Pedestrian Collisions Significantly Decline in 2014
Pedestrian collisions in Montgomery County declined by 16 percent in 2014 compared to 2013, from 483 to 405. Most significantly, severe collisions - - where pedestrians are either killed or incapacitated by their injuries - - declined by 13 percent to an eight year low of 74, compared with 85 in 2013. Nine pedestrians were killed in 2014, compared to thirteen in 2013. Read more.

Leggett and Roshdieh Celebrate 25th Anniversary of ADA with Federal Transit Administrator; MCDOT’s Bus Stop Improvement Program Touted as National Model
On the eve of the 25th Anniversary of the ADA, Montgomery County Executive Isiah Leggett announced that the County’s nine-year Bus Stop Improvement Program has enhanced accessibility and pedestrian safety at 3,025 bus stops. Read more.

MCDOT Wins TPB Grant to Fund New Trail in Clarksburg
The National Capital Region Transportation Planning Board (TPB) approved $523,416 for the Montgomery County Department of Transportation (MCDOT) to fund the design and engineering of a shared use path and sidewalk along Maryland (MD) Route 355 in Clarksburg from Snowden Farm Parkway to Stringtown Road. The path will create a link in the existing trail network along MD 355 between Little Bennett Regional Park Trail and the Frederick Road Bike Path. Montgomery County will contribute about $131,000 to the project if approved by the County Council. Read more.

Montgomery Parks to Temporarily Close Portions of the Capital Crescent Trail
On Tuesday, August 4, between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m., Montgomery Parks will close the Capital Crescent Trail (CCT) between Bradley Boulevard and Little Falls Parkway. Trail users can use Bradley Boulevard and Arlington Road as a detour.
On Wednesday, August 5, between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m., the trail will be closed between Little Falls Parkway and Dorset Avenue. The detour will take trail users over Little Falls Parkway at Dorset Avenue, onto Little Falls Trail to head north on Hillandale Road, cross Hillandale and use the road adjacent to the Bethesda Pool to reenter the trail. More information is available online.

Road Rehabilitation Project in Damascus to Begin in Late Summer
The Montgomery County Department of Transportation's (MCDOT) Division of Highway Services will rehabilitate roads, sidewalks and curbs in the Chesney community in Damascus. This type of project rebuilds community infrastructure while protecting its trees and preserving the character of the neighborhood. Read more.