MCDOT Completes $74 Million White Flint West Workaround ProjectOn Thursday, March 9, Montgomery County Executive Marc Elrich, County Council President Evan Glass, County Councilmembers, MCDOT Director Chris Conklin, other County officials and community groups joined ceremonies at Grand Park Avenue and Banneker Street in North Bethesda to announce the completion of the White Flint West Workaround project. The $74 million construction project supports the future development plans of the Pike District as a walkable, bikeable, public transit-focused epicenter for health computing. MCDOT headed up the design, land acquisition, site improvements, utility relocations and managed construction for the project. Improvements included shared-use paths, a separated bicycle lane, on-road bicycle lanes, sidewalks, undergrounding of utilities, stormwater management, streetlights and landscape. The project also integrated wide sidewalks with permeable surfaces to support trees, shared-use paths and sections of protected bike lanes, with curbs that will be painted green this spring. Learn more here. View event photos here. |
 MCDOT Holding ‘Shout Out to Your Bus Driver’ Contest During March to Promote Transit Driver AppreciationMCDOT is promoting this year’s Transit Driver Appreciation Day on Friday, March 18 with a month-long social media contest. During March, Ride On bus riders are asked to “Give a Shout Out” to their bus operators with a Twitter, Facebook or Instagram post detailing how they were served well by their bus driver. “Shout Out to Your Bus Driver” posts should use the hashtag #TransitDriverAppreciation and tag @RideOnMCT and @MCDOTNow. The posts will be entered into a weekly raffle for a prize pack. Entries that mention a driver's name will also qualify the driver for entry in one of three raffles for a gift card. Riders that do not use social media can email a thank you message to mcdot.social@montgomerycountymd.gov to be entered in the drawing. Entries may be publicly shared. Prize drawings will be held weekly on Friday mornings of the following week. Learn more here.  MCDOT is Accepting Submissions from High School Students for the Heads Up, Phones Down Video Contest Through March 31Montgomery County teens have an opportunity to win some great prizes by producing peer videos promoting the importance of focusing on their surroundings, instead of their phones, while driving and walking. MCDOT will be accepting entries of 30-second Public Service Announcements (PSAs) through March 31. Montgomery County public and private high school students are eligible to submit contest videos. Entries can be submitted individually or as a group of up to four students in English or Spanish. Submissions will be grouped by individual projects and group projects. Individual entries can win an Apple Mac Book Air, an Apple Watch or tripod. Winning group submissions will split an $800 grand prize, $400 second prize and $200 third prize with a Visa gift card for each member. Students may also qualify for up to five Student Service Learning hours for successfully completing an entry. Winning entries will be visited by MCDOT staff and will be posted online on Friday, April 14. For more information and to submit an entry form visit the contest website at montgomerycountymd.gov/HUPD. Students can email contest-related questions to pedestrian.safety@montgomerycountymd.gov.  Montgomery County Steps Up Impaired Driving Enforcement and Provides Safe Ride Options for St. Patrick's Day on Thursday, March 17St. Patrick’s Day is one of the biggest drinking occasions of the year and, unfortunately, means more drunk drivers on the roads. To help prevent death and injury that often accompany driving under the influence, the Montgomery County Police Department (MCPD) is ramping up enforcement efforts and MCDOT is providing safe ride resources for residents who will be celebrating with alcohol. Residents are urged to make plans before heading out to celebrate and to consider the use of one of the following safe ride options: - The Washington Regional Alcohol Program (WRAP) is providing a SoberRide program throughout the Washington Metro area. The program offers $15 off of Lyft rides with a limited number of promotional codes that will be posted by WRAP at 3 p.m. on Friday, March 17.
- MCDOT’s Ride On bus fare is just $1. There are currently 79 routes throughout the County that operate on weekdays from 4 a.m. until midnight. For current Ride On bus route schedules and other information, click here.
- To learn about other year-round safe ride options, visit the County’s Vision Zero Safe Ride home webpage.
The promotion of safe ride resources to curb dangerous impaired driving is part of Montgomery County’s Vision Zero Initiative to eliminate serious and fatal injuries from roadways by 2030. Learn more here. |
 Montgomery County Will Offer Adult Bike and Scooter Classes in April, May and June Classes are led by certified WABA instructors and designed for adults aged 18 or older who have never ridden a bike before, have tried to learn but have been unsuccessful or who have not ridden for some time. Students will learn the basics of balancing, gliding, pedaling, and stopping using techniques to ride comfortably and confidently. The adult "Learn to Ride” and “Basic Skills” classes will be offered for $10 for County residents and free for Washington Area Bicyclist Association (WABA) and Capital Bikeshare For All members. Bikes and helmets will be provided to participants. Learn more here. |
MCDOT PUBLIC HEARINGS  TODAY: In-Person Public Workshop on the Norfolk Avenue Streetery Planning Study to be Held Tonight, Thursday, March 16 On Thursday, March 16 starting at 6:30 p.m., MCDOT will hold an in-person public workshop at the Bethesda-Chevy Chase Regional Services Center located at 4805 Edgemoor Lane in Bethesda to discuss the Norfolk Avenue Streetery Planning Study. Norfolk Avenue is a lively street with a mix of uses in the Woodmont Triangle area of downtown Bethesda. MCDOT is seeking feedback from the public on what Norfolk Avenue should look like and whether it should remain as a streetery. Learn more here. TODAY: Virtual Public Meeting on the Old Columbia Pike / Prosperity Drive Improvements Project in Silver Spring to be Held on Thursday, March 16 On Thursday, March 16, starting at 6:30 p.m., MCDOT will hold a virtual public meeting to discuss the latest progress of the Old Columbia Pike / Prosperity Drive Improvement project in Silver Spring. The project provides for a facility planning study to improve intersection safety and capacity issues as well as enhance safety for pedestrians, bicyclists and people with disabilities as they travel to nearby schools and facilities. Online registration is required to attend. Learn more here. Virtual Public Hearing on the MacArthur Boulevard Bikeway Improvements Project in Bethesda to be Held on Wednesday, March 29 On Wednesday, March 29, starting at 6:30 p.m., MCDOT will hold a virtual public hearing to discuss the latest progress of Segment 3 of the MacArthur Boulevard Bikeway Improvements project from Oberlin Avenue to the County line. The project will provide drainage, minor roadway widening and resurfacing improvements. Online registration is required to attend. Learn more here. |
MCDOT to Hold an Online Community Meeting on the Proposed University Boulevard Dedicated Bus Lane Pilot Project on Thursday, March 30 On Thursday, March 30 starting at 6 p.m., MCDOT will hold an online public meeting to discuss the dedicated bus lane pilot project along the University Boulevard (MD 193) corridor between Amherst and Dennis Avenues in Silver Spring. If supported, the bus lane will launch this summer/fall. This dedicated bus lane, shared with bikes and emergency vehicles, will reduce traffic congestion for buses on the route and provide faster and more reliable service for riders. Online registration is required to attend. Residents who participate in a related online feedback survey will be entered into a drawing for a $100 gift card. Learn more here.  MCDOT's Vision Zero Youth Ambassadors UpdateThe Vision Zero Youth Ambassadors are at the halfway mark of the program that runs through May 2023. The 40 Ambassadors have been working on projects related to traffic safety including social media, an online contest, a community survey and public engagement events. The projects will be completed by May 20. |
 MCDOT Prepares for Spring/Summer Cleaning of County GaragesMCDOT has begun its semi-annual cleaning of 21 County-owned parking garages in Silver Spring, Bethesda and Wheaton. The washings will occur on nights and weekends throughout this spring. The cleanings are scheduled to begin in the Bethesda garages on Monday, April 10 and end in the Silver Spring garages in early June. Every year, MCDOT performs the spring and fall washdowns to ensure the cleanliness of garages and help keep grease, oil and debris out of local waterways. Regular cleanings also prevent deterioration of the structures from prolonged exposure to salt, sand, oils, gas, dirt, pollen and leaves. Some garages will experience partial closures that may include select entrance/exit areas and ramps. MCDOT contractors will do their best to complete their work around the garage traffic and parked vehicles and to provide appropriate signage to notify customers of anticipated access impacts. View the schedule here. |
 SAVE THE DATE: GreenFest to be Held Over Two Days on Saturday, April 22 and Sunday, April 23Montgomery County GreenFest is the largest annual environmental festival in Montgomery County and is expanding to two events this year. GREENFEST IN THE GARDENS - Saturday, April 22, will be held at Brookside Gardens in Wheaton from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. This event will focus on protecting and preserving the natural environment and will highlight food consumption and composting, clean water, biodiversity, sustainable gardening and environmental justice. GREENFEST IN THE CITY - Sunday, April 23, will be held at 2425 Reedie Drive in Wheaton from 12 to 5 p.m. This event will focus on energy consumption, home and appliance efficiency, recycling, transportation and electric vehicles. Plan to stop by MCDOT’s booth at both locations to learn about the department's green initiatives. Learn more at montgomerycountygreenfest.org. |
 Montgomery County Executive Elrich Releases Recommended $6.8 Billion Fiscal Year 2024 Operating BudgetOn Thursday, March 15, Montgomery County Executive Marc Elrich released his recommended Fiscal Year 2024 (FY24) Operating Budget of $6.8 billion, which is an increase of 7.7 percent from the FY23 approved all funds budget (County Government plus outside agencies.) The recommended FY24 budget reflects record level and significant investments for Montgomery County Public Schools, Montgomery College, affordable housing, economic development, public safety, and efforts to combat climate change. To watch the County Executive's FY24 recommended budget presentation, click here. |
 GW Parkway Construction Temporarily Closes Southbound Lanes in AprilThe George Washington Parkway is in the process of getting some much-needed TLC. In order to rehabilitate the road, drivers will see lower speed limits, changing road configurations and even a reversible lane that would begin operating in just over a month. The goal is to do long-overdue work on the roadway’s infrastructure along the northern section of the parkway, from Interstate 495 to Spout Run Parkway. The project is scheduled to wrap up in May 2026 — the Park Service said the roadway’s life span will be extended by 50 years. Read the WTOP article here. |
 New Signs, Gates on Bay Bridge to Give Drivers Earlier Warning of Lane ClosuresMontgomery County residents heading to the Eastern Shore over the Chesapeake Bay Bridge will encounter a new automatic lane closure system during two-way traffic on the westbound span of the bridge. This system is aimed at improving safety for motorists and road crews by using overhead signals and automatic gates to close lanes, instead of barrels. Read the WTOP article here. |
METRO NEWS Follow the Blossoms and Make Metro Your Ride During Cherry Blossom Season Cherry Blossom Season is calling, and to celebrate the famous blooms Metro will have a specially designed cherry blossom train and buses to get you there. Metro has cleared any maintenance and track work on Metrorail until late-night, including weekends, so that you can go see the blossoms without any scheduled disruptions. Metrorail Weekend Service for Saturday, March 18 and Sunday, March 19 Learn more here. Metro Now Welcomes Open Strollers on Metrobus Metro’s youngest customers and those traveling with them now have one less barrier to a stress-free ride on Metrobus. Open strollers are now welcome on Metrobus, replacing a policy that required strollers to be folded before boarding. Metro estimates that about five percent of trips - around 18,000 a day - involve customers using Metrobus to take their children to and from daycares and schools or running errands to grocery stores. Those traveling on Metrobus with strollers should utilize the priority seating area with the stroller brakes locked while the bus is in motion. Strollers must not block aisles or doorways and should be held onto at all times. |
 I270, I495 Widening Hits Roadblock; Developer Ends InvolvementSeveral governmental officials and environmental groups cheered Thursday’s announcement from Transurban that it “has decided not to proceed with the Maryland Express Lanes Project” which includes the widening of I-270 and I-495. The international company submitted a notice to terminate plans it had developed with the Maryland Department of Transportation. Read the MYMCMEDIA article here. |
 MD Sisters Push Girls to Explore Careers In Construction, EngineeringThree sisters from Bethesda are encouraging other teenage girls to explore futures in the architecture, construction and engineering fields and, as an incentive to consider careers in the industries, are offering Taylor Swift concert tickets to the winner of their "Build a Bridge" TikTok contest. The Goldsteen sisters — 13-year-old Emmie, 15-year-old Kenzie, and 17-year-old Sami — created a nonprofit organization called Build Girls designed to educate and empower high school females to explore future careers in these fields. Read the Patch article here. |
 For more information on MCDOT programs and services, visit montgomerycountymd.gov/mcdot and subscribe to receive the latest MCDOT news on your mobile phone or email inbox. |