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MCDOT Unveils Ride On Flex, a Planned Microtransit Pilot Program at Open House
On Thursday, April 25, MCDOT introduced plans for a pilot program to test a new, on-demand transit option in the Rockville, Glenmont and Wheaton service areas. Riders will be able to request trips from a designated pick up and drop off location using an app on their mobile phones. Read more.
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Guaranteed Glenstone Museum Entry for Ride On Users Extended Indefinitely
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Ride On’s Got a Brand New Look
One of Ride On’s brand new buses rolled into Rockville yesterday for the launch of the annual “Give and Ride Week,” a partnership with Manna Food Center to help restock its shelves. County Executive Marc Elrich, DOT’s Al Roshdieh, Councilmember Sidney Katz and Manna Food Center’s Jackie DeCarlo were on hand.
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Be Sure to Stop by MCDOT’s Booth at this Sunday’s GreenFest
On April 28, MCDOT will have a large booth at this year’s GreenFest with fun kids activities, information about the department’s newest services and lots more about its green initiatives. Before catching the shuttle, visit MCDOT’s mobile Commuter Store at the Glenmont Metro Station. Learn more about GreenFest.
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On the popular WAMU 88.5 broadcast, MCDOT Director Al Roshdieh joined other area transportation leaders in a discussion of the future role of bus service and public transit in helping to solve the region’s transportation challenges. Listen.
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Don’t Drive Impaired on Cinco de Mayo – Use SoberRide® For a Free Ride Home
Between Sunday, May 5 at 4 p.m. and Monday, May 6 at 4 a.m., the Washington Regional Alcohol Program (WRAP) is offering up to $15 off a Lyft ride home to 1,500 passengers. Learn more.
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Update on the White Flint Project
MCDOT is creating a new vision for the White Flint District that improves sidewalks, bikeways, trails, paths, public use spaces, parks and recreational facilities; adds mixed-use development and enhanced streetscapes; and facilitates transit-oriented development around the Metro station. Learn more about the project and recent activities.
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Council Votes to Adopt Veirs Mill Corridor Master Plan That Improves Transportation Safety and Connectivity
The Montgomery County Council approved a new plan for Veirs Mill that focuses on improved safety for pedestrians, bicyclists, transit riders and motorists; compatibility with adjoining land uses; potential redevelopment opportunities and improved connectivity. Read more.
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Handy Guide Helps Demystify the County’s Development Review Process
The Montgomery Planning Department has a handy guide for applicants and neighbors that describes how the department, landowners and community members work together to review plans for new development.
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Transportation Today Article: Public Transit Ridership Increase in 2018 Outpaced Population Growth
Since 1995, public transit ridership has grown by 27 percent — surpassing U.S. population growth, which has been reported at around 23 percent. Public transportation is consistently traveling more miles, with more people, even in spite of slight year-to-year dips, as between 2017 and 2018, which saw a two percent public transit ridership decrease. Read more.