Montgomery County Executive Isiah Leggett testified before
the Senate Budget and Taxation Committee on February 20 concerning Senate Bill
830, the Transportation Financing Act.
Excerpts of Leggett’s speech are below:
“Now is the time – this is the year – for Maryland
to reach a consensus on a plan that will produce significant and sustainable
State revenues for transportation investment in this State. The State’s
economic future depends on it.
“While we may not agree on the options selected, the Senate
President’s plan creates the opportunity for a serious discussion to take place
about the need to invest in our State’s transportation infrastructure.
“I believe now, more than ever, we are at a tipping point –
one that Virginia has also finally realized – that in both rural and urban
areas the lack of any new investment in transportation has taken its toll from
a quality of life and economic development perspective. Developing and
maintaining transportation infrastructure has to be a partnership – and Montgomery
County is doing its part.
”Our list of transportation priorities reflects funds
already spent and planned County investments totaling nearly $300 million – for
transportation projects that by definition are the State’s responsibility. Why
are we doing this? Because we had no choice!
Our needs alone are daunting. Montgomery
County ’s four priority projects,
without full build outs, require over a billion dollars of State investment.
One of these projects is the Watkins Mill Interchange located in the I-270
corridor, which, once completed, will result in the addition of nearly 15,000
new jobs.”
Although others in the State may think, ‘Your transit and
failed intersection needs aren’t our problem,’ I would argue that they are,
particularly if the Washington
region is going to continue to be depended upon to be a key economic engine and
creator of jobs for the State. All of our new master plans require
transportation investments. These plans, and the jobs they will create, cannot
move forward without this investment, which the State must partner in.
“With Northern Virginia ’s HOT
lanes that opened in the fall and the Silver Line opening next year, the
regional competitive landscape for the Washington
region has shifted. And, we are closely following the Virginia
debate, which could very well produce a comprehensive funding plan by the end
of the week.”
Leggett urged State lawmakers to act so that Maryland
and Montgomery County
will remain economically competitive in the future.