‘Walktober’ Events Promote Walking and Pedestrian Safety Throughout OctoberMCDOT is partnering with the State of Maryland and local municipalities to celebrate “Walktober” with a series of activities in October promoting the State’s official exercise: walking. The month-long campaign highlights the safety and health of pedestrians and the importance of County pedestrian infrastructure projects. MCDOT will be hosting a series of outreach events throughout the County designed to highlight the importance of walking. - Walk to School Day. The internationally recognized event will be held Wednesday, Oct. 12. The MCDOT Safe Routes to School (SRTS) team will be at Wheaton Woods Elementary School to promote biking and pedestrian safety and encourage all students who have a safe path and live near their elementary school to walk to school on this date. Find information on setting up a Walk to School Day event at your school here.
- Pedestrian Safety Outreach. The SRTS team will be at various locations throughout the month to promote pedestrian and bicycle safety and talk with residents about recent safety improvements, including infrastructure projects and pedestrian hybrid beacons. View details on the calendar here.
- Walk Maryland Day. On Wednesday, Oct. 5, Marylanders were encouraged to participate in registered walks.
MCDOT aims to improve walkability by making improvements in pedestrian safety so that walkers and bikers get to their destinations safely.  MCDOT Sponors Annual Bike Drive Event on Friday, Oct. 14, in RockvilleMCDOT is sponsoring the drive in partnership with Rockville Bike Hub and Bikes for the World. Between 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. adult and child bikes will be collected (rain or shine) outside of the Montgomery County Council Office Building Garage at East Jefferson and Monroe Street in Rockville. Bicycles should be in good working condition or in need of only minor repairs. Rockville Bike Hub volunteers will refurbish the bikes and MCDOT will place them with low-income children and adults in the County through the MCDOT Bike Match Program or through the Rockville Terrific Kids program. Donations by check will be accepted. Donations are tax-deductible. To enhance the theme of the drive, community members can organize a bike collection at their school, place of worship or within their neighborhood and bring the bikes to Rockville on Friday, Oct. 14. For drives that collect 10 or more bikes, MCDOT will arrange to pick them up at a prearranged location. Find more information here. |
 County Residents Still Have a Chance to Win a $100 Gift Card by Taking the Ride On Reimagined Customer Satisfaction Survey Take the online survey here by Friday, Oct. 7. The Ride On Reimagined Study is a comprehensive, forward-looking assessment of the bus network that may result in significant recommended changes to how bus transit (including Ride On and Metrobus) operates in Montgomery County based on current and future needs. This survey is a vital part of the Ride On Reimagined study. MCDOT wants to learn what is being done well, and what areas need improvement to help decide how best to invest in Ride On’s future. Learn more here. |
 MCDOT’s ‘Safe Routes to School’ Offers Opportunities to Residents and School Administrators to Improve Pedestrian Safety Around SchoolsMCDOT offers free resources through the Safe Routes to School (SRTS) program, a nationally recognized program that aims to significantly improve safety for students who walk and bike to school. In Montgomery County, the SRTS program also combines a safer roads component to slow down drivers and build new pedestrian and bicycle safety treatments such as new crosswalks, and bump-outs at an intersection and adding stop or yield signs MCDOT is completing walkability studies through the pedestrian road safety audit program to review the sidewalk and crosswalk conditions surrounding schools. For each school, these studies identify structural improvements including curb extensions, sidewalks, enhanced crosswalks, and the installation of traffic signs and signals. Students, parents and schools are encouraged to start an SRTS program at their schools. Educators can fill out a request form for their school. Free event participation and resources include: - Walking Wednesdays: Every Wednesday during the school year, the SRTS team is available to visit schools and encourage students to walk and bike safely, distribute education materials and safety giveaways. Educators can register their school to participate in the event here.
- Bike Rodeos: The in-person bike clinic includes hands-on bike safety instruction, a discussion about the rules of the road and bike safety tips including the proper fitting and importance of wearing a bike helmet. Learn more here.
- Community Events: SRTS outreach efforts include attending school and community events to educate children and families about pedestrian and bike safety. A request for MCDOT to attend an event can be made here.
- Walking School Bus: This parent-organized effort shares responsibilities with other adults to supervise a group of kids walking to and from school. Each “bus” walks along a set route, with one or more adults leading a group of children. A guide with detailed information on how to start a walking school bus is available here.
 MCDOT Congratulates Ride On Bus Roadeo WinnersOn Saturday, Sept. 24, Ride On held its annual competitive Bus Roadeo at the Safety Training Academy in Gaithersburg. Annually, Ride On hosts a Bus Roadeo event where bus operators competitively show off their driving skills. Bus operators are judged by their ability to successfully maneuver around 11 obstacles within seven minutes. Operators are also judged on personal appearance, smoothness of operations, their knowledge of Americans with Disabilities Act guidelines, safety habits and how they perform a pre-trip bus inspection. The event is part of an International Bus Roadeo competition hosted by the American Public Transportation Association. A grand prize is given to the bus transit system with the highest composite bus operation and bus maintenance score. Individual Winners: - First Place: Joash Were, Gaithersburg Operator
- Second Place: Guillermo Vasquez, Gaithersburg Operator
- Third Place: Melba Chavarria, Gaithersburg Operator
Team Winners: - First Place: Safety and Training Team “5 Keys” (Anthony Myers, Chasity Vodopia. Malik Hussain)
- Second Place: Gaithersburg Team “Ride On Royals” (Joash Were, Guillermo Vasquez, Calvin Callender)
- Third Place: UFCW-Union Team “Defending Champs” (Raymond Lee, Bernadette Hope, Melba Chavarria)
- Fourth Place: Silver Sprint Team “Forever Rich” (Marcus McCrimmon, Hailu Fenta, Lamettra Johnson)
View videos and pictures from the event here. |
 MCDOT Celebrates the Five Year Anniversary of Ride On extRa Bus ServiceRide On extRa bus service officially started operations in October 2017. Ride on extRa provides limited stop rush hour bus service on Rockville Pike/Frederick Avenue (MD 355) with 12 stops, operating every 10 minutes during rush hour Monday through Friday from 5:30 – 9:30 a.m. and 3:30 – 7:30 p.m. between Lakeforest Transit Center in Gaithersburg and the Medical Center Metro Station in Bethesda. Ride On extRa connects to Metrobus, Metrorail, MARC train, MTA Commuter buses and 44 Ride On routes. The service uses transit signal priority to allow for faster service. ExtRa buses are also equipped with low-floor boarding, free WiFi and USB charging ports. Each Ride On extRa bus stop features a unique mosaic from the local non-profit, Arts on the Block. The organization provides opportunities for local teens to obtain real-world experience in art installations. |
  Town of Kensington Releases Connecticut Avenue Corridor Pedestrian and Bicycling Access and Safety StudyThe Town of Kensington has released a pedestrian and bicycling access and safety study for a portion of Connecticut Avenue. The Connecticut Avenue Corridor Pedestrian and Bicycling Access and Safety Study gives three alternatives for the layout of a section of Connecticut Avenue and identifies additional safety and connectivity improvements for the surrounding area. The study will be used in the creation of the Town’s Bicycle and Pedestrian Priority Area (BPPA) Plan. Find more information and a link to the study here. |
 Public Invited to In-Person Corridor Advisory Committee Meeting on the US 29 Mobility and Reliability Study, Thursday, Oct. 13From 7 to 9 p.m., at the Pine Crest Elementary School in Silver Spring, MCDOT will discuss the results of a study that was conducted to improve mobility along the US 29 corridor (including travel times, traffic delay, and costs), alternatives and gather public feedback. The study aims to identify improvements on US 29 from Burtonsville to the Silver Spring Transit Center that complement the investment in the US 29 Flash bus service, improve travel time and reliability for all modes, and increase pedestrian and bicycle access and safety. The studied alternatives included a high-occupancy vehicle (HOV) and median bus lanes. |
 Council Receives Vision Zero UpdateLast month, the Council received a briefing on Vision Zero, which is Montgomery County’s initiative to eliminate traffic deaths by 2030. The briefing was an update on Vision Zero efforts. Participants included Vision Zero Coordinator Wade Holland, MCDOT’s Chief of Traffic Engineering and Operations Michael Paylor, and Kristy Daphnis, who chairs the Traffic Safety Advisory Committee. Watch the Council meeting here. |
 Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT) Launches Anti-Litter Campaign to Eliminate Trash on State RoadwaysLitter on Maryland roadways can take many different shapes and forms but they all waste money and resources and threaten the health of our environment. During the past eight years, MDOT has spent $60 million – averaging more than $7 million annually – to clean up 14 million pounds of litter along state roadways. That money could have been spent to improve pedestrian and bicyclist facilities, augment transit connections or undertake other critical transportation projects to make our roadways safer and more accessible for all users. Learn more here. |
METRO NEWS WMATA Unveils New Metro Map The revised map includes seven new stations and the 11½-mile Silver Line extension. The map is being posted in stations, trains and transit centers. It features the addition of six stations that will open along the second phase of the Silver Line and a marking for Loudoun County, where the rail system will extend for the first time. WMATA Metrobus Service Changes Began Sunday, Sept. 11 The Metrobus service changes include schedule adjustments to improve service and reliability, making permanent Route S2 and S9 detours to improve safety in downtown DC, bus sign updates to reflect future Metrorail station names in Maryland and Virginia, and changes to boarding locations at the reconstructed Ballston Station multimodal center. In Montgomery County, Metrobus Route C8 bus sign displays North Bethesda instead of White Flint. WMATA’s Glenmont Metro Station Temporary Bus Bay Relocations Have Begun On Monday, Sept. 12, the bus canopy rehabilitation project started, resulting in the closure of two bus bays at a time to replace the skylights and conduct structural work. Four phases of bay closures are planned the entire project is scheduled to be complete by July 5, 2023. Signage will be posted at the station. WMATA’s Rockville Metro Station East Side Reopened on Monday, Oct. 3 Buses have returned to their original bus stops on both sides of the station. This comes after five phases of bus loop pavement improvements. Temporary shelters will soon be replaced with new shelters and benches to improve the rider experience. WMATA Silver Spring Metro Work Closes Portion of Colesville Road Until Thursday, Oct. 13 Colesville Road is closed from Wayne Avenue to East West Highway between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m., Sunday through Friday, while Smart Safety, LLC places a forklift lull to hoist escalator equipment and materials. Signage is in place to help motorists through the work zone and flaggers are directing pedestrians on the sidewalk. For questions contact Traffic Supervisor, Francisco Reyes at 240-481-6366 or freyes@startsafetyllc.com. |
ROAD CLOSURESA Portion of MD-355/Rockville Pike Closed in Bethesda Through Monday, Oct. 31 Due to scheduled work at the French International School located at 9650 Rockville Pike, Turner Construction has closed the right southbound lane of MD-355/Rockville Pike between Pooks Hill Road and Alta Vista Road. Drivers and pedestrians should travel undistracted through the work zone and follow signage showing the temporary vehicular and pedestrian traffic patterns. A 5 foot width pedestrian crossing will be available for foot traffic while the sidewalk is closed. For questions contact Doug Gellie at 571-457-9019 or dgellie@tcco.com. A Portion of Georgia Avenue Closed in Silver Spring Through Tuesday, Oct. 11 Starcom Construction has closed the left turning lane and left northbound lane of Georgia Avenue at the intersection of 13th Street during weekdays for construction activities. Starcom Construction will utilize traffic control and signage to maintain a safe traffic control pattern for both vehicles and pedestrians. For questions contact Melqui Lopez at (240) 712-9219 or mlopez@starcomconstructionllc.com. Washington Gas to Begin Work on River Road/MD 190 in Bethesda on Monday, Oct. 10 Washington Gas will perform construction for a gas valve project on River Rd/MD 190 near the intersection of Western Avenue Monday through Saturday between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. The single southbound lane will remain open on River Road/MD190 between Brookdale Road and Western Avenue for 4-6 weeks. For questions contact Thomas Crowther at 703-750-5222 or community@washgas.com and reference project number S15V15-2022-REP. City of Gaithersburg Announces Street Closures for Oktoberfest, Sunday, Oct. 9 Residents should expect heavier traffic in the Kentland area due to the large crowds drawn by the festival in addition to numerous street closures listed here.   US Traffic Deaths Dip in Q2 But Still High as Pandemic EasesThe number of people killed on U.S. roadways nationally fell slightly from April through June, the first decline in two years as pandemic-era reckless driving appeared to ease. But the government says the number of deaths remains at a crisis level. Read the Frederick News-Post article here. |
 EV Charging Network Moves Forward in All 50 StatesOn Tuesday, Sept. 27, the U.S. Departments of Transportation and Energy announced the Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Deployment Plans for all 50 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico have been approved under the National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Formula Program. The National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure formula program created through the bipartisan infrastructure law last year provides $5 billion to states over five years to build EV charging stations every 50 miles along the federal highway system. Read the Transportation Today article here. |
 Automated Lane Closure System Coming to Maryland's Bay BridgeThe Maryland Transportation Authority said it expects that a new automated lane closure system will be activated sometime this fall. The new system will be able to trigger the activation of gates that swing across lanes automatically, closing lanes much faster. Read the WTOP article here. |
 For more information on MCDOT programs and services, visit montgomerycountymd.gov/mcdot and subscribe to receive MCDOT news to your email inbox or mobile phone. |