schedule patterns prior to the COVID-19 health crisis. In response to recent ridership demand, schedule adjustments are planned for the following routes: That information led to schedule changes for these routes: 1, 5, 10, 11, 15, 16, 20, 26, 34, 36, 43, 46, 48, 49, 54, 55, 58, 59, 61, 74, 78 and 83. View all Ride On routes online. |
 Take Part in MCDOT's Bicycle Swag Bag Contest Through May 30MCDOT celebrates this year’s Bike To Work Day by promoting a different bike path/trail each week through May 30. This week’s featured location is Bethesda Trolley Trail. Bike riders are asked to submit a favorite picture of themselves enjoying their ride along the featured trail and tag @MoCoCommuter on Twitter and Instagram, or email the photo to commuter.services@montgomerycountymd.gov. The photo will be entered into a weekly drawing. Learn more and view previous highlighted trail locations on MCDOT's Commuter Services' webpage. |
 MCDOT Announces Joint Effort with Loudoun County to Study Potomac River Ferry Reopening OptionsMontgomery County Executive Marc Elrich announced his full support for the actions authorized by the Loudoun County Board of Supervisors to support the reopening of a Potomac River ferry as a critical interstate transportation connection between Loudoun County, Va., and Montgomery County. MCDOT will partner with Loudoun County to study available options for resuming ferry service between the two counties. Learn more. |
 MCDOT Honored Arbor Day by Promoting Tree PlantingNational Arbor Day is celebrated the last Friday in April. MCDOT maintain over 300,000 trees in the County right-of-way. It is not always obvious where the street right-of-way ends and private property begins. The line can be several feet into a front yard beyond the edge of the sidewalk or street. If residents need help determining who is responsible for a tree can contact MC311 (or 240-777-0311). Learn about tree planting, pruning, stump removal and more on MCDOT's Highway Divisions website and watch this video of MCDOT crews in action. |
 TSA Extends Mask Requirement for Planes, Other Public Transportation in U.S. Until September The Transportation Security Administration announced Friday that it has extended through Sept. 13 its orders requiring people to wear masks in transportation settings, including at airports, on commercial aircraft, and on buses and trains. Read the Washington Post April 30 article. |
 MCDOT Launches Electric Equipment Mowing Pilot Program to Reduce Air and Noise PollutionMCDOT launched a pilot program this spring to deploy its first ever all-electric mowing team. The equipment produces zero emissions, is noticeably quieter than traditional gas-powered equipment, and aims to reduce fuel cost. MCDOT is responsible for mowing roughly 4,700 acres of County property. Keep an eye out for the bright green mower in the Silver Spring area. Learn more. |
 MCDOT to Hold Virtual Public Hearing May 4 About Proposed Abandonment of Sections of Liberty Road in GermantownAt this virtual public hearing, residents had an opportunity to present oral and/or written comments concerning the abandonment of sections of public right of way known as Liberty Mill Road in Germantown. Learn more. |
 MCDOT Partners with Casey Trees and the Chesapeake Bay Trust to Plant New TreesMCDOT's Tree Maintenance Section recently partnered with the nationally recognized non-profit Casey Trees and the Chesapeake Bay Trust on a $75,000 tree planting grant. Casey Trees is the recipient of the grant and will work closely with MCDOT to identify locations within the County’s right-of-way for new trees. MCDOT plants approximately 1,800 trees each year. Residents can request to plant a tree in the County right-of-way or schedule an existing tree for removal or pruning by filling out this online form. Learn more. |
METRO NEWS Metro to Phase Out Older SmarTrip Cards Metro riders with an original SmarTrip® card will soon need to upgrade them. Metro is installing new faregates, fareboxes and fare payment options that will improve ease of payment, but won’t be compatible with the older cards. Customers are encouraged to replace their old SmarTrip cards now to avoid issues later. Learn more. Metro Board Approves FY22 Budget Because of additional federal aid received in the American Rescue Plan, Metro’s budget no longer includes cuts to bus and rail service, station closures or employee layoffs. The budget will allow Metro to maintain service at 80-85 percent of pre-pandemic levels to support expected ridership growth over the coming months. In addition, the budget will continue to support safety-critical repairs and service reliability improvements. Learn more. Repairs to Pedestrian Bridge from Rockville Metro Station Over Rockville Pike May Cause Overnight Traffic Disruptions Through June Metro previously announced that the bridge enabling pedestrians to connect from the Rockville Metro Station to Downtown Rockville by crossing over Rockville Pike will remain closed for repairs through fall 2021 due to safety concerns. The repairs are progressing, but the work may cause overnight traffic disruptions on northbound and southbound Route 355. A project fact sheet that contains more details and a maps is available in English, Spanish, Chinese (Simplified) and Korean). Metro Announces Travel Alternatives During Summer Platform Reconstruction Work Metro announced free shuttle bus service and other travel alternatives to help customers begin to plan for this summer’s closure of four Green and Yellow line stations scheduled for reconstruction. Starting Saturday, May 29 through Monday, September 6, 2021, Greenbelt, College Park-Univ. of MD, Prince George’s Plaza, and West Hyattsville stations on the Green and Yellow lines will be closed. Metro to Extend Service for Sporting Events if Games Run Beyond Normal Closing Time As thousands of sports fans and workers return to the ballpark, stadium and arena to support the region’s professional sports teams, Metro will be there to get them home even if the game goes beyond Metro’s normal closing time. Learn more. |
UPCOMING ROAD WORK Lane Closures on Montgomery Avenue Through Mid Summer Construction of a project by Avocet Towers Investors, LLC will close down two lanes of traffic from 9 p.m. through 5 a.m. Sundays through Thursdays on Montgomery Avenue between Wisconsin Avenue and Waverly Street in Bethesda as building construction continues at 7373 Wisconsin Avenue. Learn more at ow.ly/vORw50EtdsC. Portion of Old Georgetown Road Right Lane Closure Through December 31 Construction at 7700 Wisconsin Avenue will occupy the far-right lane of Old Georgetown Road between Edgemoor Lane and Commerce Lane on weekdays from 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. For questions regarding this work, contact Stephanie Kehoe, Project Coordinator at 240-446-6775. Work Begins on Intersection of Connecticut Avenue and Jones Bridge Road in North Chevy Chase to Improve Safety; Project to Continue Through 2023 The Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration (MDOT SHA) has started work along a half-mile portion of Jones Bridge Road in North Chevy Chase that includes the busy intersection of MD 185 (Connecticut Avenue) at Kensington Parkway. The work is being done in conjunction with the Federal government’s Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) in North Chevy Chase. Learn more. Temporary Lane Closures on Wayne Avenue Began April 28 Crews will perform underground utility relocations on Wayne Avenue (MD 594A) at Fenton Street for approximately five weeks, weather permitting. Temporary closures of the right lane of westbound Wayne Avenue will occur. Work may take place from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. on weekdays, and as needed, on weekends. |
 For department updates, follow @MCDOTNow on Twitter, visit the department website at montgomerycountymd.gov/mcdot, sign up to receive the MCDOT news releases or Go Montgomery! newsletter to your inbox. |