- In Takoma Park, on Piney Branch Road between Flower Avenue and the County line, where new street lights, wider sidewalks and new pedestrian signals were installed. Also being constructed is a new crosswalk with pedestrian-activated warning lights.
- In Wheaton, at Reedie Drive between Veirs Mill Road and Georgia Avenue, measures to improve safety included refurbished crosswalks, new pedestrian refuge islands and clearer lane markings.
- In Wheaton, on Randolph Road at Veirs Mill Road, new sidewalks and streetscaping were installed.
- In Downtown Silver Spring, on Georgia Avenue, the Department of Housing and Community Affairs is finishing streetscape improvements in Fenton Village.
- In Rockville and Bethesda, new pedestrian signals were installed on segments of Maryland Route 355.
News and information about transportation, including roads, transit, hiker-biker trails and pedestrian safety.
Saturday, March 30, 2013
New MCDOT Engineering Improvements Enhance Pedestrian Safety
The Montgomery County Department of Transportation continues to invest in engineering improvements to enhance pedestrian safety – particularly in areas where data shows a higher number of pedestrian collisions. Recent improvements are: