Montgomery County's annual
commuter survey has been sent to selected employers. Employer participation is
vital, because the information collected from employees through the survey
helps the County and other jurisdictions in the region plan for future
transportation projects - and that affects commuters and employers alike.
Participating employers benefit
by receiving an analysis of the data collected from their own employees. The
information can provide insights into how particular commute options can be
tailored to benefit their workforce.
Employees who complete the survey
are eligible for prizes. Survey answers are completely confidential (names and
phone numbers are used only for prize drawings), so employees can respond
candidly and thoroughly. Survey questions focus on employees' commute hours and
distance, travel modes, vehicle occupancy, parking, access to various types of
assistance, and the likely impact of services and programs on their
transportation choices.
Montgomery County Commuter
Services works with employers to develop alternative commute programs and services
that are mutually beneficial to employers and their employees. More information
about Montgomery County Commuter Services is available online.