MCDOT Adjusts 24 Ride On Bus Route Schedules to Improve EfficiencyAlthough service levels are staying relatively the same, the changes reflect a shift in resources to allow for more reliable service. The new schedules are available in print and online here. There are 21 time changes that impact routes 4, 5, 9, 10, 15, 16, 20, 26, 34, 37, 38, 43, 46, 48, 55, 59, 61, 63, 79, 83, and 100. Learn more here. |
 Take the Ride On Reimagined Customer Satisfaction Survey for the Chance to Win a $100 Gift CardMCDOT invites all current, former and potential Ride On bus users to take the survey, which is available online through Friday, Oct. 7. Those who participate will be entered into a sweepstake for one of ten $100 gift cards. Take the online survey here. Surveys will also be made available at pop up events around Montgomery County throughout the month of September. The Ride On Reimagined Study is a comprehensive, forward-looking assessment of the bus network that may result in significant recommended changes to how bus transit (including Ride On and Metrobus) operates in Montgomery County based on current and future needs. This survey is a vital part of the Ride On Reimagined study. MCDOT wants to learn what is being done well, and what areas need improvement to help decide how best to invest in Ride On’s future. Learn more here. |
 Prizes Raffled to Montgomery County Participants Who Register for Car Free Day, Held On Thursday, Sept. 22Montgomery County residents are encouraged to participate in Car Free Day, a worldwide event that encourages traveling in ways that are greener than driving alone, such as walking, riding a bicycle, rail, bus, in a carpool or teleworking. Using more sustainable ways to get around helps reduce harmful greenhouse gas emissions and traffic congestion. The more people that travel using alternative modes, the fewer greenhouse gases are released into the atmosphere. Residents are invited to take the pledge to participate in Car Free Day on Thursday, Sept. 22. Each entry will be entered into a raffle for some great prizes. Duplicate entries will be disqualified. Participants can take the pledge online here. MCDOT’s Commuter Services team will be at the following locations with free giveaways and pledge cards that can be filled out to enter in a raffle drawing for gift cards, Capital Bikeshare annual membership or a $200 SmarTrip card: - Bethesda at the Metro bus bays 7:30 - 9:30 a.m.
- Friendship Heights at Wisconsin Place 6:30 - 9 a.m.
- Germantown Transit Center 6:30 - 9 a.m.
- North Bethesda Metro station 6:30 - 9 a.m.
- Shady Grove Metro station 6:30 - 9 a.m.
- Silver Spring Metro station 6:30 - 9 a.m.
- White Oak – Lockwood Drive and New Hampshire Avenue Transit Center 7 - 9 a.m.
Residents who do not own a bike can use the Capitol Bikeshare system. Thousands of bikes are provided throughout the region, including Montgomery County. Check out a bike and return it to any station near your destination. Single trip, daily and yearly memberships are available. The first 30 minutes of each trip is free. Visit the Bikeshare location map here. |
 Virtual Public Hearing on the Proposed Abandonment of a Public Alley off Bayard Boulevard in BethesdaOn Wednesday, Sept. 21 starting at 1 p.m., MCDOT will hold a virtual public hearing on the proposed abandonment of a public alley on the basis that there is no current or anticipated future public use. The public will have an opportunity to present oral or written testimony. Online registration is required by 5 p.m., Friday, Sept. 16 to attend. Learn more here. |
 Fall Cleaning of 21 Montgomery County-Owned Public Parking Garages in Bethesda, Silver Spring and Wheaton is UnderwayMCDOT’s Division of Parking Management began its Spring washdown of all 21 County-owned parking garages in Silver Spring, Bethesda and Wheaton. The washings began in the Silver Spring garages and will end in the Wheaton garages on Nov. 3. MCDOT performs spring and fall washdowns during nights and weekends to keep garages clean and help keep grease, oil and debris out of local waterways. Regular cleanings prevent deterioration from prolonged exposure to salt, sand, oils, gas, dirt, pollen and leaves. Some garages will experience partial closures, including select entrance/exit areas and ramps. View the schedule and learn more here. |
 Councilmember Friedson Holds Pedestrian and Bicyclist Safety Walk Along Old Georgetown Road in Bethesda On the morning of Friday, Sept. 9 Councilmember Andrew Friedson along with transportation partners conducted a walk along Old Georgetown Road in Bethesda in response to recent tragedies. Old Georgetown Road is a state road managed by the Maryland Department of Transportation – State Highway Administration (MDOT-SHA). Roadways that have numbers assigned to them are owned and managed by the state, MDOT-SHA. |
 Robert Dyer Blog Promotes Activation of New Crossing Signals at Bethesda Row in Downtown BethesdaCyclists now have their own signal. MCDOT has installed and activated the bike crossing signals at the intersection of Bethesda and Woodmont Avenues by Bethesda Row. Learn more here. |
 Montgomery County Climate Action Annual Report Highlights AccomplishmentsMontgomery County has released its first Climate Action Plan Annual Report, a work plan detailing the Fiscal Year 2022 (FY22) accomplishments and Fiscal Year 2023 (FY23) plans to combat climate change. The report highlights 75 accomplishments in the first year since the plan was released in June 2021. The Climate Action Plan (CAP) is a strategic plan to cut community-wide greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions 80 percent by 2027 and 100 percent by 2035, compared to 2005 levels. The plan also seeks to reduce climate-related risks to the County’s residents, businesses and the built and natural environment. Learn more here. |
 Purple Line Work Resumes in Montgomery CountyThe purple line is a project of the Maryland Department of Transportation. When finished, the 16-mile light rail line will connect job centers and densely populated neighborhoods in Prince George’s and Montgomery counties, providing access to employment opportunities, the University of Maryland’s flagship campus in College Park, four Metro lines, MARC and Amtrak. Read the Patch article here. |
 Lymphoma Research Foundation Annual Bike Ride on Rustic Road in Upper Montgomery County on Sunday, Oct. 3The Lymphoma Research Foundation is hosting its annual Bike Ride to raise awareness and funds to fight lymphoma and improve the quality of life for lymphoma survivors. The public can sign up here to attend. There will be three route options available at 10, 25 and 40 miles. The ride starts at Barnesville School and goes through Poolesville, Dickerson, Beallesville, around Sugarloaf Mountain, up to Boyds and back to Barnesville. Montgomery County’s Rustic Road committee will be onsite to talk about and promote rustic roads. Rustic roads are adoptable under MCDOT’s Adopt A Road program. |
 Smart EV Chargers Eligible for County Tax CreditsMontgomery County provides a tax credit of up to $250 per household each year for devices that reduce demand for conventional fuels. If you installed a home EV charger in the last 12 months or install one going forward, you can claim the tax credit by filling out an online form here. |
 New Bay Bridge Span: Marylanders Can Give Feedback As Talks Progress by Friday, Oct. 14Maryland may eventually build a third span of the Bay Bridge. The state asked residents to share their thoughts as the proposal advances. Planners hope these extra lanes would relieve some congestion around one of the state's biggest bottlenecks. Read the Patch article here. |
 MDOT MTA Brings Real-Time Train Arrival Information to Light RailReal-time tracking is now available on all MDOT MTA fixed-route services. All MDOT MTA fixed-route services now offer up-to-the-minute information for passengers. The deployment of real-time information on light rail simplifies multi-modal travel by improving riders’ ability to plan connections to Local Bus, Metro Subway or MARC Train. Read the Mass Transit article here. |
 Hogan's Plan To Widen Capital Beltway, I-270 Gets Key Federal ApprovalThe Federal Highway Administration issued a “record of decision” in the project's application process, the final step in the federal government's National Environmental Policy Act review phase of the project. Read the Patch article here. |
METRO NEWS Planned Metro Red Line Service Track Work Update From Saturday, Sept. 17 to Sunday, Sept. 18 there will be single tracking between Forest Glen and Silver Spring. From Monday, Sept. 19 to Thursday, Sept. 22 red line will be single tracking between Silver Spring and Forest Glen after 10 p.m. for leak mitigation. Metro Extends Customer Service Hours to Seven Days a Week Metro's customer service team has expanded its hours and is now open on weekends from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday. During the week, customer service hours will be extended by an hour (Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.). MetroBus Adjusts Some Routes to Better Serve Customers and Improve Safety Metro implemented service adjustments on more than a dozen routes across the District, Maryland and Virginia. Wait times between buses will change by only a few minutes. The adjustments will allow metro to better allocate resources across the Metrobus network and minimize the inconvenience to customers. Wait times between buses will change by only a few minutes. Glenmont Metro Station Temporary Bus Bay Relocations Started Monday, Sept. 12 WMATA’s Glenmont bus canopy rehabilitation project will be closing two bus bays at a time to replace the skylights and do structural work. The project will be completed in 4 phases of bay closures and is scheduled to be completed on July 5, 2023. For Phase 1, Bus Bays A and B will be closed until early November. Riders are asked to follow signs at the station. Learn more here. Wheaton Metro Station Temporary Bus Bay Relocations for Pavement Rehabilitation Sections of the WMATA bus loop will be closed for five months. During each phase of the work, a different set of bus bays will be closed, and routes will be served by temporary bus stops or alternative bus bays. This project will result in an improved experience for Metro and Ride On customers. Learn more here. Metro to Implement Five Station Name Changes; White Flint Metro Station Becomes North Bethesda Metro Station Metro implemented five station name changes on signage and maps across the system as requested by local jurisdictions and approved by the Metro Board of Directors. The White Flint Metro Station in Bethesda is now known as the North Bethesda Metro Station. Customers will see immediate changes on digital maps throughout rail stations and on bus displays as well as on wmata.com, Trip Planner, and Next Arrivals. Destination signs on Metrobuses and announcements also will recognize new station names. Work in Progress on Installation of New Escalators at the Silver Spring Metro Station As part of customer improvements at the Silver Spring Station, Metro is replacing five entrance escalators with brand-new escalators that are more durable and reliable. Work has begun at the north entrance between East-West Highway and Second Ave. The entrance is closed for approximately four months during construction. Metrorail service will not be impacted and customers will be able to access the station via the escalator and elevator at the south entrance closest to the Paul S. Sarbanes Transit Center. Metrorail Ridership Survey Underway Now Through November Through the end of November, Metrorail customers will be asked to complete ridership surveys that will help ensure future policy decisions reflect customer needs. Metro staff will be distributing paper surveys at various stations across the system, and completed surveys can be put in drop boxes at metro stations. Learn more here. Metro 7000-Series Trains Making Comeback Metro returned more of its newest trains to service on Monday, Sept. 12. The 7000-series trains were removed from service in October 2021 after the Washington Metrorail Safety Commission (WMSC) found safety issues. With the Washington Metrorail Safety Commission’s approval, Metro’s updated return to service plan allows the agency to safely operate up to 20 of its 7000-series trains per day, up from the current limit of eight trains. |
 States Play a Central Role in the EV Charger BuildoutState and local officials should get an idea in the coming weeks of how the federal government plans to roll out one of its biggest programs for building a national electric vehicle charging network. Every state has submitted a proposal for how it plans to fulfill the national requirements, but the federal government is still firming up guidelines for the five-year effort. Read the Route Fifty article here. |
 How Self-Driving Vehicles Took a Major Step Forward This SummerWithin a few short weeks this summer, the prospect of self-driving vehicles has advanced from science fiction trials to reality, raising complex political and ethical issues as governments and manufacturers race to lead this potentially lucrative market. Read the Global Fleet article here. |
 E-bike, E-Scooter Use Recovering After Pandemic Decline, NABSA Shared Micromobility Report FindsThough COVID-19 took its toll, the trade group for shared micromobility providers says 2021 data shows the industry is emerging stronger. Read the Smart Cities Dive article here. |
 For more information on MCDOT programs and services, visit montgomerycountymd.gov/mcdot and subscribe to receive MCDOT news to your email inbox or mobile phone. |