Leggett Announces Free Fares on New MD 355 Ride On extRa Service during October 2017
Montgomery County Executive Ike Leggett announced that the new, faster, Ride On extRa rush hour service beginning October 2 on Route 355 will be free, on an introductory basis, during the month of October. Read more.
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MCDOT Installs Another New Bikeshare Station
MCDOT installed the 71st Bikeshare station in its network at Corporate Boulevard and Omega Drive in Rockville. The station was purchased by the developers of Hanover Shady Grove. This is the 27th Bikeshare station in the Rockville/Shady Grove/Life Sciences Center area. Read more.
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Pledge to Go Car Free or Car Lite on Friday, September 22
Join people worldwide in celebrating Car Free Day by pledging to travel by transit, bicycling or walking; telework; or use carpools or vanpools. Complete the pledge and be automatically entered into a raffle for prizes. Learn more and take the Car Free Pledge online.
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MCDOT to Rebuild Transportation Infrastructure in the Cabin John Community
MCDOT’s Highway Services Division is beginning an extensive rehabilitation project in the Cabin John community to completely rebuild and repave streets and reconstruct sidewalks, curbs and gutters. Read more.
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Reminder: Reserve a Space for PARK(ing) Day -- Apply by September 8
Be a part of international PARK(ing) Day by transforming a parking space for a day into a fun, parklike spot. PARK(ing) Day will be held this year on Friday, September 15. Apply online by September 8.
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Metro Begins Project to Rehabilitate Grosvenor-Strathmore Park & Ride Garage
Metro has begun a rehabilitation project at the Grosvenor-Strathmore Park & Ride garage that will remove about 250 parking spaces each work day. Read more.
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Planning Department Seeks Input on Update to Master Plan of Highways and Transitways
The Montgomery Planning Department is in the process of updating the Master Plan of Highways and Transitways and is seeking input through a recently launched digital interactive feedback map. Read more.
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Motorists Should Expect Traffic Impacts During Two-Year WSSC Project to Replace Aging Water Mains Along US 29
The Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission is replacing a water line on US 29 (Colesville Road) between I-495 (Capital Beltway) and MD 97 (Georgia Avenue). Expect single and double lane closures weekdays between 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Weekend work may occur between 9 a.m. and 9 p.m., and occasional evening work also may take place between 9 p.m. and 5 a.m. the following day. Read more.