Thursday, November 29, 2012

Eyes Campaign and Shop With a Cop Promote Safety for Pedestrians, Drivers and Shoppers

The County has launched two public education campaigns to improve public safety that encourage residents to look out for each other during the busy holiday shopping season.  A new Montgomery County Department of Transportation (MCDOT) pedestrian safety campaign features bus posters showing the eyes of two County students and the slogan, “Hey You, I’m Looking at You.”  The campaign focuses on the most important factors in reducing crashes: visibility of pedestrians and vigilance by drivers.  County Police also announced their “Shop with a Cop” campaign.  Police officers will patrol retail areas to provide extra security and remind shoppers to drive and walk safe -- especially in parking lots.

The “Eyes” campaign was developed by a group of Blair High School students and involved a contest conducted among students to have their eyes featured in the campaign materials.  The winning eyes remind pedestrians to establish eye contact with drivers, be visible and look both ways before crossing the street.  They also prompt drivers to look out for pedestrians.  

For more details about the programs and a list of pedestrian, driver and shopper safety tips, see the press release. For more information about pedestrian safety, go to the County’s website.