Upcoming Highway Services Road Improvement Projects
The Montgomery County Department of Transportation's (MCDOT) Division of Highway Services (DHS) continues
road improvement projects in August/September. Schedules are dependent on
weather conditions.
A number of projects are designed to preserve
pavement, restoring the roadway’s structural capacity and integrity. In the
following areas, DHS will make full depth patches, seal cracks, apply the
microsurfacing material and replace lane markings. Upcoming projects will take
about six weeks to complete and will require temporary lane closures. Work
hours will be between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday for the
following communities:
Additional microsurfacing projects will take about
five weeks to complete with work hours between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. along:
Beach Drive, from Connecticut Avenue to
Stoneybrook Drive
Resurfacing projects on rural/rustic roads strive to
maintain the agricultural/rural character of the roads and community. For these
roads, MCDOT will repair the roadway base, seal cracks, resurface with
chip seal, remove excess aggregate and replace roadway lane markings. The
following projects should take about 10 days to complete. Work hours will be
between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m., Monday through Friday. Some construction may be
required on Saturday.