Thursday, March 13, 2025

Go Montgomery! Newsletter - MCDOT Offers Transportation Alternatives for Federal Workers Returning to the Office



Montgomery County Transit Services for Federal Workers Returning to Office 

Federal employees returning to in-person work can take advantage of accessible and convenient public transit services. MCDOT Ride On buses service Federal work locations across Montgomery County and larger transit hubs to facilitate travel into Washington, D.C. Additionally, passengers who ride Metro buses or rail receive a free same-day transfer to Ride On buses.   

Learn more and view a list of transit options servicing federal offices within Montgomery County.  


FareShare Program Offers County Commuters Up to $325 a Month for Using Public Transit

Employees working in Montgomery County can receive up to $325 a month to help cover the cost of their commute using public transit with MCDOT's FareShare program. To receive the reimbursement, employers must contribute $25 a month per employee receiving the benefit. The money is tax-free to both the employee and the employer.  

Businesses looking to implement or expand a transportation benefit program must commit to covering the first $25 per month of travel costs for participating employees. The County will cover commuting costs over the initial $25, up to $300 a month.

The program covers expenses incurred by commuters using Ride On bus, Metrobus, Metrorail, MTA Commuter bus or MARC train. It also covers expenses for vanpools, as long as the employee commutes to and from a workplace within Montgomery County.  


Drivers Celebrating with Alcohol on St. Patrick's Day Have Safe Transportation Options 

If you are planning on celebrating with alcohol this St. Patrick’s Day, Monday, March 17, MCDOT and the Montgomery County Police Department remind the public not to drink and drive. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration tells us that nearly half of all traffic deaths on St. Patrick’s Day involve drunk drivers. 

MCDOT urges residents who choose to celebrate with alcohol to plan ahead for a safe ride home.

Residents are urged to make plans before heading out to celebrate and to consider the use of one of the following safe ride options:

  • SoberRide is a free ride home program for adults offered through the Washington Regional Alcohol Program (WRAP) in partnership with Lyft. A limited number of promotional codes for Lyft will be posted at 3 p.m. on Sunday, March 15 on The codes are valid for up to $15 off one Lyft ride home taken in Lyft’s Washington, D.C. coverage area nightly from 4 p.m. to 4 a.m., from Saturday, March 15 through Tuesday, March 18. Participants must be 21+.

  • MCDOT’s Ride On bus is available with a fare of $1 on all County buses. There are currently 80 routes throughout the County that operate daily. Download the free regional public transit app Ride On Trip Planner to plan your next trip.

  • To learn about other year-round safe ride options, visit the County’s Vision Zero Safe Ride home webpage.


Pledge to Be Climate Smart Ahead of Earth Month

Building a climate-friendly future in Montgomery County is a big challenge, but small actions do add up.

Take the pledge. It’s an easy first step that will guide you to money-saving, energy-saving, and planet-saving resources.


Montgomery County Adult Bike and E-Scooter Classes in April, May and June

MCDOT will offer low-cost adult bike classes in April, May and June. The classes will include nine Learn to Ride and one Basic Skills class. Following select bike classes, MCDOT will also offer four free, walk-up e-scooter classes.  

Advance registration is required to participate in the bicycle classes, with a cost of $10 for Montgomery County residents. There is no charge for Washington Area Bicyclist Association (WABA) or Capital Bikeshare For All members. However, registration is still required.   

Bicycles and helmets will be provided at no charge for the adult Learn to Ride class participants and can be rented from WABA on site, if needed, for the Basic Skills class participants.  

The classes are open to residents 18 and over, are limited to 25 people and fill up quickly.  

Register for classes on the WABA website.


Ride On Reimagined Final Report

Ride On Reimagined is Montgomery County’s visionary plan to transform and expand public transit, making it more accessible, equitable and sustainable.

Use the final report to:

  • Explore route maps and schedules to see how travel options will improve.
  • Review timelines to prepare for upcoming changes and expansions.
  • Learn about equity-focused initiatives designed to make transit more accessible.

The report emphasizes enhanced service quality, including shorter travel times, improved weekend options, and expanded coverage in lower-density areas.

Visit the Ride On Reimagined webpage to read the report.


Roundabout on Dennis Avenue at Proctor Street in Silver Spring

MCDOT is adding a roundabout on Dennis Avenue at Proctor Street, in Silver Spring as a traffic calming measure in response to residents’ safety concerns. Construction is scheduled to begin this July and is estimated to take three months.

The project’s scope consists of the removal of the existing intersection and the installation of a new roundabout. The project is expected to improve traffic safety for pedestrians and motorists. The construction is designed to have the least possible impact on adjacent properties, limited to a temporary construction easement. At the completion, disturbed areas will be graded and restored. The sidewalk and affected residential driveway entrances will be reconstructed as soon as possible. The road is expected to remain open to traffic during construction, with possible temporary closures, as necessary.

This traffic calming concept was presented at a virtual public meeting on October 14, 2021. Many of the residents along Dennis Avenue attended the meeting and expressed support for the project.

Please direct questions or comments to the project manager, Michael Baccari, at 240-777-2190 or via email at

Learn more by visiting the Dennis Avenue project page.


MCDOT Offers New Specialized Service Provider Permit for Parking Lot Districts of Bethesda, Silver Spring and Wheaton

A Specialized Service Provider permit was recently established to provide discounted parking in County garages for licensed childcare providers that receive State or County subsidies, accept subsidized placement, and are located within the Downtown Parking Lot Districts in Bethesda, Silver Spring or Wheaton.

Applications will be reviewed by MCDOT for approval. A limited number of permits will be released at a discounted rate.

Childcare providers can access the application online and submit it via email with copies of corresponding documents to

The Childcare provider permit allows parkers with the displayed permit to park in any long-term space (those not regulated/signed with a limited duration of stay) in any of the County's public parking garages located in downtown parking lot districts. 



Ride On Bus 'What Drives You' Contest Will Choose Weekly Winners in March to Celebrate March Madness 

March Madness has hit MCDOTs Ride On “What Drives You” contest. To celebrate the excitement of the coming season, Ride On bus services is asking riders to submit stories highlighting positive experiences with Ride On bus service. Submissions will be entered into a weekly draw for a prize pack, which includes a gift card and Ride On giveaways, throughout March.

Riders are asked to share their story in one of the three ways:  

  1. Share your story on the website submission page.  
  2. Post your story on Instagram, X, or Facebook and tag the @RideOnMCT account. 
  3. Email your experience to for a chance to win. 

Eligible entries may be used to further publicize the contest. The contest will run indefinitely, with a winner typically chosen each month. Winners are announced via email, Instagram, X, Facebook and Bluesky within the last week of each month. 

In March 2024, MCDOT’s Ride On launched the "What Drives You" campaign aimed at amplifying voices and stories of riders. The campaign collects rider experiences with a series of monthly contests.

A recent winner, Deepti, wrote in to talk about how she, along with her family, utilizes Ride On to reduce her impact on the environment. 

"Ride On drives me...wholly and solely,” said Deepti. “I have wanted to do my bit to reduce my carbon footprint. As part of that, I sold my car in October of this year and am now car-free. Before I took the final plunge, I did a trial run for 9 months to see if I could survive without a car. During that period, I relied solely on Ride On to commute to work. The trial run made me realize that being car-free was absolutely doable, and to boot I realized that I enjoyed taking the bus. Since I sold the car, we rely on Ride On to run our weekly errands as well. My eight-year-old son absolutely loves taking the bus, more so than he did riding the car. We use bikes for last-mile connectivity, but it's mostly the bus that we rely on. Thank you Ride On...we literally can't do without you!" 

MCDOT’s Ride On bus operates about 80 bus routes and 5,400 bus stops throughout the County. In fiscal year 2024, Ride On serviced 18 million riders. 

4th & 5th Grade 1st Place Winner - Annie H. with Cedar Grove Elementary School

Elementary School (K-5) Students Invited to Participate in Annual Pedestrian Safety Art Contest

MCDOT’s Safe Routes to School Program is hosting its fifth annual Pedestrian Safety Art Contest that is open to all Montgomery County Elementary Schools to raise awareness about pedestrian safety with school-aged children.

The contest will open on Tuesday, April 1 and run through Wednesday, April 30. Students are encouraged to use creative thinking to educate about pedestrian safety. See the 2024 art winners on the contest website.

Above image: 4th/5th Grade 1st Place Winner - Annie H. with Cedar Grove Elementary School.


Ride On Launches 50th Anniversary Art Contest; Open to Montgomery County Middle School Students

MCDOT Ride On is excited to announce a Middle School Art Contest to celebrate 50 years of Ride On bus service. The contest will run from Saturday, March 15 to Tuesday, April 15.

Many riders begin using Ride On as children, utilizing the bus system to travel with family and independently to get to school, activities and social engagements. In this contest, students are encouraged to use their creative thinking and unique artwork to celebrate the past, present, and future of the Ride On bus system.

Winning artwork should depict one or more Ride On bus services and capture the value that Ride On brings to the community.

Contest participants can earn 5 Student Service Learning hours for participation. Art entries will be scored for relevance to the topic and adherence to contest rules, creativity and execution in a blind judging process.

The first-place winner will receive a $100 Amazon gift card and be displayed on Ride On buses. The second-place winner will receive a $75 Target gift card, and the third-place winner will receive a $50 Visa gift card. The top 10 entries will be featured within Montgomery County government buildings. The school with the most entries will receive a $500 gift card to Michaels or Target for art supplies.


service update

Detours Due to Construction on Fernwood Road in Bethesda Will Impact Ride On Bus Routes 6, 26, 47 and 96

Due to construction on eastbound Fernwood Road between Rockledge Drive and Rock Spring Drivein Rockville, Ride On bus routes 62647, and 96 will experience detours through the end of March 2025. View the detour maps.

Temporary Bus Stop Closure on Connecticut Avenue in Kensington to Impact Ride On Bus Routes 4, 5, 33, 34, & 37

The Ride On bus stop at Connecticut Avenue and Plyers Mill Road in Kensington is closed to facilitate sidewalk construction impacting Ride On bus routes 453334 and 37 through Thursday, March 27. View the alternate bus stops.


In Person Public Meeting on the Montgomery Village Avenue Pedestrian Safety Improvement Project in Gaithersburg to Be Held on Thursday, March 27 

On Thursday, March 27, at 7 p.m., MCDOT will hold an in-person public meeting to discuss pedestrian safety improvements along a 2.4 mile segment of Montgomery Village Avenue between Midcounty Highway (MD 124) and Whitman Road in Gaithersburg. Public input is encouraged and may influence the final design of the project. 

The in-person meeting will be held at the Whetstone Elementary School’s All Purpose Room located at 19201 Thomas Farm Road in Gaithersburg. 

The public is encouraged to visit the project website and provide feedback via the online comment form or by email to by 6 p.m., Sunday, April 27.  All information provided will become a matter of public record. 

Hybrid Public Hearing on the Cheltenham Drive Bikeway Project in Bethesda to Be Held on Thursday, March 27

On Thursday, March 27, at 6:30 p.m., MCDOT will hold a hybrid (online and in-person) public hearing to discuss the project details, costs and schedule of the proposed Cheltenham Drive Bikeway project in Bethesda. The project provides for the design and construction of separated bike lanes along Cheltenham Drive, from Tilbury Street to the east, crossing Wisconsin Avenue (MD 355), and continuing on Norfolk Avenue to Woodmont Avenue.

The public can attend the meeting in-person at the Bethesda-Chevy Chase Regional Services Center, Conference Room West A, 4805 Edgemoor Lane in Bethesda or register online to attend the meeting virtually via Zoom.

The public is encouraged to visit the project website and provide feedback via the online comment form or by email to the Project Manager, Hoang Nguyen at All information provided will become a matter of public record.


Metro Ready to Move Crowds for Cherry Blossom Season

Metro is returning the cherry blossom-wrapped train and buses, and a new commemorative SmarTrip card. The vehicles are expected to make their debut on Friday, March 21. You can track the vehicles’ live locations by visiting and clicking on the “Special Edition” tab.

To accommodate the crowds, Metro will have additional trains strategically placed throughout the system to add capacity, and additional buses on key routes to provide additional service, if needed. Metro will also have extra staff at key stations to help customers.

Metro is partnering with the National Cherry Blossom Festival for an annual keepsake SmarTrip card. The artwork is by artist Anna August and is titled “Bloom.” It features cherry blossoms and the Jefferson and Washington monuments – two prominent landmarks near the Tidal Basin.

Twenty thousand of these limited-edition cards will go on sale on Saturday, March 15 at select stations (Metro Center, Navy Yard, L’Enfant Plaza, and Smithsonian) while supplies last. Also, look for specially marked fare vending machines around Saturday, March 15, before the start of the National Cherry Blossom Festival.

Learn more and view tips on traveling for the cherry blossoms.

Metro Revises FY26 Budget Proposal and FY27 Forecast to Reflect Strong Ridership Growth, Increased Revenue

Metro is pleased to announce the release of the revised FY26 proposed budget, reflecting a positive trend in ridership and revenue that underscores the authority’s service reliability and recovery.

Metro has seen 46 consecutive months of ridership growth, as of February 2025, with year-over-year gains driving higher-than-expected revenue.

Help Play a Pivotal Role Advocating for Metro Customers by Participating in the Riders’ Advisory Council

The Metro Board of Directors is seeking applicants to serve on its Riders' Advisory Council (RAC) to provide input on service, policies and other initiatives that assists Metro's Board of Directors in its decision-making.

Metro Board Seeks New Members for Public Advisory Panel to Review Police Investigations and Training

The Metro Board of Directors is seeking members of the public to serve on its public advisory body that makes recommendations to the Metro Transit Police Department (MTPD) to enhance training and policies.


Montgomery Parks Hosts Virtual Safe Streets (and Roads) for All Community Meeting and Online Survey

On Thursday, March 20, from 7 to 8:30 p.m., Montgomery Parks invites the public to a virtual community meeting that will be held via the Zoom Platform. The future trail and connectivity improvements along Arcola Avenue, the Matthew Henson Trail, Sligo Creek Trail, and Wheaton Regional Park will be discussed.

The Safe Streets (and Roads) for All Community project will help to improve safe and equitable access to parks and trails throughout the Montgomery Parks system. The individual projects have an emphasis on improving access to trails through new or updated accessible trail connectors, providing safe crossings of roadways for people walking or biking, and improving multimodal access to parks and trails along adjacent roadways through the construction of shared-use paths and neighborhood greenways.

Montgomery Parks received $7.5 million from the Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) grant program to facilitate access to parks, trails, and other recreational facilities through the Safe & Equitable Access to Parks project. The projects are targeted around areas with a history of crashes, along the High Injury Road Network, or areas identified in the Planning Department’s predictive safety analysis. 

The public can learn more and provide written feedback through Wednesday, April 30 at

Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT) Launches Grant Program for Small Businesses Along the Purple Line

The State, MDOT, is launching a grant program to support small, customer-facing businesses along the Purple Line corridor in Montgomery and Prince George’s counties. With $4 million in funding, eligible businesses can receive up to $50,000 to help offset construction disruptions. 

Small businesses are eligible if they meet one or more of the following criteria: 50 or fewer employees, gross sales averaging $2 million or less, or are certified in the State of Maryland’s Small Business Reserve Program. They also must operate a customer-facing business within one-quarter of a mile from the Purple Line alignment and have been open and operational since January 1, 2022. 

Applications for the first round are due by Friday, March 14 — with up to three rounds offered each year. For more details and to apply, visit

MDOT's Purple Line Construction 74% Completed

At the start of 2024, the 16-mile light rail line was 63.4% complete. It is now 74% finished, according to Purple Line officials.  Read the Montgomery Community Media article

View live construction updates at


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MARCH 2024



Click the image above to see what MCDOT is up to in March.


MCDOT is Hiring

MCDOT is looking for a Capital Projects Manager to help plan, design, and build Montgomery County’s infrastructure. Annual salary range is $92,075 to $149,112.

View all MCDOT vacancies.

2025 flashvideo

Watch MCDOT's New Flash BRT Video

Click the image above to watch the video to learn how Flash BRT will transform Montgomery County.


Tuesday, March 18 is "Transit Employee Appreciation Day"

Be sure to thank your transit bus operator. Look out for Ride On employee interviews throughout March on social media.


March is Wheelchair Securement Month

According to the United States Census, 3.3 million individuals over the age of 15 use mobility devices such as wheelchairs.

Learn to properly secure a wheelchair on a Ride On bus.


Get Out Your Bike, Thursday, March 20 is the First Day of Spring

Take time to enjoy the outdoors with a casual bike ride through your neighborhood, a park, or trail, or visit D.C.’s cherry blossoms. Here are some useful resources to help:


MCDOT's Annual Street Sweeping Program to Begin in April

MCDOT's annual Residential Street Sweeping Program will run from Tuesday, April 1, through June. Crews typically collect between 500-1,000 tons of debris during this program. Sweeping routes are prioritized based on their proximity to sensitive watershed areas identified by the Montgomery County Department of Environmental Protection.

MCDOT will post “No Parking” signs a few days in advance of sweeping operations. For more information, visit MCDOT’s Residential Street Sweeping website.

These efforts help to promote the health and vibrancy of our local waterways.




Will Be Held on Saturday, April 27

GreenFest is the largest countywide environmental celebration in Montgomery County, drawing over 1,500 attendees.

The event will take place at the Marion Town Fryer Plaza located at 2425 Reedie Drive in downtown Wheaton between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m.

To celebrate the 10th anniversary, the first 500 people to register will receive a goodie bag to assist with their journey to greener living.

Learn more on the event website.


Will Be Held on Saturday, May 10

MCDOT will host a free, family-friendly, student-led “Community Safety Day” event from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday, May 10, at the Carver Educational Services Center parking lot located at 850 Hungerford Drive in Rockville.

The fair will highlight safety demonstrations, music, and children's activities. Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) and Montgomery County Recreation are co-sponsoring the event.  

Vendors interested in participating can fill out this online form.

Safety Day is being organized by members of the County’s Vision Zero Youth Ambassador program.

View photos from last year's event.


Will Be Held on Thursday, May 15; Registration is Open

Thursday, May 15 is “Bike to Work Day,” an annual celebration of bicycling as a clean, fun, and healthy way to travel. More than 100 pit stops will be located in DC, MD, and VA. This event is free and open to riders of all ability levels.

The first 18,000 who register will receive a FREE T-shirt. 

MCDOT will sponsor eight pit stops with refreshments, live music and local vendor displays. The events will also feature giveaways and raffles that include a chance to win a new bike.

Learn more and register at


MCDOT Received Nearly 100 Teen Video Entries for the 'Heads Up Phones Down' Safety Video Contest 

MCDOT’s annual “Heads Up, Phones Down” contest invited teens to create short videos promoting the importance of focusing on their surroundings instead of their phones while walking or driving. Students can win prizes worth up to $800 and Student Service Learning hours for their efforts.

MCDOT received 92 entries from 21 high schools illustrating the dangers of distracted driving.

Winners will be announced during school visits and on the contest website on Friday, March 14.


Bike and Roll to School Day Will Be Held on Wednesday, May 7 

All schools are invited to join in and host a celebration. Schools can reach out for planning ideas and materials through the Safe Routes to School website.

MCDOT’s safety mascot, Zeal the Zebra, will host a special event at a selected school.

Montgomery County elementary schools can apply to host this year's event by filling out a brief online form. The selected school will be announced in April. 

See photos from the 2024 event hosted by Bayard Rustin Elementary School in Rockville.


How Much Does it Cost You to Commute?

Have you ever wondered how much your commute to work or school is costing you?

Visit Commuter Connections website to calculate the monthly or yearly cost of your commute.


Montgomery County Executive Elrich to Hold Six Citizens Advisory Board 'Community Conversations’ to Talk About Long-term Priorities and Fiscal Year 2027 Capital Improvements Program Budget

Montgomery County Executive Marc Elrich will hold six Community Conversations, one with each of the County’s five regional Citizen Advisory Boards, throughout March, April and May, to discuss long-term priorities and how he will address the Fiscal Year 2027 Capital Improvements Program (CIP) budget.

All meetings are open to the public and encourage community participation.

The first event will be from 7-8:30 p.m. on Monday, March 31 at the Wheaton Community Recreation Center, located at 11701 Georgia Avenue in Wheaton.


Who Do You Call to Get a Pothole Fixed?

MCDOT maintains more than 5,200 miles of county roads in Montgomery County. 

Residents can report a pothole on a county road to the MC311 system – either online or by phone at 240-777-0311, Monday through Friday between 7 a.m. - 7 p.m. or on the social media platform X.  The MC 311 call center will identify who is responsible for the roadway and make a request on your behalf.

The Maryland State Highway Administration (MSHA) fills potholes and maintains state roads which have numbers, such as Rockville Pike (355) and River Road (190). Report potholes on state roads directly to MSHA online or by calling 1-800-323-6742.

Municipalities such as the cities of Rockville, Gaithersburg and Takoma Park handle their own pothole repairs.