Friday, March 20, 2020

Special Edition - Go Montgomery!

special edition
During this difficult and uncertain time as our country faces the challenges of addressing the COVID-19 health crisis, officials have asked us to take dramatic action to ensure our own health and the health of our family, friends and community.
I want to share with you what the Montgomery County Department of Transportation (MCDOT) is doing to keep you and our employees safe while trying to maintain the highest possible level of the services that you depend on.
The work that MCDOT does routinely is important in making sure County residents can access food, medicine and services. This is especially true now under these trying conditions. We have continued to build, repair, and maintain infrastructure, we have kept our signal system running, our Taxi Office is providing uninterrupted services, our parking system is adapting to changing conditions, and Transit Services developed an entirely new service schedule—essentially overnight. 
During the past week, MCDOT has put in place innovative new policies to support and enhance the safety of workers and residents.  As examples, Transit Services instituted rear-door boarding and stopped requiring fare payment to provide a safe distance between passengers and bus operators and Parking Services established curbside parking changes to support carryout, pickup, and delivery access at restaurants.
MCDOT has amongst the most dedicated and outstanding employees in the County government. When a weather emergency, flood or disaster occurs, our staff is on the front lines. And facing the COVID-19 crisis is no different.
I want to thank our staff for their creativity and flexibility and their outstanding service as they continue to face the challenges of responding. I especially want to thank our transit operators for continuing to provide a lifeline for so many residents and employees in Montgomery County. Without the dedicated service from these individuals, emergency operations workers and those who work in essential businesses would not be able to access their jobs.
In the days ahead, I am anticipating broader reductions in activity and County services to minimize the spread of COVID-19, but I am confident that MCDOT will be able to continue to adjust and provide the best services that we can for the public.
I am so proud of the MCDOT staff who are doing incredible work to respond to the crisis. We are a team, and every day our team members are stepping up to tackle new challenges, support each other and give their all to the public during this time of uncertainty.
MCDOT Director Chris Conklin

 Ride On Bus Service

Starting Monday, March 22, Real Time Information will be available and will provide real time information on bus operations under the special schedule.

  • Ride On buses are free for all passengers.
  • Most likely later today we will be announcing further bus service cuts starting Monday.
  • Special Service Plan with modified service details for each bus route.
  • Rear-door boarding.
  • Extra disinfecting of buses, filters and ventilation systems.
  • Weekday suspension of Flex bus on-demand transit and Routes 11, 28, 101 (Ride On extRa) and 129.
  • Saturday suspension of Route 28.
  • View real time bus schedules at
  • View Special Bus Schedule Details at


Commuter Services

 Livestream Public Meetings

*Status of Upcoming MCDOT Events:
*COVID-19 Closures and Service Modifications in Montgomery County:
*Volunteering and Being a Good Neighbor During COVID-19:  English | Español
For the most up-to-date service information, riders should follow @RideOnMCT on Twitter, visit Ride On MCT on Facebook,
go to 
For ongoing department updates, follow MCDOT on Twitter at @MCDOTNowsubscribe to MCDOT news releases or visit MCDOT website at

March 20, 2020

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View Status of Upcoming MCDOT Events



Zones Established for 15-Minute Food Pick-Up

Curbside parking changes made to help residents and support restaurants that depend upon carryout, curbside pickup and deliveries. Learn more.


Enforcement Suspended in Residential Parking Permit Areas

freeparking garage

Free Parking at Two Garages

MCDOT is offering temporary free parking at Bonifant/Dixon Garage 5/55 in Silver Spring and Auburn/Del Ray Garage 36 in Bethesda. 

Residents Encouraged to Reduce Non-Essential Travel  Learn more.

