Montgomery County Will Celebrate April as ‘Earth Month’ With Environmentally Friendly Activities and Calls to ActionMontgomery County will celebrate April as “Earth Month” with special events promoting sustainability, conservation and eco-friendliness. Highlights include the two-day GreenFest event in Wheaton at Brookside Gardens and Marian Fryer Plaza, social media campaigns and park clean-ups. The international theme for Earth Month and Earth Day—April 22—is “Invest in Our Planet.” The theme focuses on engaging governments, institutions, businesses and people to complete actions to take care of the planet. There is no better time to try out environmentally friendly forms of public transportation. Visit the MCDOT website for bus schedules and trip planning information that will save you time and money and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Residents can also join MCDOT's Adopt A Road program to help keep roadways litter-free. To learn more and to volunteer, visit montgomerycountymd.gov/adoptaroad. Additional planet-friendly actions are listed here  THIS WEEKEND:Join Us at ‘GreenFest in the Garden’ Event on Saturday, April 22 and ‘Greenfest in the City’ Event on Sunday, April 23Montgomery County’s eighth annual GreenFest is taking place in two locations this weekend. The events are a part of the County’s celebration of April as “Earth Month,” and will feature more than 60 vendors at each location representing green businesses, county government departments and environmental nonprofits. Attendees can shop for environmentally friendly arts and crafts and take part in educational activities for children and adults. GreenFest in the Gardens on Saturday, April 22 will run between 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. at Brookside Gardens, 1800 Glenallan Ave. in Wheaton and will focus on practical ways to protect and preserve the natural environment. GreenFest in the City on Sunday, April 23 will run between noon - 4 p.m. at Marian Fryer Town Plaza, 2425 Reedie Dr. in Wheaton. Attendees will get tips and resources to learn how they can “green” their homes and daily commutes. For more information visit montgomerycountygreenfest.org and follow #MCGreenFest on social media. Be sure to stop by MCDOT’s table at both events to learn about the department's green initiatives, meet staff and learn how MCDOT is connecting communities. |
 MCDOT Celebrates ‘Public Works Week’ With Truck Day Event on Sunday, May 20Public Works Week celebrates essential workers nationally in May. In recognition of the MCDOTs' Highway Services employees, the department is running a social media campaign highlighting their highway Services workers. MCDOT will kick off the campaign with a free, family-friendly Truck Day event that allows community members to touch, climb and explore the many first-response, construction and maintenance vehicles that make the county run. Truck Day will be held on Saturday, May 20 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the MCDOT Gaithersburg Depot, 17000 Crabbs Branch Way in Gaithersburg. |
 Montgomery County Marks ‘Maryland Flood Awareness Month’ by Completing Installation of 35 Sensors to Mitigate Flood Damage and Enhance Emergency ResponseThe real-time flood sensors are located in flood-prone areas which will enhance County's efforts regarding emergency responses to flooding and mitigate flood damage. These sensors will alert MCDOT’S storm operation center and the County's emergency response team when the water levels rise above the set thresholds, allowing them to respond quickly to flood events and alert the public. For more information on the flood sensors and for preparing for heavy rain and potential flooding in the County, visit montgomerycountymd.gov/flooding. Residents can sign up to receive these emergency communications through Alert Montgomery here. |
 Free Lyft Rides on Cinco de Mayo to Prevent Drunk Driving on Friday, May 5Preparing to combat that time of year when, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, over a third (33.9%) of U.S. traffic deaths involve drunk drivers, the Washington Regional Alcohol Program (WRAP) announced that free safe rides will be offered throughout the Washington-Metropolitan area for Cinco de Mayo celebrations. WRAP’s SoberRide® program will be in operation beginning at 4 p.m. Friday, May 5 (Cinco de Mayo) and operate until 4 a.m. on Saturday, May 6 as a way to keep local roads safe from impaired drivers during this traditionally high-risk period. To learn about other year-round safe ride options, visit the County’s Vision Zero Safe Ride home page. MCDOT’s Ride On bus fare is just $1. There are currently 79 routes throughout the County that operate on weekdays from 4 a.m. until midnight. Check Ride On for current bus route schedules and other information. |
 MCDOT to Sponsor Seven Pit Stops During Washington Region’s Annual ‘Bike to Work Day’ Event on Friday, May 19Bike to Work Day is held annually across the nation on the third Friday of May to celebrate bicycling as a fun, healthy and climate-friendly way to get to work. MCDOT will sponsor seven pit stops with refreshments, music and local vendor displays throughout the morning of Friday, May 19. There will be free raffle prizes and a grand prize raffle of a new bike at each MCDOT-sponsored pit stop. Residents biking to work, as well as leisure riders, are encouraged to participate. The MCDOT-sponsored pit stops will be at: - Downtown Bethesda at Woodmont and Bethesda Avenues, Bethesda. 6:30-9 a.m.
- Friendship Heights at the Shops at Wisconsin and Western Avenues, Chevy Chase. 6:30-9 a.m.
- North Bethesda at Pike and Rose, west of 935 Prose St. (next to Bark Social), North Bethesda. 6:30-8:30 a.m.
- Fallsgrove at Thomas Farm Community Center, 700 Falls Grove Dr., Rockville. 6:30-9 a.m.
- Rockville Town Square at Dawson’s Market, 225 N. Washington St., Rockville. 6:30-9 a.m.
- Silver Spring Downtown at Veterans Plaza, Ellsworth Dr. and Fenton St., Silver Spring. 6:30-9 a.m.
- Downtown Wheaton at Marian Fryer Town Plaza (co-sponsored with Montgomery Parks), 2424 Reedie Dr. (next to the Wheaton Metro), Wheaton. 7-9 a.m.
Pitstops operated by other organizations will be at: - Gaithersburg-Kentlands at the corner of Great Seneca Highway and Orchard Ridge Dr., Gaithersburg. 7-9 a.m.
- Gaithersburg Olde Towne Plaza (afternoon), 1 S. Summit Ave., Gaithersburg. 4-6 p.m.
- National Institutes of Health, Building 1, 1 Center Dr., Bethesda. 7-9:30 a.m.
- Rockville at Twinbrook, 5635 Fishers Ln., Rockville. 7-9 a.m.
- Downtown/Old Takoma, 7035 Carroll Ave., Takoma Park. 6:30-9 a.m.
- Sligo Creek Trail, at New Hampshire Ave., Takoma Park. 7-9:30 a.m.
For a full list of regional pitstops and to register, visit biketoworkmetrodc.org. All riders are encouraged to wear a helmet. |
 MCDOT to Hold Hybrid Public Meeting on the Good Hope Road Shared Use Path Extension Project in Silver Spring on Wednesday, April 26On Wednesday, April 26, starting at 7 p.m., MCDOT will hold a hybrid public meeting to discuss the latest progress of the Good Hope Road Shared Use Path Extension project in Silver Spring. The public will have an opportunity to attend in person or virtually to ask questions and provide comments. The project will provide a safe, low-stress connection for pedestrians and bicycles of all ages and abilities from neighborhood residences to a local park, nearby schools, places of worship and the Good Hope Neighborhood Recreation Center. The meeting will be held at Briggs Chaney Middle School, 1901 Rainbow Dr. in Silver Spring. Online registration is required to attend virtually. Learn more here. |
 MCDOT Held Virtual Public Meeting on Accessibility Guidelines MCDOT held a virtual public meeting on Thursday, April 13, to gather feedback from the disability community for the purpose of improving the accessibility of streets, sidewalks, crossings, and other public spaces in Montgomery County. The meeting shared feedback from a recent accessibility challenges survey, answered questions and gathered community input about their critical needs for accessing public transportation. Residents have until Friday, April 28 to provide feedback on accessibility challenges in regard to transportation by sending an email to the Project Manager Matt Johnson at matt.johnson@montgomerycountymd.gov. There will be future opportunities for community engagement and public feedback. |
 MCDOT Continues Adult Bike ClassesThe adult classes are open to residents 18 and over and include a learn to ride and a basic skills class led by experienced WABA instructors. Advance registration is required to participate. The class costs $10 for Montgomery County residents and is free for WABA or Capital Bikeshare For All members. Adult Learn to Ride classes will teach the basics of balancing, gliding and pedaling with the goal of riding by the end of the class and will be held on: - Sunday, April 30 (Spanish Class), 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Wheaton Ice Arena (back parking lot), 11717 Orebaugh Dr., Wheaton.
- Saturday, June 17, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. GEICO Chevy Chase Building, 5260 Western Ave., Chevy Chase.
Adult Basic Skills class participants will practice basic skills, like starting, and stopping, turning, weaving and gradual breaking and will be held on: - Saturday, May 6, 10 a.m.-12 p.m. Burtonsville Park & Ride Lot (behind Burtonsville Crossing Shopping Center), 15701 Columbia Pk., Burtonsville.
- Sunday, June 3, 10 a.m.-12 p.m. Wheaton Ice Arena (back parking), 11717 Orebaugh Dr., Wheaton. *Free scooter class to follow.
Each student will progress at their own pace. Bicycles and helmets will be provided at no charge for the Adult Learn to Ride class participants and can be rented from WABA, if needed, for the Basic Skills class participants. For more information and to register, visit MCDOT’s website at tinyurl.com/cycleclss or call 240-777-8380. |
 Middle School Online Art Contest Now Open as Part of the Vision Zero Youth Ambassador ProgramAs part of MCDOT’s Vision Zero Youth Ambassador program, MCDOT is excited to announce the first-ever online art contest for middle school students in grades 6-8. The contest will allow students to showcase their artistic skills while also educating others on the importance of traffic safety. Middle-school students from across Montgomery County are able to participate with no entry fee. All students who submit quality submissions will receive 2 Student Service Learning Hours, as well as the chance to win additional prizes for placing 1st, 2nd, or 3rd ($100, $50, $25 Amazon Gift Cards respectively.) Students can submit their artwork by 11:59 p.m. on Friday, May 5 online here. The winning artworks will be displayed on the Safe Routes to School website here. For questions, email srts@montgomerycountymd.gov. |
 MCDOT Celebrates National Arbor Day on Friday, April 29On Friday, April 28 the County will hold an Arbor Day Tree Planting at Veterans Park in Wheaton. National Arbor Day is celebrated on the last Friday in April. Much like Earth Day, it is a holiday that celebrates nature and encourages people to plant trees. Did You Know? MCDOT has eight certified arborists that manage about 500,000 trees in the County’s right of way and plant between 1600-1700 trees every year. Most of the trees are planted within neighborhoods, lining County roadways. Residents are encouraged to make requests for trees in the right of way by calling 311 (or 240-777-0311). The blackgum, or tupelo, is the official County tree. This Saturday, during GreenFest In the Gardens at Brookside Gardens, MCDOT arborists will be giving away FREE trees (Shagbark Hickory, Yellow Buckeye and Chinkapin Oak) and shrubs (Cranberrybush Vibernum and Buttonbush). Stop by MCDOT's table and speak with arborists who will be onsite to answer questions and provide guidance on the planting/caring of trees and shrubs. |
 MCDOT Continues Spring Cleaning of Montgomery County Public Parking Garages in Bethesda, Silver Spring and WheatonOn Monday, April 10, MCDOT began its semi-annual interior washdown to degrease and clean 21 County-owned parking garages in Bethesda, Silver Spring and Wheaton on nights and weekends through Saturday, June 3. Some garages will experience partial closures, including select entrance/exit areas and ramps. The full schedule of garage cleanings can be viewed here. MCDOT performs spring and fall washdowns to keep garages clean and help keep grease, oil and debris out of local waterways. Regular cleanings also prevent deterioration from prolonged exposure to salt, sand, oils, gas, dirt, pollen and leaves. |
 Montgomery County Kicks Off Spring Street Smart CampaignStreet Smart launched its spring pedestrian and bicyclist safety campaign on Thursday, April 13 to urge the community to take safety precautions to help reduce pedestrian and bicyclist injuries and deaths. Officials say last year, 141 people were killed walking or biking in the greater D.C. area -- 130 pedestrians and 11 bicyclists. This is a 37% increase compared to the year prior. Police across the region will support the campaign by stepping up enforcement of the safety laws that protect people walking and biking over the next month. Outreach staff from MWCOG and local MCDOT will be sharing safety messages including the Testimonial Wall that shares stories of families forever changed by traffic crashes. The County’s Vision Zero program has resources in place to eliminate serious and fatal collisions on County roads for vehicle occupants (drivers and passengers), pedestrians, and bicyclists by the end of 2030. View safety tips and learn more at bestreetsmart.net. View event photos here and watch the WJLA news segment here |
 The Street Smart’s “Lives Shatter on Impact" wall exhibit includes testimonials from those that have been impacted by a pedestrian or bicyclist crash. Maryland State Highway Administration (SHA) Paving Part of Capital Beltway in Maryland Beginning Sunday, April 23 The work will happen between 9 p.m. - 5 a.m. Sundays through Thursdays. SHA said the work should be completed by late spring, weather permitting. Drivers will encounter lane shifts and triple-lane closures. Read the WTOP article here. Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT) Kicks Off New Long-Range Transportation Plan - Your Input is Needed MDOT is kicking off the new Maryland Transportation Plan, Maryland’s long-range transportation plan, that will guide the state's vision, policies and investment priorities for the next 20 years. MDOT is in the early development stages and public input will help shape the state's plan. Take the short survey by Friday, May 5 online here. Metrorail Weekend Service for Saturday, April 22 and Sunday, April 23 Learn more here. Metro’s Board Approves $4.8B Budget, Simplifies Fares and Increases Frequency of Service; Redesign of Better Bus Network On Friday, April 14, Metro’s Board of Directors approved the $4.8 billion capital and operating budget for the fiscal year 2024. Learn more here. Metro Advances Final Phase of 7000-Series Return-to-Service Plan On Wednesday, April 12, Metro announced that they will be moving the final phase of its Return to Service Plan. Under the new plan details, the operations team will implement a 15-day manual measurement interval with a path to progress to a longer measurement period in the future.  Attention Frederick Commuters: Rail Work to Close Several Crossings in AprilRepair work by the railroad company CSX will temporarily close several railroad crossings in Frederick County. Repairs are expected to take five days each with good weather, and will include replacing existing tracks, ties and asphalt repairs. Learn more here. |
 It's Maryland Law to change lanes or slow down when approaching ANY stopped, standing, or parked vehicle displaying warning signals – including hazard warning lights, road flares, or other caution signals. Learn more here.  For more information on MCDOT programs and services, visit montgomerycountymd.gov/mcdot and subscribe to receive the latest MCDOT news to your mobile phone or email inbox. |