Federal Regulations Continue to Require Face Coverings on Public TransportationMCDOT reminds the public that Federal guidelines continue to require face coverings, through at least September 13, when traveling by bus, ride share, Metrorail or taxis. All MCDOT Ride On buses have a limited supply of face coverings for those who do not have their own. Ride On, Ride On extRa, and Flash buses remain free to all passengers through at least September. Fees were suspended during the health crisis. Learn more. |
 Remembrance of Former Transportation Director Graham NortonMCDOT was saddened to learn that Former Director, Graham Norton passed away on Sunday, May 16. Graham served as Director of the Department of Facilities and Services and then Department of Public Works and Transportation (Former MCDOT) between 1988 and 1998. He is remembered as a principled and disciplined person and the consummate leader. He was an innovator and led many of MCDOT’s technology applications that have evolved and flourished over time. “From a personal standpoint, Graham greatly influenced my professional development as he took a keen interest in the development of our Advanced Transportation Management System. I stayed in touch with Graham over the years, and know that he regularly kept tabs on MCDOT from afar after his retirement. He was always quick to send supportive messages, and constantly shared how proud he was to work alongside everyone in MCDOT,” said MCDOT Deputy Director Emil Wolanin. We send condolences to his family and friends. See full obituary online. |
 Montgomery County Executive Elrich Submits Letter to WMATA Requesting White Flint Metro Station to be Renamed 'North Bethesda Metro Station'Last week, Montgomery County Executive Marc Elrich submitted a letter to the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) requesting the White Flint Metro Station to be renamed the “North Bethesda Metro Station.” Learn more. |
 MCDOT is Hiring Fulltime and Substitute Bus OperatorsApplicants must be over 21 years old, have a valid driver’s license, and 3 years of driving experience. Individuals that are hired will go through a five month training period before getting assigned to a transit depot in Silver Spring, Gaithersburg or Kensington. Applicants without CDL licenses are encouraged to apply. Learn more and apply at montgomerycountymd.gov/DOT-Transit/jobs.html. |
 Free or Discounted Rides to Vaccination Sites by Capital Bikeshare, Lyft Rideshare or E-scooterA recent partnership between the White House and Lyft will help those who need transportation to and from a COVID-19 vaccination site. Individuals can request a free or discounted ride (up to $15 each way) from Lyft to use for Capital Bikeshare, Lyft rideshare, or e-scooters. Learn more. |
 MCDOT Makes Great Progress in Constructing BikewaysMCDOT continues to make significant progress with the construction and design of the many bikeway projects throughout the County. These projects include cycletracks, protected intersections, shared use paths, separated bike lanes, bike signals and bike counters. Learn more. |
 Elrich Announces P3 Agreement to Transition Buses From Diesel to Electric PowerMontgomery County Executive Marc Elrich recently announced an agreement with AlphaStruxure, a leader in energy solutions, to build an integrated microgrid and electric bus charging infrastructure project at MCDOT’s Brookville Bus Depot in Silver Spring. The new infrastructure will support the transition of at least 44 buses in Ride On’s fleet from diesel to electric power. Learn more. |
 Council Supports the 'Open Streets' Initiative as County Recovers From PandemicCouncil introduced a resolution in support of continuing Open Streets/Shared Streets programs implemented during the COVID-19 pandemic. This initiative allows for safe and socially distanced outdoor dining, walking, biking and recreation. District 1 Councilmember Andrew Friedson drafted the resolution, which points to the Bethesda Streetery, Montgomery Parks Open Parkways, Newell Street Temporary Neighborhood Park Expansion in Silver Spring and the National Park Service's closure of Beach Drive to vehicle traffic as successful examples of how the County, and outside agencies and organizations have repurposed streets for public use. Learn more. For information on MCDOT's Shared Streets program visit montgomerycountymd.gov/dot/sharedstreets. |
 MCDOT Thanks Employees During Last Week's National Public Works WeekThe American Public Works Association annually celebrates National Public Works Week to recognize the role that public works employees play in creating a great place to live. Throughout the pandemic, MCDOT’s dedicated staff has continued to ensure that our transportation and neighborhood infrastructure is safe, sound, and reliable for everyone -- pedestrians, transit-users, bicyclists and drivers -- by keeping our roads, bridges, transit centers, sidewalks, bikeways, storm drains and other facilities in good repair. |
 Reminder: Metro Riders May Need to Replace Their Metro SmartTrip CardIf you have an older Metro SmarTrip card, you’ll need to replace it soon. Metro is upgrading its fare payment technology and will be phasing out its original SmarTrip cards beginning in June. The older cards won’t work with the new fare gates and fare boxes. Check the back of your card – newer ones start with the serial number 0167. If your card starts with any other numbers, it’s time to replace it. Click here for replacement instructions and view the Metro press release online. |
 WMATA Announces Repairs to Pedestrian Bridge from Rockville Metro Station Over Rockville Pike May Cause Overnight Traffic Disruptions Through Mid-SummerThe Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA / Metro) had previously announced that the bridge over Rockville Pike, enabling pedestrians to connect from the Rockville Metro Station to Downtown Rockville will remain closed for repairs through fall 2021 due to safety concerns. The repairs are progressing, but the work may cause overnight traffic disruptions on northbound and southbound Route 355 through mid-summer beginning on June 1. The bridge allows people to access Ride On buses, Metrorail, taxis, public parking facilities and MARC to walk on an elevated connection over the lanes of Rockville Pike between the Metrorail Station and Maryland Avenue. Learn more and view the fact sheet. |
 Residents Can Still Provide Feedback on a the State Pilot Project to Install Bike Lanes on University Boulevard in WheatonThe Maryland Department of Transportation’s State Highway Administration (SHA) has begun a Multi-Modal Shared Streets Pilot Project on University Boulevard (MD 193) in Wheaton between Amherst and Arcola avenues to enhance safety and mobility for all roadway users by temporarily repurposing travel lanes into shared streets. The public can provide feedback online and view the meeting presentation. Visit the project website for more information.  Metro Board Approves Temporary Fee Waiver for Extended Service During Special EventsMetro will provide extra rail service through December 31 for approved special events beyond normal operating hours and will temporarily waive the fee normally charged to organizers. The waiver will apply, when needed, to games by the Mystics, Wizards, Nationals, Washington Football Team and Capitals, as well as events, such as the Marine Corps Marathon and the Army Ten-Miler. Learn more. |
 Comment on MDTA Toll Rate Proposal for American Legion Bridge and I-270 Through August 12The Maryland Transportation Authority (MDTA) is accepting public comment on proposed toll rate ranges for a planned project to rebuild the American Legion Bridge and add toll lanes to a portion of I-270. Learn more. |
 COVID-19 Has Changed Traffic PatternsThe Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments has released data online indicating that traffic patterns have changed over the last year. Also available online is a multi-sector snapshot of the COVID-19 impacts in the areas of transportation, the environment, the economy, and health. |
 For department updates, follow @MCDOTNow on Twitter, visit the department website at montgomerycountymd.gov/mcdot or sign up to receive MCDOT news releases to your inbox. |