MCDOT NEWS MCDOT Begins Leaf Vacuum Collection in Specific AreasMCDOT began its annual leaf vacuuming program on Monday, Nov. 6, and will continue collections through December in specified areas. There will be two collections on each collection district street. The leaf vacuum collection district is bounded by I-495; I-270; the Rockville City limits; Norbeck, Bel Pre and Bonifant roads; Northwest Branch Park; and the District of Columbia and Prince George’s County lines. Before collection begins in a neighborhood, MCDOT will post signs along streets directing residents to the online leaf collection map for collection information. The map and collection information can also be found online on the MCDOT Leaf Collection webpage. Residents are asked to pile leaves near the street but off the road. They should avoid placing leaves on road shoulders, curbs, bike lanes and rain gardens as leaves in these areas can disrupt traffic, negatively impact stormwater drainage, hamper snow removal operations and become a fire hazard for automobiles parked over them. Leaf piles in the street also limit the availability of residential parking and, especially when wet, can pose a hazard for cyclists and pedestrians. “Last leafing season, crews collected nearly 114,000 cubic yards of leaves,” said MCDOT Director Chris Conklin. “The leaves are mulched and composted at a local facility and sold as a popular fertilizer called Leafgro, which is sold in area hardware stores. Profits generated by these sales go back into the leafing program, reducing the cost to affected residents.” Learn more here. |
 Montgomery County Bike Drive Collects Nearly 300 BicyclesMCDOT is connecting people in the County who have a bike to donate with people who need one. On Friday, Oct. 20, MCDOT collected 290 bicycles at its annual one-day bike collection event in Rockville. MCDOT sponsored the collection of child and adult bikes in partnership with Rockville Bike Hub and Bikes for the World. Volunteers from the organizations will refurbish the bikes and place them with children and adults in need through Bikes for the World, the MCDOT Bike Match Program and the Rockville Terrific Kids program. This was the fifth year that MCDOT sponsored a bike drive (no events were held during the two years of the COVID-19 health crisis). In those five years, the drives have resulted in the collection of more than 1,050 bikes. MCDOT operates a bike match program year-round through the BikeMatchMoCo program. Bikes donated must be in ready-to-ride condition and should be cleaned and sanitized before drop-off. Residents who wish to donate or receive a bike can do so by filling out the online form on MCDOT’s BikeMatchMoCo website. Once a donated bike has been matched to a recipient, an MCDOT representative will facilitate the donation and pickup. The bike donation deliveries are conducted separately, and all information is confidential. |
 MCDOT Receives $2 Million Grant to Conduct Bus Rapid Transit Study That Will Serve as Blueprint for Washington Metropolitan RegionMCDOT has been awarded a $2 million grant by the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) Regional Infrastructure Accelerators (RIA) program to support the expansion of the Flash Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) network in the County through a new research partnership with the University of Maryland. Administered by the USDOT Build America Bureau, RIA provides funding for research of best practices in project planning, studies and analysis, preliminary engineering and design. The project will serve as a blueprint for the region. Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) systems are part of a national movement toward upgraded bus systems focused on faster, more convenient and reliable bus services. BRTs are known to have limited-stop bus service implemented along set routes in metropolitan areas across the U.S. and worldwide. Flash is Montgomery County’s BRT system and includes plans for a network of eight fixed routes. The high-frequency service is designed to get people to their destination faster, and less expensively, than by car. Flash corridors spur development as businesses and housing tend to spring up along BRT routes creating or fortifying vibrant mixed-use communities. The lines will support a high level of mobility, connecting communities throughout the County. Funding from the grant will be used to research and establish best practices in financing and project planning for the expansion of the Flash BRT corridors in Montgomery County. Learn more here. |
 MCDOT Continues Ride On Reimagined EffortsThe Ride On Reimagined Study is a comprehensive, forward-looking assessment of Montgomery County’s transportation network. This study is taking an in-depth look at the County’s existing and planned transit systems, including Metrobus and the Purple Line. Through data analysis and community engagement, the study will provide recommendations for system-wide bus service changes, including Ride On and Metrobus routes operating in Montgomery County, to address the current and future needs of the community. The final report will be released early next year. Please consider providing feedback on ways transportation changes will better impact you and your community, online here through Wednesday, Nov. 15. |
 It's Getting Darker Earlier; Use Caution While TravelingGetting darker earlier raises safety risks for pedestrians and bicyclists. As the days become shorter, with less daylight, it's important that drivers take extra caution while commuting. Past records show that two-thirds of all fatal pedestrian injuries over the last four years occurred between dusk and dawn. Deer tend to be more active at dawn and dusk as well, especially during the fall season. Reduce your speed at night and use high-beam headlights when other cars are not approaching. To address the changing conditions, MCDOT continues to make infrastructure upgrades such as streetlights and crosswalks to make streets safer for all users and urges residents to look out for each other and obey the rules of the road. |
 Here’s What to Do if You Hit a Deer with Your VehicleDeer activity typically increases during the autumn season as the animals primarily mate and migrate in the months of October, November and December. If you hit a deer: - Move your vehicle to a safe location off the road.
- Make sure to turn on your hazard lights.
- Inspect your vehicle for damage.
- Use flares or reflective warning devices to alert other drivers to your vehicle.
- Note important information and photograph damage for insurance.
- Report the crash to the police.
Learn more here. |
 Montgomery County High School Students Can Apply to MCDOT's ‘Vision Zero Youth Ambassadors’ Program to Improve Traffic SafetyMCDOT is seeking Montgomery County high school students to serve as Vision Zero Youth Ambassadors. The project-based learning program teaches teens leadership skills, the importance of roadway design, law enforcement, outreach and engagement techniques to address traffic safety needs in their community. Applications are being accepted from Monday, Nov. 13, through Friday, Dec. 15. Interested public, private and home-schooled high school students can learn about the program and apply here. The program supports the County’s Vision Zero Initiative, whose goal is to eliminate traffic-related severe injuries and deaths. Youth Ambassadors have an opportunity to help the County work toward the goal by becoming road safety leaders in their communities while earning up to 35 Student Service Learning credits. |
 Invite MCDOT’s Pedestrian Safety Team to Your EventThe Ped Safety and Safe Routes to School teams are busy throughout the year attending events around the County to share important walking, biking and driving safety information in fun and engaging ways. MCDOT would love to join your next school or community event. Tell us more about your event via this brief form here. |
 Hybrid Public Meeting on the Old Columbia Pike / Prosperity Drive Improvements Project in White Oak to be Held on Tuesday, Nov. 14On Tuesday, Nov. 14, at 6:30 p.m., MCDOT will hold a hybrid public meeting to discuss the latest progress of the Old Columbia Pike / Prosperity Drive Improvements project in White Oak. The on-site meeting will be held in the Community Lounge of the White Oak Community Recreation Center located at 1700 April Lane, Silver Spring, MD 20904. The public will have an opportunity to ask questions and provide comments. Online registration is required to attend virtually. |
 Hybrid Public Meeting on Silver Spring’s Stateside Drive Sidewalk Project for Joann Leleck Elementary School to be Held on Tuesday, Nov. 14On Tuesday, Nov. 14, starting at 6:30 p.m., the MCDOT will hold a hybrid public meeting to discuss the construction of sidewalks adjacent to Joann Leleck Elementary School within the Oakview community on Stateside Drive from Avenel Road to Stateside Court. The sidewalk project was initiated by MCDOT’s Safe Routes to School program to provide a safe route for students walking and biking to Joann Leleck Elementary School. MCDOT encourages you to attend, share your input and provide any suggestions that may better reflect your community’s needs. Online registration is required to attend virtually. |
 MCDOT’s Shady Grove Road Bikeway and Pedestrian Safety Improvement Project in GaithersburgOn Monday, Nov. 6, MCDOT held a virtual public meeting to discuss the project scope, details and projected schedule. The public has until Monday, Nov. 20 to ask questions and provide feedback through this online comment form. The project provides for a facility planning study to enhance safety for pedestrians, bicyclists and people with disabilities as they travel to nearby schools and facilities. The project will also address intersection safety and traffic calming using signage and pavement markings as well as side paths, separated bike lanes and other traffic calming methods. Public input is encouraged and may influence the design of this project. |
 MCDOT Accepting Public Feedback on the Wisteria Drive Germantown Multimodal Improvement StudyOn Wednesday, Nov. 8 MCDOT held a hybrid public information meeting. Additional comments are being accepted through Dec. 8 This is a facility planning study of multimodal improvements, such as pedestrian and bicycle facilities, safety and connectivity improvements, access improvements to nearby bus stops and the Germantown MARC train station in Germantown. This project will evaluate the safety needs of pedestrians and cyclists, as well as facilitate connectivity and access improvements such as sidewalks, bike lanes and bus stops. Residents can provide feedback through this online comment form. |
 Virtual Public Hearing on the Heritage Triangle Trail Project in Sandy Spring to be Held on Tuesday, Nov. 28On Tuesday, Nov. 28, starting at 7 p.m., MCDOT will hold a virtual public hearing to discuss the latest plans for the Heritage Triangle Trail Project in Sandy Spring. The public will have an opportunity to provide feedback and ask questions. The Heritage Triangle Trail is a project to improve pedestrian and bicyclist safety along Dr. Bird (MD. 182) and Norwood Roads. Public input is encouraged and may influence the design of this project. Online registration is required to attend virtually. |
 MCDOT to Hold In-Person Public Forum on Changes to Bus Route 76, Impacting Quince Orchard High School Bus StopMCDOT is holding an in-person meeting on Tuesday, Dec. 5 starting at 6:30 p.m. at the Quince Orchard High School cafeteria located at 15800 Quince Orchard Road in Gaithersburg. MCDOT is proposing to change the Route 76 pick-up and drop-off location. |
 MCDOT is hiring for the following positions: Parking - IRC60043 Public Service Worker III
- IRC57387 Capital Projects Manager
Transportation Engineering - IRC60306 Manager III
- IRC60105 Manager III
- IRC57961 Capital Projects Manager
Transit - IRC60020 Transit System Information Systems Technician
- IRC59961 Senior Transit Information Systems Technician
- IRC59613 Transit Analyst
Traffic Engineering and Operations - IRC60108 Transportation Systems Technician
- IRC59982 Work Force Leader III
- IRC59559 Engineer Technician I/II
- IRC59483 Traffic Management Technician I / II
- IRC59484 Engineer III/II/I (Fiber - Telecom)
- IRC59447 Engineer Technician I/II (Sign & Marking Shop)
- IRC58960 Senior Engineer
- IRC58781 Senior Planning Specialist
- IRC58678 Transportation Systems Technician I/II/III
For details on the above job postings search "Transportation" or the IRC number online here. |
 MCDOT Welcomes New Ride On Bus Operators MCDOT is continually hiring and training new bus operators. Bus drivers are instrumental to transportation access. Residents depend on them to get where they are going and provide a watchful eye. The latest class of Ride On bus operators graduated on Friday, Oct. 13. MCDOT’s Bus Operator training is a 6-week course that covers a variety of topics. In order to pass the course, aspiring operators must successfully complete a "Skills Pad" driving course and master customer service skills. Congratulations to the recent graduates. MCDOT is appreciative of the work that all our operators do to provide the best transportation service in the region. - Brian Johnson
- Maryam Bilaal-Gray
- Robert Cathron
- Donald Washington
- Byran Greenlee
- Stafford Owens
- Richard Bright
- Bereket Kelbore
- Calvin Parker
- Sabir Lynch
- Fernando Allen, Jr.
- Jerome Brown
- Salima Randall
- Tilahun Faris
- Wisdom Adoble
- Imal Lama
- Alemayehu Weldeamanuel
 Public Meetings to Discuss American Legion Bridge and I-270 CorridorThe Maryland Department of Transportation announces a series of open house meetings to engage the public on the American Legion Bridge and 270 Corridor Program and gather community feedback as the program advances. The meetings provide the opportunity for corridor travelers, project neighbors and other stakeholders to directly engage with the program team on potential multimodal transportation solutions for the corridor. The open houses in Montgomery County will take place at: - Monday, Nov. 13, 6:30-8:30 p.m., Bethesda-Chevy Chase High School, 4301 East-West Highway, Bethesda. Transit Accessible: WMATA Red Line, Bethesda Station; Metrobus J2; Ride On routes 29, 32, 34, 47, 70.
- Wednesday, Nov. 15, 6:30-8:30 p.m., DoubleTree Hotel, 620 Perry Parkway, Gaithersburg. Transit Accessible: Ride On routes 54, 55, 56, 59, 61.
The same information will be available at each meeting. There will not be a formal presentation. Meeting materials are available at The public is strongly encouraged to participate. |
 Electrify MC is LIVEThe Montgomery County Department of Environmental Protections provides residents with a one-stop option to help them electrify their homes. Electrify MC is a pilot program providing home energy audits, recommendations for electrification add-ons, and direct installations using the financial incentives available through the program.  Norfolk Avenue Streetery Reopens to Vehicle Traffic in Bethesda (Photos)The Norfolk Avenue Streetery's barricades and outdoor dining seating were temporarily removed for the winter season and reopened to vehicular traffic in Bethesda's Woodmont Triangle. Metered street parking has also resumed on both sides of the roadway. The Bethesda Urban Partnership, who manages the space, will return the Streetery in the spring |
 Results of Community EV Charging SurveyEarlier this year, DEP surveyed the public about community EV charging. Nearly 600 respondents provided input on how Montgomery County should expand publicly accessible EV charging, including what locations, charging experiences, and help is most valuable. Learn more about the survey results on My Green Montgomery.  County Executive Elrich’s Next ‘Community Conversation’ on Fiscal Year 2025 Operating Budget on Monday, Nov. 13, Will Focus on Silver Spring AreaMontgomery County Executive Marc Elrich, along with the County’s regional services offices and community partners, is hosting a series of “Community Conversations” to seek input on the Fiscal Year 2025 Operating Budget. The next conversation will be from 7-8:30 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 13 at the Silver Spring Civic Building. Learn more here |
 MonsterFlash and Ped Safety Celebrate HalloweenThe Monster Flash bus made an appearance this Halloween at the annual Germantown 5th Police and Fire Station and HalloWheaton. The bus was decorated on the inside with fun monsters, spider webs, lights and more. Families enjoyed walking through the festive bus and learning about the Flash Bus Rapid Transit system that is planned across the county. Special thanks to the 5th District Police & Fire Stations, and the Wheaton Urban District for having us! View photos of Monster Flash at these events here. |
 Transportation Schedule for the Veterans Day Holiday, Nov. 10-11 - MCDOT - Closed.
- Ride On bus service - Holiday schedule on Nov. 10; Saturday schedule on Nov. 11.
- Ride On extRa and Flex bus services - Holiday schedule on Nov. 10; not in service on Nov. 11.
- Ride On Flash bus service - Orange Route operates on a Weekend and Holiday schedule.
- TRiPS commuter store at Silver Spring Transit Center - Open 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Nov. 10; closed Nov. 11.
- TRiPS mobile commuter store - Closed.
- Public parking in Bethesda, Silver Spring and Wheaton - Free.
 Take Ride On Bus to Winter Events in Montgomery CountyView a list of holiday happenings from music performances to community gatherings here. Take the Ride On bus! Use the Trip Planning app to find a bus stop near you. |
 Transportation Schedule for the Thanksgiving Holiday, Nov. 25- MCDOT - Closed.
- Ride On bus service - Sunday schedule. View bus schedules here.
- Ride On extRa and Flex bus services - Not in service.
- Ride On Flash bus service - Orange Route operates on a Weekend and Holiday schedule.
- TRiPS commuter store at Silver Spring Transit Center - Closed.
- TRiPS mobile commuter store - Closed.
- Public parking in Bethesda, Silver Spring and Wheaton - Free.
 MCDOT to Participate in Montgomery County’s Thanksgiving Parade at Veterans Plaza in Silver Spring on Saturday, Nov. 18The Montgomery County Thanksgiving Parade will usher in the holiday season in Downtown Silver Spring. The parade kicks off at 10 a.m. for one mile along Ellsworth Drive, to and along Georgia Avenue, ending at Spring Street. Come out and enjoy the marching bands, dancing groups, glittering floats and special appearances by Santa and his elves. Be sure to watch out for MCDOT’s Flash bus, Mobile Commuter Store and Zeal the pedestrian safety Zebra! |
 Winter Wonderland Returns Saturday, Dec. 2 at the Norfolk Avenue Streetery in Downtown BethesdaCelebrate the holiday season with Santa Claus, live ice sculpting, live music, face painting, games and more. Be sure to bring a new, unwrapped toy for Toys for Tots. Winter Wonderland takes place from 1 - 4 p.m. on Norfolk Avenue, between St. Elmo and Cordell Streets. |
 Veterans Day Approaches on Saturday, Nov. 11: County Joins ‘Operation Green Light,’ Ceremonies Will be Held as Tribute to County VeteransAs Veterans Day approaches on Saturday, Nov. 11, Montgomery County has joined the national “Operation Green Light” salute to veterans. The program asks for displays of a green light, from Nov. 6-12, in a window of businesses or residences to honor veterans. From Nov. 6-12, Montgomery County’s Memorial Plaza, which is located adjacent to the County Executive Building at 101 Monroe St. in Rockville, will be lit with green lights. Learn more here. |
 MCDOT Reminds Residents to Plan Out Their Evenings This Thanksgiving Holiday & Never Drink and DriveDuring the Thanksgiving weekend, millions will hit our nation's roads, eager to gather with family and friends. It’s one of the busiest travel times of the year and the most dangerous. More people on the roadways means the potential for more vehicle crashes. The Wednesday before Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving Eve, – has also been known as one of the deadliest nights of the year due to heavy consumption of alcohol. - Nationally, from 2017-2021, 832 people died in alcohol-impaired driving crashes during the entire Thanksgiving holiday period (6 p.m. the Wednesday before Thanksgiving through 5:59 a.m. the Monday after Thanksgiving).
- Nationally, in 2021 there were 13,384 fatalities in alcohol-impaired motor vehicle traffic crashes, accounting for 31% of all traffic fatalities.
Follow these National Highway Traffic Safety Administration tips: - Buzzed driving is drunk driving. Don't risk it.
- Plan ahead. If you don't have a designated driver, contact a friend or family member, use public transportation, a taxi or rideshare service like Uber or Lyft.
- If you see a suspected drunk driver on the road call 9-1-1 to report the driver to authorities. It could save lives.
- Never let family or friends drive if they have had too much alcohol to drink.
 MCDOT is Making Montgomery County SaferMCDOT is responsible for building and maintaining infrastructure along County-owned roadways including sidewalks, traffic control devices and building dedicated bike lanes. The department built seven miles of sidewalk last year, installed about 20 hybrid pedestrian beacons and continues to add to the County’s 108 miles of protected bike lanes. |
 MCDOT Manages the County’s Tree CanopyMCDOT Division of Highway Services maintains over 250,000 trees in the dedicated county right of way and another 200,000 in rural areas. Any tree growing in a street right-of-way is a county-maintained tree. Note that it is not always obvious where the street right-of-way ends and private property begins. The line can be several feet into a front yard beyond the edge of the sidewalk or street. MCDOT Primary/Arterial Roads Resurfacing ProgramNew and current projects include: MCDOT Sidewalk & Curb/Gutter Repair Replacement ProgramNew and current projects include:  MCDOT Prepares for the Winter Season MCDOT staff and crews conducted a mock snowstorm event to test out MCDOT Highway Service’s snowplow tracking system to ensure readiness for the winter season. |
 MCDOT Residential Roadway Repair ProgramNew and current projects include: Aspen Hill Bethesda Colesville Gaithersburg - Goshen Hunt Hills Subdivision
- Lindstrom Court
Potomac/Rockville - Ashleigh Subdivision
- Prospect Drive
Silver Spring  |
 | | MCDOT Wraps up Garage Washing and Degreasing This Month MCDOT concluded garage washing at Silver Spring garages on Saturday, Nov. 4. This includes the completion of the annual cleaning of all its County-owned parking garages in Wheaton and Bethesda. These efforts work to remove grease and oil that would otherwise end up in our waterways. |
 MCDOT Replaces LED Lights in Wheaton Market Place Lot 13MCDOT completed the installation of LED lights in Wheaton Market Place Lot 13 in Wheaton in mid-October. LED lights use at least 75% less energy, and last up to 25 times longer, than regular lighting. |
 MCDOT Completes King-13th Street Garage (Garage 16) PaintingMCDOT completed painting in Garage 16 (between King and 13th Street Garage) in Silver Spring on Wednesday, Oct. 25. On Monday, Sept. 18 crews began work on Levels G1 and G2 power washed walls and floors and applied two coats of paint and striping. |
 Metro Closing Four Red Line Stations in DecemberThere will be no Red Line service between Dupont Circle and Gallery Place between Monday, Dec.18 and Saturday, Dec.30. The Farragut North and Metro Center upper-level stations will be closed. The service suspension and closures will enable Metro to make critical safety repairs. There will be other Red Line service disruptions between Friday, Dec. 22, and Sunday, Dec. 24: - No Red Line service between Dupont Circle and Union Station.
- Judiciary Square station will be closed.
- No Red Line service at Gallery Place, and the Gallery Place entrance at Ninth & G Streets NW will be closed.
Free shuttle service will be available. See additional details in the press release. Metro Reminds Customers of This Weekend’s Work Affecting Red, Blue, Silver, and Green LinesMetro is reminding customers to plan ahead if traveling on the Red, Blue, Silver, and Green metrorail lines this weekend due to planned track and construction work. On the Red Line, trains will be single-tracking between Medical Center and Grosvenor while crews perform rail renewal and joint elimination to provide customers with a smoother ride. Trains will run every 10 minutes between Friendship Heights and Glenmont, and every 20 minutes between Friendship Heights and Shady Grove. Learn more here. |
 A Transformative Flash Bus Rapid Transit Plan in Montgomery CountyNationally, there is a movement towards upgraded bus systems that focus on faster, more convenient, and reliable bus services, known as Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) systems. BRTs are known to have limited-stop bus service implemented along set routes in metropolitan areas across the US and worldwide. Flash is a planned bus rapid transit network with more than 100 stops along nine routes that will offer high frequency service designed to get people to their destination faster, and less expensively, than by car. Flash is different from typical bus service in that it is designed to arrive every few minutes and has upgraded amenities. Flash also offers amenities such as level boarding, easy-to-use bike racks on board, and free Wi-Fi and USB charging. The vehicles stop at each of the state-of-the-art stations so there is no need to pull a chord. These projects also bring infrastructure upgrades such as sidewalks and modern bus shelters. Public transportation plays an important role in the daily lives of Montgomery County residents and visitors, providing access to work, schools, shopping, daily activities, and more. Public transportation projects are also known to boost the local economy, lessen traffic congestion and provide sustainable, hassle-free transportation. Learn more at |
 “Ride On Reimagined” will bring Montgomery County’s Buses Into the 21st Century — If It’s FundedOver the last 50 years, Montgomery County’s Ride On bus system has turned itself into the region’s second busiest bus network, only behind Metrobus in terms of ridership. Prior to the pandemic, Ride On carried 68,000 people over 81 routes every day, about 18% of regional bus ridership; currently, ridership is at 60,000 daily according to the Montgomery County Department of Transportation (MCDOT). And while Ride On has grown dramatically over the past half-century, much of its routing has remained untouched. But that is about to change. MCDOT is doing a full-scale reimagining of Ride On. Community outreach has revealed a need for more frequent and reliable service, better cross-county connections, and more flexible service. Below, we outline what those changes could be and how they may impact your ride. Read the Greater Greater Washington article here. |
 | | Your Next Car Could Be an E-Bike“A few years ago, e-bikes were a novelty product. But now, over 50 shops in the DMV area are selling e-bikes,” said Gregory Maassen, the founder of E-Bike Lovers. Read the WTOP article here |
 | | When it Comes to Vehicle Travel, Less is MoreMotor vehicle travel provides many benefits, but also imposes large costs on users and communities. With better planning people can drive less, rely more on non-auto modes, enjoy more access, and be better off overall as a result. Read the Planetizen article here. |
 | | Baltimore Banner: Could the (Baltimore) Red Line Really Become Just a Rapid Bus? It’s Not That SimpleThough Light Rail was selected (in Baltimore) over Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) in the last Record of Decision that Hogan ultimately eliminated, BRT is back on the table again. Read the Baltimore Banner article here. |
 EV Tax Credit Will Be Simpler in 2024 With an Instant Rebate at DealershipThat $7,500 tax credit for electric vehicles is getting a makeover: Starting in January, buyers can apply for the credit upfront at the dealership instead of getting the money back when they file their tax returns with the IRS. Read the Marketplace article here. |
For more information on MCDOT programs and services, visit and subscribe to receive the latest MCDOT news to your mobile phone or email inbox. Go Montgomery is distributed by Montgomery County Government Department of Transportation. |
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