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Go Montgomery is distributed by Montgomery County Government Department of Transportation.
News and information about transportation, including roads, transit, hiker-biker trails and pedestrian safety.
Thursday, August 20, 2015
Go Montgomery - August 20, 2015
Metro Seeking Input on Proposed Bus Service Changes
Metro is proposing service changes to a number of bus routes in 2016.
Maryland routes Metro is proposing to change, reduce
or alter are: 81, B31, C2, C4, G13, G14, G16, Q1, Q2, Q4, Q5, Q6,
V15, Z6, Z8, Z9, Z29, Z11, Z13.
Metro is also proposing eliminating the following
Maryland routes: J13, K11, R3, W19
There are four ways to give us feedback to help us build a better bus experience for you:
Take a Survey: Complete a survey about how service changes will affect you. | |
| Meet with Metro Staff in the community. Metro staff will tour bus stops and attend community meetings and festivals near you to collect your input. See the Better Bus tour schedule. There may even be special guests and giveaways! |
Send an Email: Provide written or audio comments to writtentestimony@wmata.com. | |
Attend a Public Hearing: Provide feedback in a traditional, formal setting at Metro's headquarters, 600 5th St NW, Washington, DC, on Thursday, September 17. See the hearings page. |
In addition, Metro is proposing no charge for transfers on the Q line to or from Metrorail’s Red Line and travel between Wheaton and Silver Spring.
Read more about the proposed changes affecting Maryland and read more about Metro’s overall proposals.
Upcoming Highway Services Road Improvement Projects
The Montgomery County Department of Transportation's (MCDOT) Division of Highway Services (DHS) continues
road improvement projects in August/September. Schedules are dependent on
weather conditions.
A number of projects are designed to preserve
pavement, restoring the roadway’s structural capacity and integrity. In the
following areas, DHS will make full depth patches, seal cracks, apply the
microsurfacing material and replace lane markings. Upcoming projects will take
about six weeks to complete and will require temporary lane closures. Work
hours will be between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday for the
following communities:

- Wexford/Henderson Corner Neighborhood, Germantown
- Stonecrest/Snowdens Mill, Fairland
- Gum Springs Farm, Silver Spring
- Rivers Edge, Potomac
- Little Falls Parkway, between Massachusetts Avenue and Glenbrook Road
- Beach Drive, from Connecticut Avenue to Stoneybrook Drive
- Brown Church Road, Mt. Airy
- Brookeville Road, from Georgia Avenue to Zion Road, Brookeville
Wednesday, August 19, 2015
Ride On to Hold Two Public Forums on Proposed Service Cuts; Changes Part of FY 16 Savings Plan
The public will have a chance to comment on proposed changes to
Ride On’s bus service at either one of two public forums to be held in
September 17 and 24. The route eliminations are being proposed to help close
the significant budget shortfall facing the County in fiscal year 2016. The
County will consider all comments received by September 30.
The following routes are being proposed for elimination: Route 42
weekday, Saturday and Sunday service; Route 98 weekday, Saturday and Sunday
service; and, Route 83 Saturday and Sunday service.
Read more about the forums online.
Turkey Foot Road to Close for Five Weeks in North Potomac
The Montgomery County Department of Transportation's Division of Highway Services (DHS) is replacing the bridge on Turkey Foot Road where it crosses over Muddy Branch Creek near Query Mill Road in the North Potomac area. This project will take approximately five weeks to complete. DHS will remove and replace the roadway, bridge approaches and bridge deck. Signs will direct motorists to alternate routes.
MCDOT Expects to Open Chapman Avenue Extended Next Spring; Road will Connect Old Georgetown Road and Randolph Road in White Flint
The Montgomery County Department of Transportation (MCDOT) is extending Chapman Avenue in the White Flint area to enhance the road network by connecting Old Georgetown and Randolph roads. Recently, contractors paved the road base and are working on grading and installing storm drain and stormwater management facilities.
Chapman Avenue extended will have a six-to-eight foot buffer of grass and trees between the road and five-foot-wide sidewalks. The speed limit will be 30 miles per hour.
Final surface paving of the roadway should be
completed in spring 2016. When open, traffic on the road is projected to be
10,000 vehicles a day. The construction contract for the project cost $3.2 million.
To follow construction and view photos Tweet: #ChapmanAve
To follow construction and view photos Tweet: #ChapmanAve
Senior Connection Looking for Partner Organizations to Participate in Senior Rides Initiative
Bicycle Master Plan Public Meetings to be Held in September and October
The Montgomery County Planning Department, part of
The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission, is inviting the
community to participate in kick-off meetings during September and October 2015
to learn about the Bicycle Master Plan and how to get involved in planning a
bicycle network for Montgomery County. The meetings will be held in five
locations so that County residents can pick the one that is most convenient for
them to attend.
Attendees are encouraged to RSVP. The meetings will
be held from 7 to 9 p.m. at the following locations:
- Tuesday, September 8 – Paint Branch High School, 14121 Old Columbia Pike, Burtonsville.
- Wednesday, September 9 – Germantown Regional Services Center, Room A, 12900 Middlebrook Road, Germantown.
- Tuesday, September 15 – Planning Department headquarters, 8787 Georgia Ave., Silver Spring.
- Monday, September 21 – Wheaton Library, 11701 Georgia Ave., Silver Spring.
- Tuesday, October 6 – Walter Johnson High School, 6400 Rock Spring Drive, Bethesda.
More information is available online.
Time Lapse Video Shows Progress of MCDOT’s Valley Road Bridge Project
Montgomery County Department of Transportation (MCDOT) is rehabilitating the Valley Road Bridge over Booze Creek in Bethesda. The 1964 bridge had beams in poor condition with both horizontal and vertical cracks, spalling and other issues. The bridge was considered structurally deficient.
MCDOT’s Division of Transportation Engineering has a time lapse video showing the progress on replacing the bridge. Work is expected to be completed by the end of August.
SHA to Resurface More Than Two Miles of MD 108
On Monday, August 17,
the Maryland Department of Transportation’s State Highway Administration (SHA) began
a $1.2 million road resurfacing project on 2.5 miles of MD 108 between MD 650
(New Hampshire Avenue) and the Howard County line. Work should be completed by
late fall.
To expedite the project, are permitted to temporarily close one lane in each direction of MD 108 seven days a week between 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and overnight, from 9 p.m. to 5 a.m.
To expedite the project, are permitted to temporarily close one lane in each direction of MD 108 seven days a week between 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and overnight, from 9 p.m. to 5 a.m.
The resurfacing includes roadway patching, removing
the top later of asphalt, applying new asphalt and installing new pavement
markings on the roadway.
Read SHA's news release.
Read SHA's news release.
Questions about the project? Contact:
- Ahmad Thomas, SHA District 3 Project Engineer, athomas11@sha.state.md.us, 443-850-3694
- Ed Seeley. SHA District 3 Area Engineer, eseeley@sha.state.md.us, 301-513-7374
- Christopher Bishop, SHA District 3 Community Liaison, 301-513-7405, cbishop@sha.state.md.us
SHA Contractor to Conduct Survey of Bat Population in Watkins Mill Road/I 270 Area
A contractor for the Maryland State Highway
Administration (SHA), Skelly and Loy, Inc., is conducting an environmental
survey to assess the bat population in the area near the I-270 Watkins Mill
Road Interchange Project. The survey will end Friday, August 21. Contractors
are onsite from noon to 3 a.m. each evening. Affected property owners were
notified of the project by mail.
Contractors will be recording the presence of bats
and identify the species as required by the United States Fish and Wildlife
Service. The bat survey crew will carry identification and will be using field
vehicles marked with a “Skelly and Loy” logo as well as a windshield sign
describing their activity.
Questions or concerns can be directed to Brian Cox,
Team Leader at bcox@sha.state.md.us or 410-545-8650.
SHA to Resurface Lanes on Rockville Pike near Cedar Lane/West Cedar and Shift Traffic
The Maryland Department of Transportation’s State
Highway Administration (SHA) has begun resurfacing traffic lanes on MD 355
(Rockville Pike) to prepare for an upcoming traffic shift near the Cedar
Lane/West Cedar Lane intersection. During repaving, traffic will be diverted
from the left side of northbound MD 355 to the right side of the road, while
maintaining three through lanes. All work will be complete and all traffic
lanes will reopen no later than 3 p.m. each day. Work should be completed by 5
a.m., Friday, August 21.
Once the resurfacing work is complete, SHA will
shift traffic along MD 355 beginning Tuesday, August 25 at 9 p.m. to work on an
underground culvert and road widening. Crews will:
- Extend the southbound MD 355 left turn lane to Cedar Lane;
- Add a dedicated right turn lane from southbound MD 355 to West Cedar Lane;
- Shift traffic on Cedar Lane from the right to the left starting at Parkhill Drive to create a shared right/through lane and two dedicated left turn lanes; and
- Shift traffic to the right on West Cedar Lane to create two dedicated left turn lanes, a single through lane and a dedicated right turn lane.
The left turn restriction from northbound MD 355
onto West Cedar Lane that began earlier this year remains in effect through the
end of the project next year. More information about SHA’s Montgomery County
projects is available online.
WeddingWire Wins 2015 Commuter Connections Employer Recognition Award
WeddingWire, a technology company based in Chevy
Chase, was awarded the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments Commuter Connections
Employer Recognition Award for Marketing. WeddingWire uses a variety of methods
to encourage employees to take alternative forms of transportation, with 67
percent of them taking advantage of the program. Learn more.
County’s Department of Environmental Protection Releases Video about the Air Quality Index and Tips for Residents
Air Quality Action Days occur when air pollution in the region is expected to reach unhealthy levels. They occur primarily during the summer months when hot, humid and stagnant weather conditions contribute to the formation of air pollution. Watch this video to learn more about the Air Quality Index and how you can help reduce the incidence of poor air quality days.
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