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Elrich Names Wade Holland as New Coordinator of County’s Vision Zero Program
At a January 27 press conference, Montgomery County Executive Marc Elrich introduced Wade Holland as the new full-time coordinator of the County’s Vision Zero program and addressed the next steps to keep pedestrians, bicyclists and drivers safe. The program is dedicated to eliminating traffic-related fatalities and severe injuries by 2030. Read more.
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Council to Hold Community Meeting on Vision Zero Focused on Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety
The Montgomery County Council is planning a Vision Zero town hall meeting in Wheaton on pedestrian and bicycle safety on Sunday, February 9 at 2 p.m. to hear directly from residents about the safety issues they are encountering on roadways and sidewalks and in crosswalks. Read more.
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TONIGHT: Public Invited to Provide Feedback and Learn More About the Capital Crescent Trail Tunnel
MCDOT will hold a public meeting on Wednesday, January 29 at 7 p.m. to present information about the Capital Crescent Trail Tunnel and get input from the community. The meeting will be held in the Bethesda-Chevy Chase High School All Purpose Room/Cafeteria, located at 4301 East West Highway in Bethesda. Read more.
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TONIGHT: Open House About Realignment of Ride On Routes for the FLASH
Ride On will modify its local bus service along the US 29 corridor to better align with the new, higher frequency, limited-stop service called the FLASH. An open house will take place 6:30 p.m. tonight, January 29, at East County Regional Service Center, 3300 Briggs Chaney Road, Silver Spring. Or, send an email with your written comments. The routes that will be affected include: Routes 8, 9 , 10, 12, 13 (covered by Routes 12 and 19), 14, 19, 21 and 22. Read more.
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Metro Red Line Service Closed Between Glenmont and Takoma this Weekend
WMATA is shutting down the Red Line metro service between Glenmont and Takoma February 1 and February 2. Free shuttle bus service will be available between these two stations. Call 202-637-7000 or visit wmata.com for more information.
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Montgomery Drivers Could Be Affected in Temporary Weekend Closures on ICC This Weekend
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Free Ride On for Kids Leads to Big Increase in Ridership
Since Ride On buses became free all the time for those 18 years of age and younger, ridership has increased in that age group by 57 percent in the last six months of 2019 compared to the same six-month period in 2018. Ride On had been free from 2 to 8 p.m. weekdays. Read more.
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Metro Ridership Continues to Rise, Statistics Show
(From The Washington Post, by Justin George, January 15)
The transit authority’s latest data shows steady passenger growth after years of decline. It reported a four percent increase in passenger trips in 2019 compared with 2018. Read more.
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Update on the White Flint Project
During the next two weeks, Washington Gas infrastructure upgrades continue along Old Georgetown Road, primarily south of the intersection with Executive Boulevard. See details of affected roads and intersections online. Visit the White Flint Project page to learn more about MCDOT’s project to improve sidewalks, bikeways, trails, paths, public use space, parks and recreational facilities, streetscapes and transit-oriented development around the Metro station. Follow on Twitter @PurpleLineMD.
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Capital Crescent Trail Construction Progress in Silver Spring
The weekend of Jan. 25, Purple Line team installed three segments of the Capital Crescent Trail bridge, which will take pedestrians and cyclists over Colesville Road in Silver Spring. This portion of the County-funded trail project was completely safely and on time.
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MCDOT’s FLEX Bus Service Cited as One Way Communities Can Address Their Climate Goals
(From GreenBiz, by Shruti Vaidyanathan, January 21)
“In Maryland, the Montgomery County Department of Transportation recently introduced limited flexible-route, on-demand bus service in two zones during specified hours, to better connect residents to transit and commercial hubs, as well as prepare for the arrival of automated transit service. The Ride On Flex service has no fixed stops or schedules, instead allowing residents to book a ride to any destination within the outlined zones.” Read more.
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Montgomery Planning Receives Approval to Move Forward with New Vision Zero Tool
The recently approved Predictive Safety Analysis project seeks to prevent serious injury or fatal crashes at locations without a recent history of crashes, but that share similar features to areas where serious injury or fatal crashes have occurred.
Read more.
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A New Caucus of 48 Maryland Legislators Will Push Transit Funding, Pedestrian Safety, and More
(From Greater, Greater Washington, by Alex Holt (Maryland Correspondent) January 23)
A new caucus of legislators plans to work together this year to advance priorities around funding more and better transit, ensuring oversight of highway widening projects, and much more. The Maryland Transit Caucus announced a set of six bills the legislators will champion. Read more.
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Study Suggests In-Car Technology Better at Keeping Older Drivers Safer on Roads than Mass Retesting
(From The Telegraph, by Callum Adams, January 27)
The mass retesting of older drivers is less safe than simple in-car technology, a report has found. Read more.
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Metro Releases Bus Transformation Project Action Plan
Metro's Bus Transformation Project is reimagining the role of local buses to develop a fast, frequent, reliable, affordable system that feels unified. The agency has posted the second document, the Strategy’s Action Plan, online. Learn more on the project website.
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Bay Bridge Work and All-Electronic Tolling to be Completed by Summer 2020
Governor Larry Hogan announced that all lanes at the Bay Bridge will be open this summer as deck work on the westbound right lane is completed a year ahead of schedule and all-electronic tolling goes live. Read more.
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Purple Line Construction Lane Shifts and Closures on University Boulevard and Piney Branch Road Planned for February
Beginning on February 10, lanes on University Boulevard will shift. The change will open the left-most lanes and begin a long-term closure of the right-most lanes on the east and westbound sides of University Boulevard from Carroll Avenue to New Hampshire Avenue. Work will take place from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. on weekdays and weekends. Beginning February 14 there will be a long-term right turn lane closure westbound from Piney Branch Road to University Boulevard. Pedestrian access will be maintained. Work may take place from during the day and evening on weekdays and weekends. More information is available online.