MCDOT’s Highway Services Division
has completed a five-month, emergency project to replace a culvert in Damascus
under Sweepstakes Road between Cutsail Drive and Newbury Road. The road is now
open and Ride On bus Route 90, which was temporarily detoured around the
construction area, has resumed its regular schedule. More information about the
project is available online. See the Route 90 schedule online.
News and information about transportation, including roads, transit, hiker-biker trails and pedestrian safety.
Tuesday, December 22, 2015
Al Roshdieh and Roger Berliner Visit MCDOT Bethesda Depot to Assess Winter Readiness
Earlier this month, MCDOT Acting Director Al
Roshdieh (second from left) and County Council Vice President Roger Berliner (second from right) visited MCDOT’s
Bethesda Depot Maintenance Shop and salt barn and discussed winter readiness
with staff. MCDOT has 8,000 tons of salt stored for winter storms. Staff pictured are Wayne Ray, Workforce Leader (on far left) and Louis Machetto, Bethesda Depot Supervisor (on far right).
“Smart” Parking Meters Installed in Silver Spring
The Montgomery County Department of Transportation (MCDOT) Parking Management Division completed the replacement
of more than 1,100 on-street parking meters in Silver Spring with new
"smart" parking meter heads that expand payment options. The smart
meters also use a solar-powered battery system, have a highly visible display,
and provide real-time communication capabilities to identify broken meters and
instantly process credit card transactions. Last year, MCDOT replaced over 700
of Bethesda’s on-street meters.
Maryland Campaign to Discourage Drunk Driving Launched: “Spend Time With Family, Not In Jail – Drive Sober.”
During the holidays, the number
of people who drive impaired skyrockets. Law enforcement agencies across
Maryland are stepping up sobriety enforcement campaigns.
The campaign offers the following
tips to drivers:
Read more.
- If you plan to celebrate with alcohol, include a sober driver in your plans.
- If you will be drinking, designate a sober driver before the party begins.
- When you know you’ll be drinking, leave your keys at home or give them to someone else.
- Once impaired, use mass transit, call a cab, get a free ride with SoberRide, or ask a sober friend to get you home.
SoberRide is a Free Way to Get Home Safely During the Holidays
SoberRide, the Washington Regional
Alcohol Program initiative, is providing free rides home through January 1 for
those who have imbibed too much during the holiday season. SoberRide offers
free taxi rides nightly to those ages 21 or older from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. Call 1- 800-200-TAXI to arrange for a ride. Read more.
Holiday Schedules for Ride On, Metro and TRiPS Commuter Stores
Ride On, Metro and the TRiPS Commuter Stores have modified schedules next week:
- Ride On – Sunday schedule on December 25 and January 1; limited weekday service until 10 p.m. on December 24.
- Metrobus – Sunday schedule on December 25 and January 1
- Metrorail – Sunday schedule on December 25 and January 1
- TRiPS Commuter Stores (Silver Spring and Friendship Heights) – closed on December 25 and January 1
Bethesda Circulator Route to Expand Starting January 4
Recent Presentations Provide an Overview of Plans for the Purple Line, BRT on US 29 and the Countywide Rapid Transit System
Learn more about the County's rapid transit plans by viewing
presentations made to the Silver Spring Citizens Advisory Board and the Silver
Spring Urban District Advisory Committee:
- The Purple Line Light Rail Project is expected to begin construction in late 2016.
- Bus Rapid Transit is being studied on the US 29 corridor.
- Plans for the County Rapid Transit System.
Leggett to Hold Five Budget Forums to Get Residents’ Feedback on FY17 Operating Budget Priorities
Montgomery County Executive Isiah
Leggett will hold five budget forums in January to seek input from residents
about Fiscal Year 2017 (FY17) operating budget priorities.
The forums all begin at 7 p.m. on
the following dates:
Read more.
- Wednesday, January 6, Eastern Montgomery Regional Services Center, 3300 Briggs Chaney Road, Silver Spring.
- Monday, January 11, Bethesda-Chevy Case Regional Services Center, 4805 Edgemoor Lane, Bethesda.
- Wednesday, January 20, Silver Spring Regional Services Center, One Veterans Place, Silver Spring.
- Thursday, January 21, Mid-County Community Recreation Center, 2004 Queensguard Road, Silver Spring
- Monday, January 25, BlackRock Center for the Arts, 12901 Town Commons Drive, Germantown.
Read more.
SHA Continues Layhill Road Resurfacing
The Maryland Department of
Transportation’s (MDOT) State Highway Administration (SHA) is resurfacing more
than one mile of MD 182 (Layhill Road) between Park Vista Drive and Chester Mill Road in Silver Spring/Aspen Hill. Weather permitting, the work should be
completed by the end of the year.
Crews have been patching the
roadway. The next step is repaving and applying new pavement markings.
Motorists should be aware that
SHA may close one lane in both directions of MD 182 weekdays between 9 a.m. and
3 p.m. Crews will use arrow boards,
cones and barrels to guide motorists through the work zone.
The latest real-time traffic
information is available online or by
calling 1-855-466-3511.
MD 511 Provides Real time Traffic Information
Traveling over the holidays?
Maryland 511 provides travelers with current traffic and weather information
and links to other transportation services.
The latest real-time traffic
information is available online or by
calling 1-855-466-3511.
Leggett Discusses Transportation Topics During December 15 Online Chat
During County Executive Ike
Leggett’s online chat this month, he answered two transportation-related
questions from the public: one about bicyclists obeying traffic laws and the
other about building a new bridge to Virginia in northern Montgomery County. Read more.
MCDOT’s New Bike Planner Has Ridden Every American Urban Rail System
![]() |
Source: Streetsblog USA, December 4, 2015 |
Listen to a podcast, "The Most Exhilarating Transit Ride in America"
by Matt Johnson, and learn more about his adventures riding every American
urban rail system open today (101 total). View this spreadsheet. Johnson discusses his favorite systems, what got him
started on his journey to ride them all and other topics. He is a bike planner
for Montgomery County and a writer for Greater Greater Washington.
County’s “Tree Montgomery” Program Provided Hundreds of Free Shade Trees to Residents
Tree Montgomery, an initiative of
the Montgomery County Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), offers free
shade trees to single-family homeowners, businesses, multi-family properties,
and homeowner associations (except in Rockville and Gaithersburg). DEP provides
trees that are 10 to 12 feet tall that will eventually grow to more than 50
feet when fully mature. DEP cares for the trees for two years, including
watering and pruning.
The program was designed to
increase the number of trees in the County and raise awareness of their
benefits. Trees improve watersheds by reducing sediment and other pollutants
that flow into streams, improve air quality, and provide a more aesthetic
environment. The program began in the spring.
Maryland Commuter Tax Credit Available for Employers
employers, including 501 (c)(3) organizations, may claim a tax credit for 50
percent of the eligible costs of providing commuter benefits, up to a maximum
credit of $50 for each participating employee per month. The tax credit can be
taken against personal income tax, corporate income tax or insurance premium
tax. Employers must submit a registration form to the State before the last day
of the taxable year in which the credit will be claimed.
Tuesday, December 8, 2015
Go Montgomery - December 2, 2015
Update your subscriptions, modify or stop subscriptions at any time on Subscriber
Preferences Page. If
you have questions or problems with the subscription service, please contact This service is provided to you at no charge
by Department of Transportation of Montgomery
County MD. Visit Go Montgomery to view more news.
Wednesday, December 2, 2015
Public Safety Chiefs Urge Public to “Be Safer this Holiday Season;” Be Safe, Be Seen, Be Responsible
Police Chief Tom Manger and Fire
Chief Scott Goldstein urged community members to “Be Safer this Holiday
Season,” and to “Be Seen, Be Alert, and Be Responsible.” As of November 24, there
have been 33 fatal traffic collisions in Montgomery County in which 34 people
lost their lives. Read more.
Montgomery County’s New Towing Law in Effect
Montgomery County’s new towing law, Bill 17-15, passed unanimously by the County Council on July 21 and signed into law by the County Executive, took effect on November 30. The new law is designed to address overly aggressive and predatory towing practices and restore regulatory balance in commercial and residential parking lots.
Montgomery County’s Office of
Consumer Protection (OCP) typically receives more towing complaints each month
than any other single category of complaint. These unfair practices can be
detrimental to businesses and residents’ quality of life. Read more.
Leggett Announces County Priorities for 2016 Legislative Session that Includes Funding for Transportation Projects
Montgomery County Executive Ike
Leggett released his list of County priorities for the 2016 legislative session
that begins in January. He identified transportation as one of the County’s critical
Leggett said, "Being a part
of a region that has long been identified with the worst traffic congestion in
the country, it is essential to protect the integrity of the State’s
Transportation Trust Fund and, therefore, the ability for the County’s priority
projects to move forward. Greater investment in the transportation
infrastructure of the most economically viable County in the State is the
necessary precursor for job creation, which is being held back by insufficient
mobility in the region -- especially on State highways and transit, which are
State responsibilities. Specifically, both Montgomery and Fairfax Counties need
their states to pursue improvements to the American Legion Bridge and the
Beltway from the I-270 West Spur into Virginia.
"Expanded transit options
and renewed effort to improve the safety of the WMATA system are also priorities.
Replacing the existing Tri-State Oversight Committee with an empowered new
State Safety Oversight Agency should be made a pressing issue this year by
Maryland, the District of Columbia, and Virginia. Given the disproportionate
need, any opening to negotiate to advance transportation projects and studies,
improve the safety of the region’s Metrorail operations, or increase State
funding for the County’s Ride On Bus system, should be aggressively
See the full list of priorities online.
Ride On Real Time Web Address Has Changed
Users of Ride On Real Time should be aware that the website address has changed from http:// to https://, so bookmarks and website settings may need to be updated.
Ride On Real Time uses GPS
technology to track buses and estimate when they will arrive at a bus stop.
Apps are available for IOS and Android phones.
Department of Liquor Control Promotes Local Designated Driving Program “Be My Designated Driver”
In an effort to help prevent
drunk driving in Montgomery County, the Department of Liquor Control (DLC) is
partnering with a local transportation service to offer $20 gift cards towards
a designated driver this holiday season.
The “Be My Designated Driver” (Be
My DD) program, the nation’s largest designated driver service, provides an
alternative using professional drivers who drive your vehicle for you.
Fully-screened and fully-insured, BeMyDD’s drivers have over 10 years of
driving experience and arrive dressed in professional attire. Hourly personal
driver services range from $14-$19.50 an hour (depending on location). BeMyDD also
provides car pickup services for $25 plus mileage. Read more.
Tuesday, December 1, 2015
Leggett Announces January Forums to Get Public Input on FY17 County Operating Budget
Montgomery County Executive Ike
Leggett has announced the dates, times, and places of five budget forums to be
held throughout the County in January. The forums, held every year by Leggett
to get public feedback on the upcoming County operating budget, are free and
open to all. Input from the forums
informs development of the County’s operating budget. The County Executive will
release his Recommended Operating Budget on March 15 for the fiscal year that
begins July 1, 2016.
The forums will begin with a
briefing on the upcoming budget by the County Office of Management and Budget,
followed by a conversation and question-and-answer period with the County
The meetings, which all begin at
7 p.m., are scheduled for:
- Wednesday, January 6 – Eastern Montgomery Regional Services Center, 3300 Briggs Chaney Road, Silver Spring
- Monday, January 11 – Bethesda-Chevy Chase Regional Services Center, 4805 Edgemoor Lane, Bethesda
- Wednesday, January 20 – Silver Spring Civic Center, One Veterans Plaza, Silver Spring
- Thursday, January 21 – Mid-County Community Recreation Center, 2004 Queensguard Road, Silver Spring
- Monday, January 25 – BlackRock Center for the Arts, 12901 Town Commons Drive, Germantown
Pedestrian Road Safety Audit Planned for East County
The Montgomery County Department of Transportation (MCDOT), the East County Regional Service Center and
Montgomery County Police hosted a community stakeholder meeting to discuss
plans for a Pedestrian Road Safety Audit/Study in the North White Oak/Burnt
Mills area along Longwood Drive, from Oak Leaf to Stewart Lane. MCDOT periodically
conducts Pedestrian Road Safety audits in areas that are experiencing traffic
and pedestrian safety related issues. Information from the audit is then used
to develop recommendations about possible improvements.
At the community meeting for
civic leaders and stakeholders, staff provided information on the audit process
and traffic and pedestrian safety concerns in the area.
MDOT/SHA Continues Project on MD 650 to Improve Safety and Resurface the Road

Other planned improvements will:
- Construct new traffic signals at the intersections of MD 650 and Ruatan Street, Quebec Street and Metzerott Road;
- Resurface traffic lanes and apply new pavement markings; and
- Clean inlets and pipes for better roadway drainage.
Crews may temporarily close one
lane of traffic along northbound MD 650 between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m., and southbound
MD 650 between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.
WSSC Begins Further Repairs on Water Main that Ruptured Last Month along MD 355
WSSC contractors will be shutting
down two southbound lanes on Rockville Pike (MD 355) near the Cedar Lane
intersection Weather permitting, the repairs are expected to take five to 10

The repairs are confined to the
road and do not affect the water mains. No customers will be out of service
during these repairs.
The repairs are necessary due to
damage caused by a 16-inch water main break on October 12. The 74-year-old cast
iron pipe caused significant damage to the road and to the adjacent embankment.
Crews will shore up the undermined road and the surrounding area and replace the
curb and gutter drainage system.
For the latest updates on this
work, follow WSSC on Twitter @WSSCWaterNews or call WSSC at 301-206-4001,
301-206-9772 or toll free at 1-800-828-6439, weekdays, from 7:30 a.m. to 7 p.m.
For water emergencies only (water
main breaks or sewer overflow) contact WSSC 24 hours a day at 301-206-4002 or
Metro Phasing Out Paper Fare Cards
By January, Metro is upgrading
its fare vending machines to dispense SmarTrip cards rather than paper
Here are highlights of the
transition process:
Read more.
- The change to SmarTrip-only machines began recently at Virginia stations, but Metro plans to discontinue all sales of paper farecards, including bulk sales, when the last machine in the system is upgraded by January. (Paper farecard sales will end at each of its more than 450 individual Metrorail stations as machines are upgraded.)
- Riders will be able to use any remaining paper farecards to enter and exit the Metrorail system until early March.
- Riders holding paper farecards will still be able to transfer the value from paper to SmarTrip at any rail station or Metro sales office through June 2016.

Read more.
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