Ride On Wins Grant to Develop First Regional App to Show “How Full Is My Bus?”MCDOT has been awarded a grant for $450,000 by the Federal Transit Administration to create a Ride On Crowd Sourcing System (ROCSS) application that provides real-time bus status and passenger counts for Ride On routes to the public and MCDOT’s central dispatch. The new technology is the first to coordinate with strategically placed buses to assist routes nearing capacity and offer trip planning services. This cutting-edge project is slated to begin this fall with a pilot of users from the Montgomery County Transit Advisory Group. Rollout to all riders is projected to begin in the Spring of 2022. |
 The National Capital Region Transportation Planning Board (TPB) has awarded MCDOT a $60,000 grant for a safety study along New Hampshire Avenue (MD 650) from Oakview Drive to Southampton Drive. The study will include recommendations for safety improvements to enhance the corridor for all people walking, biking and using transit. Learn more here. |
 Montgomery County Department of Transportation Commits to Long Term ‘Ride Free Program’ for Seniors and Persons with DisabilitiesMCDOT’s Seniors and Persons with Disabilities Ride Free Program will continue long-term on all County buses, including Ride On, Ride On extRa, Flex and Flash buses. The Ride Free Program will stay in effect even if fares are resumed on the County bus system. Montgomery County buses have been free for all riders during the COVID-19 health crisis. Learn more here. Did you know? Senior SmarTrip cards can be purchased at the Montgomery County Treasury office in Rockville, County libraries, MCDOT's Silver Spring TRiPS and Mobile Commuter stores. |
 MCDOT’s Ride On Flex ResumesRide On Flex, a unique on-demand transit service that has been suspended due to the COVID-19 health crisis, has resumed operations. Flex provides service in defined zones in Rockville and Glenmont/Wheaton and is the first of its kind in the Washington Metropolitan Region. Flex offers transit without a fixed route or schedule within defined geographic zones. Using an app or the call center, riders can request trips from a designated pickup location to a drop-off location within the same service zone. Curb-to-curb service is also available for those with disabilities. Learn more here.  | | The First Four Days of Service Statistics: - Average 6 minute ride time
- Average 1.2 miles traveled
- Average 4.9 customer satisfaction rating (5 being the best)
 MCDOT Seeks Public Input on Veirs Mill Road (MD 586) Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) in WheatonTake a survey to provide feedback on design concepts for the new FLASH bus rapid transit (BRT) stations planned along Veirs Mill Road (MD 586) between Montgomery College and the Wheaton Metro station. The Veirs Mill Road BRT will be a seven-mile, limited-stop, branded bus service with an expected twelve stations. Learn more here. |
 REMINDER: MCDOT Has Resumed Charging Late Fees for Outstanding, Unpaid County Parking CitationsMCDOT, which suspended late fees on parking tickets in March of 2020 to prevent undue hardship for customers during COVID-19 health crisis, has resumed collecting late fees as of August 1. MCDOT has mailed notices to the owners of vehicles with balances due for citations issued from January 1, 2020, to June 30, 2021. Learn more here. |
 New walking lane and mini-roundabout at Grove Street and Silver Spring Avenue. The goal is to slow down traffic. MCDOT Making Good Progress on Grove Street Neighborhood Greenway Pilot ProjectThe Grove Street Neighborhood Greenway Shared Street Pilot Project, stretching along Grove Street from Sligo Avenue in the south to Bonifant Street in the north, will improve pedestrian and bicyclist safety on the edge of downtown Silver Spring. The pilot project uses temporary materials that can be modified or removed. It prioritizes safety for bicyclists and pedestrians and minimizes the fast movement of vehicles. See the newly installed walking lane. Learn more about the Grove Street Greenway project and MCDDOT's Shared Street program. SAFE ROUTES TO SCHOOL (SRTS) UPDATES SRTS Works With Safe Kids Worldwide in July Safe Kids Worldwide selected MCDOT’s Safe Routes to School (SRTS) program to be part of the "Ready to Roll" Program. SRTS will host bike rodeos, teaching bike safety, at summer camps throughout the County. SRTS Program Manager Speaks at Safe Kids Worldwide Convention SRTS Program Manager Duwan Morris presented at a virtual childhood injury prevention convention last month. Morris spoke about the challenges of transitioning to a virtual platform to reach students during the pandemic. Visit safekids.org for more information. Sign up to receive the SRTS Newsletter. |
METRO UPDATES Metrorail Has Extended Service to Midnight Metro has expanded train service to midnight, seven days a week. The extended operating hours are the first in a package of improvements that will add more all-day rail service, create high-frequency bus routes and improve service across the region. Learn more here. Major Metro Red Line Projects Will Cause Delays and Close Shady Grove and Rockville Stations from September 11 to December 4 The Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA—or Metro) has announced that two major projects to improve safety will impact riders of the Red Line from July through December. A project that will begin in September will necessitate the complete closure of the Shady Grove and Rockville Metro stations through December. Free shuttle bus service will be available during this time. Residents can sign up for email updates on the latest construction progress and potential travel impacts here. |
 Seeking Public Input on the Corridor Forward I-270 Transit Plan The Montgomery County Planning Department is requesting public feedback from transit riders along the I-270 corridor. This input will help planners view the current transit system through the eyes of Montgomery County residents and provide perspective when prioritizing the proposed transit options. Residents can provide input through text, photos, or videos on social media by tagging Montgomery Planning on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. For more information visit the project website. |
 MTA to Return to Full MARC and Commuter Bus Service Late SummerLearn more here. |
 For department updates, follow @MCDOTNow on Twitter, visit the department website at montgomerycountymd.gov/mcdot. Sign up to receive the latest MCDOT news releases to your inbox. |