MCDOT Will Increase Ride On Bus Service Starting Sunday, May 8; Direct Service From Kensington to Wheaton Will be AddedAll routes, except route 301 (Toby Town), will undergo schedule changes that will be available in print and online at rideonbus.com. Ride On will also extend bus Route 4, from Kensington to Wheaton. Ride On bus service remains free for all riders until at least July 2. Riders can plan trips online with Ride On Real-Time. Passengers are encouraged to wear a mask but are no longer required to wear them.  MCDOT Announces the Return of ‘Bicycle Swag Bag’ Contest in May to Promote ‘Bike to Work Day’MCDOT is promoting this year’s Bike To Work Day with the return of the ‘Bicycle Swag Bag’ contest during the month of May. From Sunday, May 1, through Saturday, May 28, bike riders are encouraged to post a picture of themselves enjoying their bike ride along any bike trail, path or bike lane in the County. For the contest, those photos posted on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram tagging @MCDOTNow along with the hashtag #MoCoBikes will be entered into that week's drawing for a ‘Swag Bag’ prize. Residents that do not use social media can email photos to commuter.services@montgomerycountymd.gov. Prize drawings will be held weekly on Monday mornings of the following week. The first winner will be announced on Monday, May 9. All winners will be notified via direct message on their social media accounts or by email. The contest is open to persons 18 years and older. Winners must live or work within Montgomery County. Residents are also encouraged to register for Bike to Work Day which takes place on Friday, May 20. This year, MCDOT will sponsor six pit stops throughout the County, located at: Participants at the MCDOT-sponsored pit stops can enjoy refreshments, listen to music and visit local vendor displays. There also will be free raffle prizes throughout the morning and a grand-prize raffle of two new bikes at each pit stop. Additional pit stops will be hosted by other organizations throughout the County. Teleworkers and leisure riders are encouraged to participate. “We are happy to get back to our traditional in-person Bike to Work Day pit stops that celebrate biking as an alternate means of transportation,” said MCDOT Director Chris Conklin. “We invite all residents to come out and participate, whether you are commuting to work that morning or just getting some exercise, everyone is welcome.” All riders are encouraged to wear a helmet. Want to participate but you don't own a bike? Grab a Capital Bikeshare bike at one of 90 stations available throughout the County. View station locations online here. |
 MCDOT Celebrated ‘Bike to School Day’ at Ritchie Park Elementary School in RockvilleMontgomery County hosted its annual Bike to School Day celebration on the morning of Wednesday, May 4, with a fun-filled event at Ritchie Park Elementary School in Rockville. MCDOT Director Chris Conklin, elected officials, and Vision Zero representatives were among those distributing safety materials and greeting students and parents to encourage biking to school. There was a special appearance from Zeal, the Traffic Safety Zebra, and the Montgomery County Fire Rescue provided a fire truck on site. Watch the MCM video here. |
 Montgomery County Jurisdictions Receive $300,000 in Grants to Boost Walkable, Bikeable and Transit-Oriented CommunitiesThe National Capital Region Transportation Planning Board (TPB) at the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (COG) approved 11 planning and design projects totaling $636,000 in technical assistance through its Transportation Land-use Connections (TLC) program. Montgomery County jurisdictions were granted five of the 111 regional assistance awards totaling $300,000, nearly half of the funding available. The funds will go toward the following five projects that support walking, biking and transit-oriented communities: - Olde Towne to Washington Grove Bicycle Connection (City of Gaithersburg), $60,000.
- Montgomery County Streetlight Standards (Montgomery County). $50,000.
- Fleet and Monroe Streets Complete Streets Feasibility Study (City of Rockville). $60,000.
- Takoma Park Metropolitan Branch Trail Upgrade (City of Takoma Park). $60,000.
- City of Takoma Park New Ave Bikeway – District Connector (City of Takoma Park). $70,000.
Learn more here.  Montgomery County Celebrated Arbor Day in Silver SpringMontgomery County celebrated Arbor Day by commemorating the black tupelo as the new County tree. The County’s departments of Environmental Protection, Transportation and Parks participated in an event on the afternoon of Arbor Day, Friday, April 29 at the East County Community Recreation Center in Silver Spring. The event featured tree planting, plogging sign up and tree raffles. The event brought attention to the new County tree and encouraged tree planting to increase the tree canopy. Trees improve air and water quality and help reduce erosion and flooding. MCDOT Director Chris Conklin spoke about MCDOT’s eight arborists that ensure the health of the County’s tree canopy. So far, this fiscal year, MCDOT has planted nearly 1,700 trees and manages about 500,000 trees in the County rights of way. Most of the trees are planted within neighborhoods, lining County roadways. Residents are encouraged to make requests for trees in the right of way by calling 311. |
  Montgomery County Celebrates Public Works Week with Truck Day Event on Saturday, May 21 Public works week celebrates essential workers nationally in May. In recognition of the MCDOTs' Highway Services employees, the department is running a social media campaign highlighting their highway Services workers and will conclude the campaign with a free, family-friendly Truck Day event, a children’s event that allows the public to tour and sit in County-owned vehicles. Truck Day will be held on Saturday, May 21 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the MCDOT Gaithersburg Depot, 17000 Crabbs Branch Way, Gaithersburg, MD 20855. “Public Works employees provide vital services for our residents,” said County Executive Marc Elrich. “For many, these are the first faces they see when tragedy strikes. I am committed to ensuring that our residents can count on a reliable response system and am very thankful to these employees for doing an amazing job protecting our residents throughout the year.” The American Public Works Association has announced "Ready & Resilient" as the theme for the 2022 National Public Works Week campaign. This year's dramatic poster showcases the superheroes that lie within each and every public works professional. Always ready to serve their communities, and resilient as ever in their abilities to pick themselves up off the ground after encountering challenges. MCDOT Highway Services employees provide and sustain essential services that contribute to the County’s quality of life. Services such as clearing trees in roadways, snow removal, flood response, storm management, street cleaning and leafing programs are some of the tasks this division is responsible for. “Residents rely on our Highway services staff more than they are probably aware of,” said MCDOT Director Chris Conklin. “They are the first boots on the ground when issues arise, and they are an incredibly efficient group of problem solvers. Residents typically don’t see them fixing issues at all hours, in all types of weather conditions, but they do and they do an incredible job.” |
 MCDOT Invites Middle Schools to Participate in Snowplow Naming Contest MCDOT is excited to hold its first-ever Paint the Plow Contest as part of National Public Works Week, May 15-21. Snowplows will be dropped off at participating schools on the morning of Monday, May 16. We ask students to come up with a snowplow name and paint it on the front of the snowplow. MCDOT will pick up the painted snowplows in the early afternoon of Friday, May 20. In celebration of Teacher Appreciation Week, MCDOT is showing support for MCPS middle school art teachers by offering a fun art project for the school. Prizes will be made out to the school and can aid in purchasing supplies. MCDOT will supply the materials needed for painting the snowplows. Photos of finished snowplows will be displayed on MCDOT’s website as well its social media platforms. The painted snowplows will be put into service during the winter months; be on the lookout for your masterpieces at work in your communities. Awards of $300, $200, and $100 will be given to first, second, and third place winning Middle schools. Judging will take place on Truck Day, May 21, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the MCDOT Gaithersburg Depot, 17000 Crabbs Branch Way in Gaithersburg. Attendees will be able to cast a vote for their favorite design. To sign-up, complete the registration form and submit it online by May 11.  Montgomery County Adds 20 Scenic Routes to Its 'Rustic Roads' Master PlanMontgomery County is home to 99 “rustic roads” which, to earn the distinction, must be historic, have scenic views, and reflect the agricultural character and rural origins of the county. These roads tend to be narrow, low-traffic, and highlight historic areas. A second distinction, “exceptional rustic road” requires unusual features found on few other roads like ruins or historic homes The rustic roads program started in the 1990s after county planners found that more and more historic roads were turning into suburban-style thoroughfares. Last updated 18 years ago, planners are in the process of refreshing the map with 20 new additions suggested by residents. Read the DCIST article here. Rustic Roads are public roads that receive routine maintenance by MCDOT or the Maryland State Highway Administration, but because of their inclusion in the program, significant features of these roads are conserved. The program is supported by the Rustic Roads Advisory Committee which consists of residents, farmers, and advocates. Rustic roads are also a part of MCDOT's Adopt A Road program, where residents can volunteer to remove litter from County roadsides before it reaches local streams or clogs storm drains that feed into the Potomac/Patuxent Rivers and our water supply. |
 Connected and Automated Vehicles: Help Shape the Future of Travel in Maryland Connected and Automated Vehicles (CAVs), sometimes called self-driving or driverless vehicles, are an important consideration for the future of travel in Maryland and may become a part of everyday life sooner than we might think. Many of us are already driving cars with advanced technologies, such as remote sensors, cameras, navigation, and/or braking systems using artificial intelligence (AI), that may contribute to innovations leading to fully autonomous vehicles. What remains unknown, however, is just exactly how self-driving vehicles should fit into our existing transportation systems. This is where you can help guide the next steps. Take a 10-minute anonymous online survey by May 13. Responses gathered will help MDOT SHA develop a strategy for increasing public awareness of CAV-related technologies, plan for a future of travel with self-driving vehicles, and help keep Maryland a great place to live, work, and play. You can also take the survey by phone at 877-379-9299. |
METRO NEWS Metrorail Weekend Service Adjustments for Saturday, May 7 Through Sunday, May 8 This weekend, Metrorail will open at 7 a.m., closing at 1 a.m. Saturday and midnight Sunday. Trains will serve 85 of 91 stations, with scheduled track work on the Red, Orange and Green lines. Red Line trains arrive every 14 minutes and will be single tracking between Silver Spring and Forest Glen. Learn more here. Metrobus Service Changes Go In Effect on Sunday, May 29 The White Flint Station buses will serve the stop along northbound Rockville Pike north of (farside) Marinelli Road adjacent to the station entrance. Learn more here. Metro Transit Police Launch New Community Policing and Safety Initiatives Metro announced safety initiatives to engage the community, target enforcement efforts and increase police visibility on buses, trains and in stations. Learn more here. |
 Brookeville Bypass WSSC Sewer Relocation Work Tentatively Starts on May 11; Causing Two Week Closure of Brookeville Road This project is 67 percent done and expected to be completed by the end of 2022. The Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration project includes a new 0.7-mile, two-lane highway with bicycle-compatible shoulders between north of Goldmine Road and south of Holiday Drive. Once complete and open to traffic, the new roadway will make Georgia Avenue (RT 97) more accessible and safer for local residents, cyclists, and pedestrians. The project also includes construction of two bridges, one at Meadow Branch stream and one at Reddy Branch stream including two single-lane roundabouts that will improve traffic and safety operations. Georgia Avenue (RT97) functions as a major north-south commuter route between Brookeville and northern Montgomery and Frederick counties. For more information contact Javier Arias, SHA Project Engineer at jarias@mdot.maryland.gov or Ryan Doran, SHA District 3 Area Engineer at rdoran@mdot.maryland.gov. A Portion of Old Georgetown Road (MD 187) and Commerce Lane in Bethesda to Close for 24 Hours for Crane Operation From Saturday, May 7, at 12 midnight to May 8, at 12 midnight, all lanes on Old Georgetown Road (MD 187) between Commerce Lane and Woodmont Avenue will be closed for mobile crane operation at 7607 Old Georgetown Road, Bethesda. There will also be a closure on Commerce Lane from Old Georgetown Road to Wisconsin Avenue to build the crane and offload materials. In case of inclement weather, the work will be performed on Sunday, May 8, beginning at 12 midnight for 24 hours. Drivers should use Bradley Boulevard (MD 191), Bethesda Metro Center, and Norfolk Avenue as a detour around the work zone. For questions contact Lauren Dick, United Crane and Rigging Traffic Engineering Services Project Coordinator, at 443-531-8228. A Portion of Rockville Pike (MD 355) in Gaithersburg to Close for Construction Highway and Safety Services, Inc. has closed the southbound lane of Rockville Pike (MD 355) between Old Georgetown Road (MD 187) and Marinelli Road on weekdays between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. for sidewalk and driveway construction. Once completed, work will start on the northbound side. Weather and progress permitting, all work should be completed by Thursday, September 15. The sidewalk on each side of MD 355 will also be closed and pedestrian traffic will be directed to the opposite side of Rockville Pike (MD 355) as appropriate. Vehicle and pedestrian signage will be posted. For questions contact Paul Bender, MCDOT Project Manager at 301-343-1527 or paul.bender@montgomerycountymd.gov. |
 For more information on MCDOT programs and services visit montgomerycountymd.gov/mcdot, follow @MCDOTNow on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram and subscribe to receive MCDOT news to your email inbox or mobile phone. |