Ride On Bus Schedule Changes Beginning Sunday, July 18MCDOT will adjust Ride On bus schedules starting July 18, to increase overall service and improve efficiency. The following 19 bus routes will have schedule changes and some improved frequencies: 1, 10, 11, 15, 16, 17, 20, 34, 46, 47, 48, 49, 54, 55, 56, 57, 59, 61, and 64. Click on the route number to see the timetable. For more information click here.  MCDOT's Ride On Flex On-Demand Service Returns in Rockville and Wheaton/Glenmont on July 19Ride On Flex, a unique on-demand transit service that was piloted in 2019 into early 2020, has been suspended due to the COVID-19 health crisis. Flex operates in defined zones in Rockville and Glenmont/Wheaton. This and all County buses continue to offer free fair to riders throughout the summer months. For more information click here. |
 MCDOT Receives Four 2021 Achievement Awards from National Association of CountiesLearn more here.  MCDOT's Commuter Services Participants Win Three Regional ‘Commuter Connections’ AwardsThree employers active in MCDOT's Commuter Services program have won regional awards at the 2021 “Commuter Connections Employer Recognition Awards” for innovative and successful commuter programs. There was a clean sweep of the category with all three of the region’s employer awards going to organizations located in Montgomery County. The Commuter Services office works with employers in the County to encourage commuter programs that are focused on reducing single-occupancy drivers. Learn more and get your business involved here. |
 Employers FareShare ProgramFareShare encourages employers to begin a commuter benefits program, or enhance the impact of their existing program, by increasing the amount of transit subsidy offered to employees to attract more participants. As long as an employer contributes a minimum of $25 to its employees’ transit subsidy, the County will reimburse the rest up to the Federal maximum of $270. FareShare staff will visit offices free of charge to help set up commuting benefits programs tailored to company's needs. Learn more here. |
 Sign Up for a Free Capital BikeShare Membership Capital Bikeshare offers affordable, accessible, and fun transportation options for everyone, regardless of income. The Capital Bikeshare for All program is available to residents of Montgomery County ages 18 and older who qualify for a county, state or federal assistance program. Register here, call 240-777-8380 or email commuter.services@montgomerycountymd.gov. |
 Going Back into the Office? Join the Rideshare ProgramRidesharing (carpooling) is two or more persons traveling together in an automobile. Ridesharing services enable commuters to find other individuals who share similar commute routes and work hours. Additionally, vanpooling is an option for individuals commuting long distances. Employers can give participants up to $270 in tax-free transportation benefits each month. If you would like to join or form a carpool or vanpool, visit tdm.commuterconnections.org/mwcog, call 240-777-8380, or email commuter.services@montgomerycountymd.gov. |
 MCDOT ROADWAY REPAIR PROGRAMMCDOT Re-Surfaces Dennis Avenue in Silver Spring MCDOT has begun resurfacing the full width of Dennis Avenue under MCDOT’s Roadway Repair program. After resurfacing, lane markings will be painted. The project will take 23 weeks to complete. For more information, view the project newsletter. Crews have also started residential paving in Bethesda, Germantown, Kensington, and Colesville. Click here for a list of all residential road projects.  Wisconsin and Montgomery Avenue Closures ContinueThe current lane and sidewalk closures adjacent to the Avocet Towers building located at 7373 Wisconsin Avenue will continue until Sept. 30. |
 MDOT SHA Continues to Test Ramp Metering System on Northbound I-270The Maryland Department of Transportation’s State Highway Administration (MDOT SHA) ramp metering system is expected to be activated in 2022. Ramp metering is a part of the I-270 Innovative Congestion Management project designed to help reduce congestion by using sensors that detect real-time traffic conditions and activate traffic signals, when needed, to more efficiently control how traffic merges onto I-270. For a list of all State projects in Montgomery County click here.  For department updates, follow @MCDOTNow on Twitter, visit the department website at montgomerycountymd.gov/mcdot or sign up to receive MCDOT news releases to your inbox. |