Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Become an Adopt a Road or Adopt a Spot Volunteer

Charles P. Johnson & Associations have been in the AAR program since 2012 adoping Powder Mill Road in Silver Spring
Join hundreds of volunteers who have adopted more than 300 road segments and spots by participating in the Montgomery County Department of Transportation’s (MCDOT) Adopt A Road (AAR) and Adopt A Spot (AAS) programs. Individuals, clubs, organizations and businesses help keep our neighborhoods attractive, clean, safe and litter-free by regularly removing accumulated trash alongside more than 1,100 lane miles of adopted roadways and at locations, such as parks, open spaces and right-of-ways. Not only do they enhance the appearance of our community, they also are improving our environment.

Roadside litter is a pollutant that can wash into storm drains that flow into watersheds. The trash that ends up in nearby creeks and streams can eventually be swept all the way to the Chesapeake Bay, degrading water quality and harming our fisheries and wildlife. AAR and AAS volunteers help safeguard our waterways and protect the water supply.

There are several benefits to becoming an AAR or AAS Volunteer:
  • MCDOT recognizes you by posting a sign with your name on it at the beginning and end of your adopted roadway segment or at your adopted spot.
  • We provide safety equipment and supplies, including reflective vests, heavy duty gloves, trash bags and trash pickup sticks.
  •  MCDOT recognizes those who collect the most trash every month through the Clean Sweeps Awards program.
  •  We publicize volunteer efforts through our monthly, AAR e-newsletter, on our website, through press releases and at special awards ceremonies.
Help make Montgomery County a greener and cleaner place to live. Learn more about AAR and AAS and fill out an application today.