Dan Sheridan is an outstanding
employee of the Montgomery County Department of Transportation (MCDOT) Division of Transportation Engineering. He is the assistant section chief in the Design Section and has been with MCDOT for 14 years. He leads the
“In-House Design” unit, manages White Flint projects and leads MCDOT design and
construction project coordination with the Montgomery County Department of Environmental Protection (DEP).
Dan was involved in an innovative
project to build the first Dedicated but Unmaintained County road. Together
with his colleague Rebecca Park, they led the design and reconstruction of
Fawsett Road. This successful, two-year project was recently completed and
involved extensive neighborhood collaboration – and resulted in a highly
satisfied community.

For the Sligo Park Hills Low Impact Development stormwater management improvements program, Dan collaborated
with DEP during rehabilitation of the neighborhood’s streets, curbs and
sidewalks by MCDOT’s Division of Highway Services to manage the construction of
127 state-of-the-art stormwater improvements.
MCDOT constructed projects to filter rainwater and improve stream
quality, including rain gardens, bioswales, tree boxes, bioretention gardens and permeable pavers in the public right-of-way. Again,
the community has been very pleased with the results.