Chris Conklin is the New MCDOT Director
On Oct. 29, Christopher Conklin was confirmed by the Montgomery County Council as the new MCDOT Director. Conklin has served as Deputy Director for Transportation Policy since 2016. Read the press release.
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Thank You and Farewell to Al Roshdieh
Following a 30-year career with the MCDOT and nearly five years as the department’s director, Al Roshdieh retired on Nov. 1. Attending a tribute to Roshdieh were people from throughout Montgomery County, including County Exective Marc Elrich. Learn more.
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County Executive Elrich Attends MCDOT's Snow Summit
County Executive Marc Elrich reviewed the County’s readiness for the 2019-2020 winter storm season at MCDOT's annual Snow Summit. Among those joining Elrich were MCDOT Director Christopher Conklin and Highway Services Chief Richard Dorsey. View photos.
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MCDOT Opens Rebuilt Park Valley Road Bridge Over Sligo Creek in Silver Spring
At the dedication, County Executive Elrich and MCDOT Director Chris Conklin talked about the significant safety improvements that the new bridge delivers, while preserving the character of the original bridge—including its stone design. The bridge and reconfigured trail project will improve pedestrian and bicycle safety, access to the hiker/biker trail, will meet ADA standards and improve traffic safety. This project is an example of County's efforts to modify infrastructure in a manner that supports the goals of the County's Vision Zero program. Read the press release.
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County Launches Month-Long ‘Be Safe, Be Seen’ Campaign
MCDOT joined other County departments and agencies to launch an aggressive campaign to make drivers, pedestrians and bicyclists aware of the added perils that come with decreased hours of daylight. “Be Safe, Be Seen” events will be held at Ride On bus stops and high schools this month. Learn more.
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MCDOT to Enhance Sustainable Salt Practices During Snow Removal
MCDOT will be using new environmental controls to better balance salt use during snow removal operations this winter. Learn more.
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Ride On Assists DEP with ‘Gift Outside the Box!’ Campaign
DEP is sponsoring a holiday campaign launched Nov. 15 with advertising support on MCDOT’s Ride On buses. The “ Gift Outside the Box” campaign encourages residents to make more sustainable choices by reducing waste, supporting local businesses and encouraging volunteerism during the holiday season. Learn more.
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Elrich and Officials Call for State to Return Corridor Cities Transitway (CCT) to Maryland Transportation Plan
On Oct. 28, County Executive Marc Elrich led County Councilmembers, Federal, State and municipal officials and Montgomery County business leaders in expressing their disappointment with the Maryland Department of Transportation’s decision to eliminate the CCT from the draft of the State 2020-25 Consolidated Transportation Program. Learn more.
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Street Smart Safety Campaign Warns of Increase in Pedestrian Crashes
The DC area's StreetSmart campaign reports a 14 percent increase in the number of pedestrian fatalities between 2017 and 2018 regionwide. Law enforcement officials will step up efforts to ticket drivers, pedestrians, and bicyclists who break safety laws, such as failing to stop for people in crosswalks or not signaling.
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Traffic Incident Response Awareness Week
Last week marked a national observance to remind drivers to MOVE OVER or slow down when passing traffic incidents and emergency vehicles. Each year, emergency responders, police officers and highway works experience close calls or are injured and some are even killed while responding to incidents on our roadways. Learn more.
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MCDOT to Hold Public Hearing for Proposed Sidewalk Construction on Oak Drive/MD 27 Dec. 4
MCDOT invites the public to attend a public hearing on December 4 at 7 p.m. to provide comments concerning construction of a sidewalk that provides disabled citizens, pedestrians and bicyclists safer travel to schools and nearby public attractions or facilities. Learn more.
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MCDOT to Hold Public Hearing for Proposed Sidewalk Construction in Olney Acres/Macduff Avenue Community Dec.11
MCDOT invites the public to attend a public hearing on December 11 at 7 p.m. to provide comments concerning construction of a sidewalk that provides disabled citizens, pedestrians and bicyclists safer travel to schools and nearby public attractions or facilities. Learn more.
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This year's competition was fierce but friendly. The annual event encourages Transportation Management District employees to incorporate walking into their daily routines and consider transportation options other than driving alone. The first place winner was Team Happy Feet from Linowes and Blocher, walking 282,262 steps during the three-week competition.
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Slower Growth in Working Memory Linked to Teen Driving Crashes
Source: Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania
Research into why adolescent drivers are involved in motor vehicle crashes, the leading cause of injury and death among 16- to-19-year-olds in the United States, has often focused on driving experience and skills. But a new study suggests that development of the adolescent brain may play a critical role in whether a teenager is more likely to crash. Read more.
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Participate in the County’s Pedestrian Master Plan Process
Public input is a vital part of the planning process for the Pedestrian Master Plan. If you were not able to attend the Nov. 13 event, you can still participate by posting photos and videos of your walk in Montgomery County use #WalkingHere on social media or online.
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New Federal Bill Aims to Counter Alarming Rise in Pedestrian Deaths with Funding for Safer Streets
A plan to re-prioritize federal transportation spending was introduced by members of Congress after recent reports showing an alarming rise in pedestrian and cyclist fatalities on the nation’s roadways. Read more.
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MDOT Recognizes Law Enforcement Officers for Impaired Driving Prevention Efforts
The Maryland Department of Transportation recognized 131 law enforcement officers from 30 state, county, and local police agencies, including Montgomery County, for their commitment to enforcing the state’s impaired driving laws. Read more.
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A Transportation Q&A: Elrich Talks Highways, Tolls, Buses and More
Bethesda Beat Staff interviews Marc Elrich about Montgomery County traffic in the November/December issue of the Bethesda Magazine. Read article.