MCDOT to Hold Public Hearing on Establishing Residential Permit Parking in Purple Line Impact Areas in East Silver Spring
A public hearing will be held Wednesday, February 28 from 7 to 8:30 p.m. in the Silver Spring Civic Building. Learn more.
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Safety Tips for Biking
Thinking about trying out bikeshare or taking advantage of the County’s new protected bike lanes? Stay safe by following Street Smart biking tips.
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Two Red Line Stations to Close for Maintenance This Summer
From July 21 through Labor Day, Metro will shut down the Rhode Island Avenue and Brookland stations on the Red Line for maintenance and conduct other projects this summer and fall that will affect every line. Read more.
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Exhibitors and Vendors Can Register for 4th Annual Montgomery County GreenFest to be Held May 5
The 4th Annual Greenfest, Montgomery County’s largest environmental festival, will take place on Saturday, May 5 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. The free event will be held at Jesup Blair Park in Silver Spring. Online registration is now open. Read more.
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Single Lane Closures Planned Along Rockville Pike in March and April as Construction Begins on Intersection Improvements
As part of MCDOT’s MD 355 Crossing Project at the Medical Center Metro Station, single lane closures are planned for weekdays during March and April between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. as construction begins on intersection Improvements at Rockville Pike/Jones Bridge Road/Center Drive and at Rockville Pike/Woodmont Avenue. Read more.
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Mobile Commuter Store is On the Go
Want to buy Ride On passes or MARC train tickets or purchase or add value to a SmarTrip card? Stop by MCDOT’s Mobile Commuter Store for these and other commuter services or one-on-one assistance. Check the store’s upcoming schedule for a location near you.
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Consider SoberRide for a Free Ride Home on St. Patrick’s Day
Celebrating on St. Patrick's Day? SoberRide is a great option for getting home safely. Get a FREE ride (up to $15). Learn more.
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Public Hearing Planned Concerning Abandonment of a Portion of Reed Street
A public hearing is planned to obtain public input on a proposed abandonment of a 3,303-square-foot portion of Reed Street in Bethesda. The hearing will be held on Wednesday March 28, at 7 p.m., in the Executive Office Building Lobby Auditorium, 101 Monroe Street, Rockville. Read more.