Thanksgiving Message from MCDOT Director Chris ConklinThe year 2020 is unlikely to be remembered by most people as a high point. I have been thinking a lot about what has happened over the past year and it is easy to focus on the difficulties and challenges that we have faced personally and collectively. I want to acknowledge the determination it has taken across MCDOT to keep our public services going in the face of professional and personal challenges. One might ask: What is there to celebrate this year at Thanksgiving? Well, quite a lot actually. Our community is intact and has come together to strive to meet the needs of those who are struggling. Our local elected leaders and health authorities have demonstrated the courage to take unpopular steps to manage the virus. Our economy has fared better than many expected, although there are still challenges ahead. Our department has come together to support each other and deliver essential services for our community, and we have adapted to new ways of working. Personally, I am thankful for the resilience of my family, the strength of this community, and the commitment of my friends and colleagues at MCDOT. I am sure you have things to give thanks for personally as well. I wish each and every member of MCDOT and the residents we serve a Happy Thanksgiving and hope that you can find things large and small to give thanks for. |
 Holiday Safety Guidance for Montgomery CountyAs residents start to think and plan for the upcoming holidays, Montgomery County officials are urging residents to plan for celebrations with consideration for family and friends during this time of COVID-19. Specific guidance recommended for local residents can be viewed here. Montgomery County has created detailed guidelines for celebrating the holidays safely. The Centers for Disease Control and Preventions’ Celebrating Thanksgiving guidelines and guidelines for holiday celebrations and small gatherings provide additional safety resources.  Montgomery County Further Limits Indoor and Outdoor Gathering Size; Masks Required Outdoors at All TimesMontgomery County Health Officer Dr. Travis Gayles announced that effective 5 p.m., Tuesday, Nov. 24, indoor gatherings of more than 10 people are prohibited and mandates that face coverings are required at all times outdoors and also indoors in public facilities. Outdoor gatherings of more than 25 people continue to be prohibited.  MCDOT Continues Leaf Collection Through Mid-DecemberMCDOT leaf vacuum collections in the leafing district will continue through mid-December. Find your home’s scheduled collection dates by entering your address here. Residents are asked to pile leaves near the street, but not on the road. Learn more and check out the video on how to prepare leaves properly and why it is important to keep leaf piles clear of trash and off of the streets. COVID-19-safe volunteering suggestion: If you are looking for a way to help your community, but still want to remain socially distanced and outdoors, please consider reaching out your elderly neighbors or neighbors with disabilities to ask if they need help raking their leaves. Raking leaves is a great way to help others while getting good exercise. Is your home outside of @MontCo_Highways Vacuum Leaf Collection District? Would you like to add your community to the MCDOT 's Leaf Collection Program? Click here for details: ow.ly/2LL750CgC7D. |
 Deadline Extended: MCDOT Issues Request for Information for Electric Vehicle Group Buy ProgramMontgomery County is interested in establishing an Electric Vehicle (EV) Group Buy Program (sometimes known as “Cooperative Purchasing”) to harness the power of volume purchasing and reduce the cost to residents of buying or leasing an EV. To help structure the program in an effective and equitable way, the County has issued a Request for Information (RFI) to obtain input from individuals and organizations who have experience relevant to EV Group Buy programs and those with more general experience and knowledge about electric vehicles.  | | MCDOT’s Ride On Pledges to Keep Riders and Staff SafeMCDOT has joined the American Public Transportation Association’s (APTA) “Health and Safety Commitments Program,” the public transportation industry’s pledge to passengers that public transit systems are taking all the necessary measures to operate safely as the nation faces the COVID-19 health crisis. Ride On continues to provide limited supplies of face coverings on buses for passengers who cannot provide their own, and has distributed more than 25,000 face coverings to passengers since the start of COVID-19 health crisis. To learn more about what Ride On is doing to keep you safe, read the new COVID-19 Safety Guide that is available in multiple languages; English/Chinese, English/French, English/Korean, English/Spanish and English/Vietnamese. |
 | | MCDOT Issues Request for Development Proposals for Bethesda Public Parking LotsMCDOT has issued a Request for Development Proposals as it seeks creative, viable proposals from qualified teams for a development project at Public Parking Lots No. 25 and 44 in the Bethesda Parking Lot District. Responses are due by 3 p.m. on Jan. 15, 2021. The deadline for questions is 3 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 4. More information is available online. Learn more. |
 | | MCDOT Announces Notice of Intent to Begin Negotiations for Redevelopment of Public Parking Lot in BethesdaMontgomery County Department of Transportation (MCDOT) has published a Notice of Intent to begin negotiations for the redevelopment of Public Parking Lot 28 in Bethesda, Maryland (4854 Cordell Avenue). Any parties wishing to provide comments or other information to MCDOT about development of this parcel must contact MCDOT in writing by 5:00PM on Dec. 11. Learn more. |
 | | Public Hearing on Proposed Speed Limit Legislation on Dec. 1Montgomery County Delegation has proposed legislation that would change the establishment of maximum speed limits in Montgomery County. Find out about the bill under consideration and the Bill Hearing scheduled for 7 p.m. on Tuesday, Dec. 1. |
 | | MCDOT Mobile Store LocationsMCDOT recently asked Montgomery County residents to suggest new locations for the Mobile Commuter Store. One of the suggested locations, the Walmart in Germantown, has already been added to the schedule. MCDOT appreciates the feedback and will continue to explore 10 other resident ideas in an effort to improve service and convenience to the public. The Mobile Commuter Store offers a broad range of services, including selling transit fare cards and passes; offering assistance with route planning; and providing transportation information, schedules and maps. |
 This year, MCDOT’s annual Walk & Ride Challenge held its first virtual competition with great results – more than 100 teams with nearly 500 participants competed in the three-week event that raised morale, enhanced health and provided team-building benefits. The annual event encourages teams of employees who work in the County’s Transportation Management Districts to incorporate walking into their daily routines. Learn more.  | | A regional survey aimed at better understanding how organizations are planning to reopen worksites and what factors are preventing employers from returning to offices is still open until Dec. 11. Private, public and non-profit employers are encouraged to answer a brief 10-minute survey about their organization's plans for the remainder of 2020 and the beginning of 2021. Complete the survey online. |
 | | MCDOT Assists DEP with ‘Gift Outside the Box!’ CampaignThis holiday season, MCDOT’s Ride On buses will provide advertising support to Montgomery County’s Department of Environmental Protection’s (DEP) “Gift Outside the Box” campaign. DEP encourages residents to make more sustainable choices by reducing waste, supporting local businesses, encouraging volunteerism and using alternatives to driving alone. Learn more. |
 | | National Seat Belt Enforcement Mobilization November 9-29Seat belts have been proven to be one of the best ways to save your life in a crash. Yet many still don't buckle up. Worse still, not wearing a seat belt is a habit that will pass on to impressionable youth who, in turn, will think it is safe to not buckle up. The Click It or Ticket campaign focuses on safety education, strong laws, and law enforcement support to save lives. |
 Drinking and Driving: Never a Good IdeaDuring the upcoming holidays, don’t drive drunk or let others drive while impaired. Follow these tips: If you see a drunk driver on the road, contact local law enforcement by calling 9-1-1.  |