MCDOT Advances the Great Seneca Extra Bus ProjectMCDOT is creating a new, high-quality bus service to key area destinations in the Life Sciences Center and Shady Grove. This new service will implement high-frequency, limited-stop bus lines. It will better connect neighborhoods and businesses, expand mobility for bus riders and bicyclists, increase access to jobs, education and healthcare, and support continued economic growth. MCDOT is designing and implementing the first phase of the project which features two new bus routes, the Pink and Lime Lines, serving 11 destinations between the Shady Grove Metro Station and the Traville Transit Center at the Universities of Shady Grove. The full network will include five frequent bus lines, dedicated bus lanes and bus/bike lanes, new bus shelters, and safer pedestrian and bike connections. To learn more, join MCDOT for an online information session on Wednesday, March 15, from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Online registration is required. Project staff will also be at the RIO Lakefront Boardwalk (near the Yard House restaurant) on Saturday, March 11, from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Learn more here.   MCDOT is Accepting Submissions from High School Students for the Heads Up, Phones Down Video Contest Through March 31Montgomery County teens have an opportunity to win some great prizes by producing peer videos promoting the importance of focusing on their surroundings, instead of their phones, while driving and walking. MCDOT will be accepting entries of 30-second Public Service Announcements (PSAs) between March 1 through 31. Montgomery County public and private high school students are eligible to submit contest videos. Entries can be submitted individually or as a group of up to four students in English or Spanish. Submissions will be grouped by individual projects and group projects. Individual entries can win an Apple Mac Book Air, an Apple Watch or tripod. Winning group submissions will split an $800 grand prize, $400 second prize and $200 third prize with a Visa gift card for each member. Students can submit their entries on the online entry form here. Students may also qualify for up to five Student Service Learning hours for successfully completing an entry. Winning entries will be visited by MCDOT staff and will be posted on MCDOT’s Safe Routes to School website on Friday, April 14. Visit the contest website for more information at montgomerycountymd.gov/HUPD. Send contest-related questions to pedestrian.safety@montgomerycountymd.gov.  Registration Opens for the Annual 'Bike to Work Day' Event; MCDOT to Sponsor Six Pit Stops National Bike to Work Day will be held on Friday, May 19, and the Montgomery County Department of Transportation (MCDOT) plans to sponsor six pit stops throughout the County. Registration for the free event is now open. The first 15,000 bicyclists to register and participate will get a free t-shirt and are automatically entered into a raffle for a chance to win a new bike. Bike to Work Day is held annually across the nation on the third Friday of May to celebrate bicycling as a clean, fun and healthy way to get to work. Bike riders in Montgomery County can stop by sponsored pit stops set up throughout the region. MCDOT will sponsor six pit stops with refreshments, music and local vendor displays at varying times throughout the morning of May 19. There will be free raffle prizes and a grand prize raffle of a new bike at each of the MCDOT-sponsored pit stops. Teleworkers and leisure riders are encouraged to participate. “Today, we offer more bike paths, dedicated lanes, as well as opportunities to transport a bike on RideOn, MetroBus and Metrorail, than ever before,” said County Executive Marc Elrich. “Biking to your job, or while doing errands, is a win-win. It is a healthier form of transportation that also reduces car pollution and traffic congestion. I encourage everyone to join us on Bike to Work Day and consider biking as a transportation alternative this summer.” The Metropolitan Council of Government’s Commuter Connections, a network of transportation organizations in which MCDOT participates, and the Washington Area Bicyclist Association (WABA are the co-organizers of Washington Region’s Bike to Work Day event. All participants should visit the Find Your Pit Stop Map to plan a route in advance. MCDOT-sponsored pit stops will be at the following locations: - Downtown Bethesda at Woodmont and Bethesda Avenues, 6:30 a.m.- 9 a.m.
- Friendship Heights at the Shops at Wisconsin and Western Avenues, 6:30 a.m.- 9 a.m.
- North Bethesda at Pike and Rose, west of 935 Prose Street (next to Bark Social), 6:30 a.m.- 8:30 a.m.
- Rockville, Falls Grove at Thomas Farm Community Center, 700 Falls Grove Drive, 6:30 a.m.- 9 a.m.
- Rockville Town Square at Dawson’s Market, 225 N. Washington Street, 6:30 a.m.- 9 a.m.
- Silver Spring Downtown at Veterans Plaza, Ellsworth Drive and Fenton Street, 6:30 a.m.- 9 a.m.
Other pitstops within Montgomery County include: “This is a great time for residents to get out and enjoy the County’s bikeway network,” said MCDOT Director Chris Conklin. “We have over 100 miles of bike lanes, with over 8 miles of protected bike lanes, and that network is growing. We will be bringing forward some dynamic bikeway plans for community input soon.” Additional pit stops will be located throughout the Washington region. For more information and a full list of regional pitstops visit biketoworkmetrodc.org. All riders are encouraged to wear a helmet. View the flyer in English or Spanish. |
 Federal Increase in Pre-Tax Benefits Allotted for Employer Transit Expenses as Part of MCDOT’s ‘Fareshare’ ProgramMCDOT's “FareShare” Program announces that employees have more reason than ever to use public transportation to get to work. The Internal Revenue Service has increased the pre-tax limit for employer-provided commuting benefits to $300 per month, from $280 last year, including transit passes and vanpool fares for 2023. MCDOT’s “FareShare” program will reimburse employers for all but $25 per month of their employees’ costs for commuting, up to $300 per month. The money is tax-free to both the employee and the employer. Learn more here. To speak to a MCDOT benefits coordinator free of cost, call 240-777-8380 or email mcdot.CommuterServices@montgomerycountymd.gov. |
 MCDOT Offers Adult Bike and Scooter Classes in April, May and JuneMCDOT, in collaboration with the Washington Area Bicycle Association (WABA), has announced adult bike classes for this spring. The classes include a learn to ride and a basic skills class. Select dates have free Scooter classes that follow. Advance registration is required to participate and cost $10 for Montgomery County residents. There is no charge for WABA or Capital Bikeshare For All members. The classes are open to residents 18 and over, are limited to 25 people and fill up quickly. Online registration is currently open for April classes. Registration for May classes will open on Monday, March 27 at 9 a.m. and June class registration will open on Monday, April 24 at 9 a.m. Participants will learn how to start and stop, balance, glide, pedal and steer a bike. Each student will progress at their own pace. The classes will be led by experienced WABA instructors. Adult Learn To Ride bike classes will be held on: - Saturday, April 1, 10 a.m.-1 p.m.
Upper County Recreation Center, 8201 Emory Grove Rd., Gaithersburg. *Free scooter class to follow. - Saturday, April 16, 10 a.m.-1 p.m.
Westfield Montgomery Mall (former Sears parking lot), 7101 Democracy Blvd., Bethesda. *Free scooter class to follow. - Sunday, April 30 (Spanish Class), 10 a.m.-1 p.m.
Wheaton Ice Arena, 11717 Orebaugh Dr., Wheaton (back parking lot). - Saturday, May 13, 10 a.m.-1 p.m.
Montgomery College (parking lot 13), 850 Hungerford Dr., Rockville. *Free scooter class to follow. - Saturday, June 17, 10 a.m.-1 p.m.
GEICO Chevy Chase Building, 5260 Western Ave., Chevy Chase.
Adult Basic Skills bike classes will be held on: - Saturday, May 6, 10 a.m.-noon
Burtonsville Park & Ride Lot (behind Burtonsville Crossing Shopping Center), 15701 Columbia Pk., Burtonsville. - Sunday, June 3, 10 a.m.-noon
Wheaton Ice Arena, (back parking lot), 11717 Orebaugh Dr., Wheaton. *Free scooter class to follow.
Bicycles and helmets will be provided at no charge for the Adult Learn to Ride class participants and can be rented from WABA, if needed, for the Basic Skills class participants. Free two-hour adult scooter classes are also being offered on a drop-in basis on four select days immediately following the bike classes on April 1, April 16, May 13 and June 3. Scooter classes do not require pre-registration, anyone 18 or over with a valid driver’s license or ID can join in. For more information and to register, visit MCDOT’s website at tinyurl.com/cycleclss or call 240-777-8380. |
 MCDOT to Host a Public Meeting on the Carroll Avenue Separated Bike Lanes Project, in Silver Spring, on Tuesday, March 7The project will add a low-stress bikeway on Carroll Avenue in Silver Spring, between Merrimac Drive and Piney Branch Road (MD 320) in the Takoma/Langley Crossroads area. This facility will help to provide connections for cyclists to the future Purple Line station at the Takoma/Langley Transit Center. On Wednesday, March 8 at 7 p.m., MCDOT will present proposed concepts at an in-person meeting that will be held at the New Hampshire Estates Elementary School located at 8720 Carroll Avenue in Silver Spring. Learn more here. |
 Virtual Public Hearing on the Proposed Stateside Drive Sidewalk, Within the Oakview Community in Silver Spring, for Joann Leleck Elementary School to be Held on Wednesday, March 8On Wednesday, March 8 at 7 p.m., MCDOT will discuss the proposed construction of sidewalks, adjacent to Joann Leleck Elementary School on Stateside Drive from Avenel Road to Stateside Court in Silver Spring. At the virtual hearing, MCDOT will present the project details, costs and schedules and obtain public testimony. If advanced, the completed project will enhance safety for pedestrians, including those with disabilities, as they travel to and from the school. Public input is encouraged and will influence the orientation and location of the sidewalk. The sidewalk project was initiated by MCDOT’s Safe Routes to School Program. Online registration is required to attend. Learn more here. |
 SAVE THE DATE: GreenFest to be Held Over Two Days on Saturday, April 24 and Sunday. April 24The Montgomery County GreenFest is the largest annual environmental festival in Montgomery County and is expanding this year by taking place at two different locations over one weekend. Plan to stop by MCDOT’s booth at both locations to learn about the department's green initiatives. - GreenFest in the Parks - Saturday, April 23 will be at Brookside Gardens in Wheaton from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
This event will focus on protecting and preserving the natural environment. Topics covered will include land use, food consumption and composting, clean water, biodiversity, sustainable gardening, and environmental justice (equal access to natural resources to achieve sustainable development).
- GreenFest in the City - Sunday, April 24, will be held at 2425 Reedie Drive in Wheaton from 12 to 5 p.m.
This event will address how residents can “green” their home and daily commute. Topics covered at this event will include energy consumption, home and appliance efficiency, recycling, transportation, electric vehicles, and green business initiatives.
Learn more at montgomerycountygreenfest.org. |
 President Biden Gives Shout Out to Montgomery CountyPresident Joe Biden complimented Montgomery County's bus electrification program in his remarks Tuesday, Feb. 14 at the National Association of Counties Conference. During his speech which emphasized the importance of county government, Biden said, “In Maryland, Montgomery County and Prince George’s County, replacing dirty diesel buses, which are bad for the health and environment.” MCDOT is utilizing a $15 million grant to purchase 13 hydrogen fuel cell buses and construct a green hydrogen fueling station. The fueling site will be located at the David F. Bone Equipment Maintenance Transit Operations Center in Gaithersburg. The county plans to use the funds to replace 13 diesel-fueled buses from its Ride On fleet. The new buses feature zero emissions and are expected to reduce the county’s annual emissions by 640 tons. The buses are not expected to be in service until late 2025. Learn more here. |
 County Releases Updates on Climate Action PlanMontgomery County has released the second-quarter update on its Fiscal Year 2023 Climate Work Plan, highlighting ongoing work on the County’s Climate Action Plan. Transportation related highlights of the second-quarter report include the completion of phase one of the Brookville Smart Energy Depot last October. The bus depot includes a 6.5 microgrid to power the County’s Ride On electric bus fleet. Additionally, MCDOT implemented the first dedicated bus lane project in the County (in Germantown) and expanded micromobility services in the Germantown area. For more information visit the Climate Action Portal here. |
 DEP Requests Public Feedback on Expanding Community EV Charging in Montgomery CountyThe Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) is developing a plan for how to expand Community EV Charging Infrastructure. Building more public charging is key to meeting the County's goals to cut climate change by encouraging EV adoption. Community charging infrastructure can be located at private properties or at sites owned or operated by Montgomery County Government. Beginning in 2023, millions of dollars will be available for new infrastructure through state and federal programs. DEP has developed two new tools to help residents, policymakers, property owners, and regional organizations make smart decisions about how to expand charging. - Charge Montgomery Story Map
is an interactive tool to explore different factors that can drive new charging infrastructure, including EV ownership trends, state and federal programs, racial equity, and social justice.
- Montgomery County Community EV Charging Survey
is designed for EV drivers, property owners, fleet managers, and EVSE installers to weigh in on the County's goals, potential charging locations, and charging experiences.
- Charge Montgomery Kick-Off Webinars
will be held April 13 at 7pm and April 14 at 12pm. These meetings are to introduce the planning process, review initial progress and survey results, and provide an opportunity for Q&A. Two dates are provided for scheduling convenience and will include identical content.
 Purple Line Project Update for Silver SpringAs of Tuesday, Feb. 28, the traffic and pedestrian signal at Georgia Avenue and Bonifant Street in Silver Spring has been temporarily removed. This includes the closure of the crosswalk across Georgia Avenue to Bonifant Street. Pedestrians are directed to use the crosswalk located a block south at Thayer Avenue. Please follow posted signage for the pedestrian detour. Bonifant Street (East) remains open to eastbound vehicular traffic and pedestrians. Access to all businesses along Bonifant Street will be maintained during construction. Construction will continue on Bonifant Street through the remainder of 2023. Purple Line work continues around the Paul S. Sarbanes Transit Center as crews continue construction of the Purple Line Station and the mezzanine access to the Metro and MARC stations. ADA-compliant pedestrian access will be maintained with intermittent changes to walkways around the work zone; please follow on-site signage. Access to the Transit Center will be maintained at all times around the Purple Line work zone. Construction may occur from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., weekdays and weekends, as needed. View construction updates on the project website here. For questions or concerns contact the Purple Line Outreach Team at 443-451-3706 or 443-451-3705 (Espanol) or email outreach@purplelinemd.com. Above images: Crews work on the platform and station at the Paul S. Sarbanes Transit Center in Silver Spring. |
 'Operation Clean Sweep' Aims to Tackle Litter Along Maryland RoadwaysThe Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration launched “Operation Clean Sweep Maryland” on Friday, Feb. 24 — aiming to increase litter removal along state-maintained roadways throughout Maryland. As part of the effort, the state will double how frequently crews pick up litter and mow along Maryland roads. Maryland will also hire more state employees to help with litter pickup. Residents can call 410-545-0300 or submit an online request to report litter issues and high grass around state roads. State roadways are typically labeled with numbers. such as MD-355/Rockville Pike, Rt. 190/River Road and MD-185/Connecticut Avenue. |
Phase Two of Glenmont Metro Station Bus Bay Closures to Begin Monday, March 6 On Monday, March 6, Metro will begin the second phase of construction work at the Glenmont Metro Station, closing bus bays C and D. Construction is expected to last approximately three months. Learn more here. Metro Seeks Community Input on FY24 Budget Proposal to Improve Service and Simplify Fares Metro has opened the public comment period for the proposed Fiscal Year 2024 budget that seeks to expand service on Metrorail and Metrobus, provide more equitable fares, implement a low-income fare program, enhance public safety, and maintain a safe and reliable system through capital investments. The community is encouraged to provide feedback on the $4.8 billion capital and operating budget. The public can provide feedback about the proposed fare and service changes that would take a effect starting this summer by taking a survey, providing written comments by 5 p.m. Wednesday, March 15. For more information visit wmata.com/initiatives/budget. Four public hearings will also be held on March 6, 7, 8, and 10 at various locations. The meetings will be accessible in person, online, or by phone. The hearings will be live streamed online at YouTube.com/MetroForward. More Metrorail Service has Increased on the Red Line During the Busiest Days of the Week Beginning Tuesday, Feb. 21, Red Line trains now operate every 8 minutes all day on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, which have become Metro’s highest ridership days. On Mondays and Fridays, Red Line trains will continue to operate every 8 minutes during the morning and evening rush, and every 10 minutes at all other times until 9 p.m. Learn more here. Metrobus Celebrates 50 Years of Serving Customers in the National Capital Region On Thursday, Feb. 23, Metro's Board of Directors marked the 50th Anniversary of Metrobus service, now the nation's sixth largest bus network. The milestone coincides with Metro's Better Bus Initiative to redesign the bus network and improve the Metrobus system.. Learn more here. Purple Line Excavation and Blasting to Commence at the Bethesda Connection to Metro's Red Line On or about Monday, March 20, crews will resume excavation in the Purple Line’s elevator shaft to connect to Metro's Red Line in Bethesda. This operation will include blasting the rock within the shaft located at the work zone on Elm Street at Wisconsin Avenue. Blasting is planned during daytime hours, typically once a week with additional work in the area occurring over multiple shifts between excavation and removal of rubble from the site. In advance of each blast, warning siren will be activated. Use of backup alarms will be limited during nighttime hours. Work may occur in two shifts weekdays and weekends, as needed. Bikes are Now Allowed on Metro and Metro Considers Design that Would Allow Passengers to Move Between Rail Cars WMATA General Manager and CEO Randy Clarke said during Thursday’s Board of Directors meeting the transit agency is considering an “open gangway” design for its next generation of rail cars. Metro now also allows bicycles on the rail system. Read the WTOP article here. The Public Comment Period is Underway Through Thursday, April 13 for I-95 Express Toll Lanes Northbound Extension and I-695 Ramps Toll Rate Range Setting As part of the toll rate range setting process for the new I-95 Express Toll Lanes Northbound Extension and I-695 ramps, the Maryland Transportation Authority Board is hosting a virtual public hearing to receive public testimony about the proposed tolling plan. The project combines safety and environmental enhancements, congestion relief, new community noise walls, multimodal opportunities and system preservation efforts along a 11.7-mile corridor of the East Coast’s most important interstate route in Baltimore and Harford counties. The proposed tolling plan and public hearing materials are online at mdta.maryland.gov/I95ETLNB-Section200. No More Digging for Change: Dulles Toll Road Goes Cashless Heads-up if you drive the Dulles Toll Road: No more digging in your pockets for change. The Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority says the 16-mile stretch of road is now completely cashless. Drivers who don’t have E-ZPass transponders will no longer have to stop at toll booths to pay. Instead, under the new pay-by-plate system, cameras will automatically snap pictures of their license plates, and drivers will be sent an invoice in the mail. Read WTOP article here.  For more information on MCDOT programs and services, visit montgomerycountymd.gov/mcdot and subscribe to receive the latest MCDOT news to your mobile phone or email inbox. |