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New I-270 Interchange Off Watkins Mill Road Now Open; Montgomery County Contributed $4.9 million to Support Economic Development and Congestion Relief
The Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration (MDOT SHA) opened a new interchange on I-270 that provides direct access from the interstate to Watkins Mill Road in Gaithersburg. The $124 million project will enhance access to Montgomery County’s technology corridor, which is home to dozens of thriving businesses and development.
Montgomery County contributed $4.9 million for design and engineering. County Executive Marc Elrich participated in a virtual ribbon cutting hosted by MDOT SHA Learn more.
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As the County expands activities through phased reopenings, more people - including both essential and non-essential workers - are in need of safe, reliable, and inexpensive travel to work and other places throughout the County. That’s why BikeMatchMoCo was created. This new, FREE service, connects people with extra, unused bicycles to individuals who need them. BikeMatchMoCo facilitates a direct, person-to-person donation. More than 100 requests for bikes have come in during the first week of the program, so the need is clear. Please sign up to donate if you can. Learn more.
Have a bike or need a bike? Go online and complete the registration form or we can mail it to you, call 240-777-8380.
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Shared Streets Arlington Road and Montgomery Parks Car-Free Streets Begin Thursday for Extended Holiday Weekend
Arlington Road is closed to cars and open to pedestrians and cyclists to connect Downtown Bethesda to Little Falls Parkway from 9:00 a.m. today, July 2, to 6:00 p.m. Sunday, July 5.
MCDOT launched its new “Shared Streets” program to support safe, physically distanced activity during the COVID-19 health crisis.
Learn more at montgomerycountymd.gov/dot/sharedstreets.
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MCDOT Further Expands Ride On Bus Service Starting July 5
Ride On will activate additional buses on routes already in service to provide more frequent trips and increase capacity as the County continues reopening during Phase 2. Face coverings are required at all times. Riders are asked to maintain distance where possible, board at the rear door of the bus unless ramp is needed, and service remains free to all passengers. Learn more.
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MCDOT’s Construction Management and Inspection Teams Recognized for Outstanding Service
MCDOT is very proud that its Division of Transportation Engineering Construction Management and Inspection teams have been recognized as "High Risers" by County Executive Marc Elrich and Chief Administrative Officer Andrew Kleine for their exceptional work during the COVID-19 health crisis.
MCDOT area engineers and inspectors have shown up every day to perform their jobs despite these difficulties. The projects that the team are implementing provide much-needed infrastructure and safety improvements like White Flint West Transportation, Snouffer School Road South and North, Seminary Road Improvements, Frederick Road Bike Path, and others. Learn more.
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Commuter Connections Recognizes Three Employers for Excellence in Employee Commuting Benefits
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MCDOT Launches First Shared Streets Neighborhood Greenways
On June 19, MCDOT opened two Shared Streets “neighborhood greenways" in Glenmont Hills and Silver Spring. MCDOT employees attended with their families enjoying biking and walking in the greenway, while demonstrating safe and appropriate behavior following physical distancing and congregating guidelines. Learn more.
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MCDOT Invites Public to Virtual Meeting on US 29 Mobility and Reliability
The meeting will be held from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. on Wednesday, July 22. The following will be discussed:
*Roadway and transit priority alternatives considered;
* Potential bicycle and pedestrian improvements;
* Traffic results and project cost estimates.
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New MCDOT Program Allows Residents to Request ‘Slow Streets’ In Their Neighborhoods
During the early stages of reopening, MCDOT quickly turned downtown streets into open-air dining venues and closed roads near trails to create temporary greenways, making more space for overcrowded trail users. Now, residents can request that their neighborhood streets get the “shared streets” treatment to open them up for safer walking, biking and play. Read Jordan Pascale's June 25 WAMU story.
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Metro Reopened 15 Metrorail Stations as of June 28
Metro reopened 15 rail stations that were previously closed as part of the transit agency’s COVID-19 response, including the Grosvenor-Strathmore Station. In addition, Metro has added more frequent buses and greater capacity to the system’s 14 busiest bus routes. Learn more.
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MTA to Begin Expanded Service July 12 and 13
The Maryland Department of Transportation Maryland Transit Administration will expand its local bus, light rail, MARC train, and commuter bus service July 12 and 13 during Maryland's COVID-19 Phase 2 recovery. View details at mta.maryland.gov/coronavirus.
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Three State Highway Administration Major Road Projects by MDOT Will Have Significant Impact for Extended Periods on Montgomery County Traffic on I-495, I-270 and US Route 29
- Emergency repairs will begin after the July 4 holiday to the inner loop of I-495 (Capital Beltway) Northwest Branch Bridge between MD 650 (New Hampshire Avenue) and MD 193 (University Boulevard) are expected to last through mid-July. Daytime and nighttime intermittent single- and multiple-lane closures between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. weekdays and between 9 p.m. and 5 a.m. overnight.
- Roadwork has already started on a summer-long MDOT SHA project to resurface southbound I-270 from Rockville to Bethesda, causing major delays each day. Drivers are advised to plan ahead, consider alternate routes or expect extra commute times if they travel on or around the routes under repair. Drivers also are asked to take extra caution to help keep workers safe.
- Work has begun on planned $5.7 million safety and resurfacing project that covers about four-mile section of US 29, between St. Andrews Way (near Sligo Creek Parkway) and Stewart Lane is expected to last two years.
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WABA Offers New Bike Buying 101 Online Class, July 7
What kind of bike should I buy? Should I buy new or used? How does bike sizing work? Where should I purchase? I’m new to riding and there are so many options, WHERE DO I START??
If you have asked yourself any of these questions, this webinar is for you! Join WABA Instructor and Black Women Bike member, Robyn, at 6 p.m., as she discusses everything you’ve ever wanted to know about buying a bike. She’ll simplify your research process to narrow down your options and identify the benefits, perils, and hidden costs of each. She’ll also discuss how to adjust your bike shopping process during the pandemic.This webinar is FREE to join. Invite friends and family members and be sure to bring plenty of questions.
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Metro Board Seeks Members for Riders' Advisory Council
The Metro Board of Directors is seeking to fill open seats on the Riders' Advisory Council (RAC), the 11-member panel that advises the Board on policy topics that may affect customers, such as fares, system hours, and frequency of rail and bus service. Applicants are currently being sought to fill three "at-large" seats. To be considered, RAC nominees should be regular Metro riders (during non-pandemic times), live within Metro's service area, and be members of the public who do not hold elected office, work for Metro or any of its contractors. Applications are due July 8. Learn more.