Vision Zero Annual Report Released Highlighting Accomplishments and Celebrating Completion of Phase 1 of the Bethesda BikewayMontgomery County released its annual report for the Vision Zero Initiative to end serious and fatal crashes on roadways by 2030. The Fiscal Year 2022 report details progress made on 114 tasks and projects that were undertaken during the year. The report was released on Wednesday, Nov. 30, at a ribbon cutting for Phase 1 of the Bethesda Bikeway at Woodmont Avenue. County Executive Marc Elrich joined MCDOT Director Chris Conklin and other County officials to officially open the two new separated bike lanes. The new bikeway segments run along Bethesda Avenue and Willow Lane from the Capital Crescent Trail to 47th Street near Elm Street Park and along Woodmont Avenue between Miller Avenue and Montgomery Lane. Both bikeways are separated from traffic by raised concrete medians to protect cyclists. Durable, bright green paint helps increase the visibility of cyclists and identify potential areas of conflict with turning motorists. They are part of a new two-way bike network in downtown Bethesda that MCDOT will continue to build over the next year. The Vision Zero's Annual Report highlights MCDOT efforts including: - Nine projects on High Injury Network (HIN) corridors. HIN corridors represent 3 percent of the County roads and 41 percent of serious and fatal injuries. Four safety audits, two project designs and three construction projects were completed.
- Installation of eight pedestrian hybrid beacons. The devices provide a red signal for drivers to safely allow people on foot and on bike to cross.
- 27 bikeway projects. Four have been completed, including the installation of the second and third protected intersections at Bethesda and Woodmont avenues in Bethesda and at Cameron and Fenton streets in Silver Spring.
- Constructed seven miles of new sidewalk.
- 40,000 resident engagements across 90 events and five safety campaigns. This includes bike safety rodeos for over 300 school children.
View event photos here. Watch the ribbon-cutting event here.   MCDOT Posts Placards On Ride On Buses in December to Honor Rosa Parks Day Montgomery County recognizes Dec. 1 as Rosa Parks Day, honoring the American hero who refused to give up her seat to a white man on a Montgomery, Alabama bus on Dec. 1, 1955. Her arrest sparked the Dec. 5 boycott of city buses by 42,000 African Americans, which helped change the course of America. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled on Nov. 13, 1956, that segregation on city buses was unconstitutional. To honor Parks, MCDOT has placed placards inside all Ride On buses throughout December to commemorate her leadership, activism and bravery.  MCDOT Launches Two Grant Programs to Assist Disabled, Seniors and Low-Income Residents With Transportation NeedsTwo grant programs designed to increase transportation services for disabled, senior and limited income residents were recently launched by MCDOT. Approximately $800,000 in operating and capital budget funds will be available to eligible nonprofits to create assistance programs or enhance existing ones. Eligible nonprofits are encouraged to apply for funds from the program. Applications are due by 5 p.m. on Wednesday, Dec. 28. An online information session for the grant program will be held from 1:30-3 p.m. on Monday, Dec. 5. Learn more here. |
 MCDOT Leaf Collection to be Completed Mid-DecemberLeaf vacuum collections will continue through mid-December, weather permitting. Residents are asked to pile leaves near the street but off the road. Avoid placing leaves on road shoulders, bike lanes and rain gardens to avoid disruption to traffic, safety, and stormwater systems. Watch this video about the program. Find your home’s scheduled collection dates by entering your address here. Learn more here. |
 Virtual Public Hearing on Proposed Old Baltimore Road Sidewalk Proposal in Olney to be Held on Wednesday, Dec. 7On Wednesday, Dec. 7 at 7 p.m., MCDOT will hold a virtual public hearing to discuss the proposed construction of a sidewalk in the Hallowell community on Old Baltimore Road from Menden Farm Drive to the path at the lake. At the virtual hearing, MCDOT will present the project details, costs, schedules and obtain public testimony. If approved, the completed project will enhance safety for pedestrians, bicyclists and people with disabilities as they travel to nearby schools and facilities. Public input is encouraged and will influence whether MCDOT constructs any, all or a portion of the proposed sidewalks. Online registration is required to attend. Learn more here. |
 MCDOT Spreads Awareness About Pedestrian Safety at Westfield Wheaton and Montgomery MallsMCDOT's Pedestrian Safety Team will be inside the Westfield Wheaton Mall on Saturday, Dec. 3 and Sunday, Dec. 4, and at the Westfield Montgomery Mall on Saturday, Dec. 17 and Sunday, Dec. 18. Stop by the MCDOT table for safety education materials and giveaways and to view the Street Smart’s “Lives Shatter on Impact" wall exhibit and to hear testimonials from those that have been impacted by a pedestrian or bicyclist crash. View photos from last year’s event here. The Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments’ Street Smart Safety campaign aims to reduce the number of pedestrian and bicyclist injuries and deaths in the region. Personal stories are at the heart of the campaign shared via a Testimonial Wall display telling the stories of car crash victims from our region in a way that engages audiences of all ages. |
  Use Ride On to Get to the Silver Spring Ice Skating Rink at Veteran's Plaza Now Open in Silver SpringThe Veteran's Plaza Ice Skating Rink offers lessons and open skate time, which can be reserved online here. For pricing, opening hours and additional information visit the ice rink's website here. Ride On provides service to the Veteran's Plaza rink via the following routes: 8, 9, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 28 and Flash. |
 Bethesda’s Metropolitan Garage 49 Payment System ModernizationOn or about Tuesday, Jan. 3, MCDOT will change the payment system in the Metropolitan Garage (Garage 49) located at 7601 Woodmont Avenue in Bethesda. The existing cashier system will be replaced with a gateless pay-by-plate system. The new system will allow customers to prepay at a centralized station. Mobile payment will be available for the first time in the garage giving customers a contactless option. The hours of operation will remain the same. Learn more here. |
 Montgomery County Executive Elrich Is Holding Hybrid Forums to Seek Input on FY 2024 Operating BudgetMontgomery County Executive Marc Elrich, the County’s regional services offices and community partners are hosting hybrid forums in December to seek input on the Fiscal Year 2024 Operating Budget. The next forum, emphasizing priorities of the senior community, will be conducted on Wednesday, Dec. 7 from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Register to view online or attend live in-person at the White Oak Community Recreation Center, 1700 April Lane, Silver Spring. Residents can attend most forums in person or view them via the internet. The County is in the early stages of formulating the FY24 operating budget and will go into effect on July 1. |
 Maryland Extends Grace Period for Late Fees on Unpaid Tolls to Wednesday, Dec. 14Motorists with unpaid video tolls in Maryland will have until Wednesday, Dec. 14 to pay in full and avoid late fees after the state board extended the pandemic-era grace period by two weeks. Vehicle owners may pay their tolls online at driveezmd.com, call 866-320-9995, or visit a customer service center at some toll facilities and MVA offices. |
 National Capital Region Transportation Planning Board’s (TPB) Community Advisory Committee (CAC) is Accepting Applications for 2023-2024 Being a member of the Transportation Planning Board's (TPB) Community Advisory Committee (CAC) is a great opportunity for residents of the metropolitan Washington region who are interested in regional transportation issues to provide input to decision-makers and promote public involvement in the regional planning process. The CAC meets once a month and advises the region’s metropolitan planning organization on key regional transportation issues, such as transportation funding, environmental concerns, and emergency preparedness issues. Applications can be submitted online here by Monday, Dec. 5. For questions, contact John Swanson at jswanson@mwcog.org or 202-962-3295. |
METRO UPDATES Metro Celebrates Rosa Parks Day by Reserving a Seat on Every Bus on Thursday, Dec. 1 The Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) will celebrate Rosa Parks Day by reserving a seat for the civil rights icon on every Metro bus in their transit system. Learn more here. Metrobus Service Changes Effective Sunday, Dec. 11 WMATA will make changes to Metrobus service on 29 routes in the District of Columbia, Maryland, and Virginia that include extended late-night Q Line service between Rockville and Shady Grove stations and on weekdays northbound buses departing Silver Spring at 11:13 p.m. and 11:40 p.m. will be changed from Route Q4 to Route Q1 to provide service between Rockville and Shady Grove. Learn more here. Metrorail Weekend Service for Saturday, Dec. 3 and Sunday, Dec. 4 Metrorail will open at 7 a.m. and close at 1 a.m. on Saturday. Dec. 3 and midnight Sunday, Dec. 4 with scheduled maintenance on every line. Due to radio cable installation, North Bethesda (White Flint) and Grosvenor-Strathmore stations are closed. Trains will operate every 10 minutes between Shady Grove and Twinbrook, and Medical Center and Glenmont. Free shuttle buses will be provided. Learn more here. Rockville Metro Station Escalator Replacement Began Monday, Nov. 28 WMATA is replacing the two platform escalators at the Rockville Metro Station. During construction, access to the platform will only be available using one escalator as a two-way staircase or via elevator. Elevators, staircases and access tunnel will remain open. Construction is expected to take approximately 8 months. Learn more here. |
 One Handy Tip to Knowing if Your Metrobus is Real or a 'Ghost Bus' Metrobus riders often complain about “ghost buses” that appear to be coming on an app or website but never actually show up. Metro’s general manager Randy Clark said that the software team is actively working on the problem and expects riders to see improvements before the end of this year. Read the WJLA article here. |
 For more information on MCDOT programs and services, visit montgomerycountymd.gov and subscribe to receive MCDOT news to your mobile phone or email inbox. Interested in receiving MCDOT’s “Go Montgomery!” newsletter? Subscribe here. |