Thursday, May 12, 2022

Ride On Transit Advisory Group (TAG) Member Spotlight: Patrick Benko

 May 2022 Newsltr Pic6

How long have you been riding with Ride On and what year did you begin?

I grew up in Montgomery County and I’ve been riding Ride On for 34 years, since 1988.

Why did you or your family select Ride On to begin your public transit experience?

The first ride was probably just for fun to get to the library. That morphed into getting to the Metro for trips downtown. Then when I was a little older, I was able to take solo trips on my own without having to ask for a ride. That was huge for a kid in the suburbs.  

 What routes have you ridden the most over the years and for what reasons?

The 76, which runs along Rt 28, is the winner when measuring time and frequency. It was fun when my mom would ride to her job from her house, and we’d randomly see each other every so often.

What do you like the most about your Ride On experiences?

I don’t think it is luck that nearly all my experiences with Ride On have been positive. The drivers are friendly and helpful. The buses are clean. And with all the new technology there is more predictability and less guessing. So, what I like most is that I can just focus on if Ride On is faster or easier than other options, since the experience is just as given.   

How has Ride On changed over the years from a rider’s perspective?

In my eyes, Ride On has always been an innovator, which means change has been constant. I remember the first green buses hitting the streets and now we have on demand buses. At the same time, Ride On has made it easier with apps and other tech to just know when the bus is going to be there.  

How has riding changed during the pandemic?

My riding has changed from a commute to running errands or leisure trips. Which means I’ve been riding non-peak times. Just given that, the pace is a bit easier and the space between folks is a little greater. Maybe a little less interaction between people, which can be a positive or negative depending on the person and the day.

What other family members use the Ride On system and for what purposes?

My mom would use Ride On as her primary mode of transportation. She’s also the one who took me on those first trips 30+ years ago. More recently, I took my wife on her very first Ride On ride even though she had grown up in Montgomery County as well. And now with three boys who are enthralled with busses, we use any excuse we can to take a ride.

What recommendations do you have for Ride On?

I mentioned the innovation and ideas coming out of MCDOT, I’d say if they continue to be forward looking like that Ride On will be in great shape. I am really excited about the route optimization project, which will hopefully cut down on the one thing that gets me sometimes and that is trip times.

How do you view your role as a Transit Advisory Group (TAG) member?

The role has three parts for me. One is being part of a focus group that MCDOT can use for quick and relevant feedback. Two, is bringing new ideas and being a representative voice for riders. Third, is being a rider who can talk about my experiences and report on actual happenings.

What have you learned the most as a TAG member?

I’ve learned how important it is to have a diverse group of voices in the room along with a diverse group of listeners. MCDOT has been very good at giving opportunities for TAG members to be part of the process and acting on our feedback. A new member joining today would quickly also learn how important and powerful their voice can be when in front of those in charge of when, how, and where the buses go.