MCDOT’s Division of Transportation Engineering (DTE) designs and constructs transportation systems and
infrastructure, including bikeways, sidewalks, transit facilities, ADA ramps,
roads and storm drains; inspects, maintains and builds bridges; and acquires
property for projects.
DTE has a number of major projects
under construction and uses Twitter to
keep the public informed about its progress on these efforts, including:
- Maryland 355 Crossing
- Stringtown Road #StringtownRd
- Elmhirst Parkway Bridge #Elmhirstpkwy
- Needwood Road Bike Path (Phase I) #NeedwoodBP1
- White Flint Western Workaround Phase I #whiteflintwest
- Hyattstown Sidewalk #HyattstownSW
- Glenbrook Road Contraflow Bike Lane #GlenbrookRd
- Gude Road Sidewalk #GudeSW
- Germantown Road Culvert #GermantownCulvert
- Agricultural Farm Road Bridge #AgFarmbridge
- Snouffer School Road (South) #Snouffersouth